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<br />The indebtedness secured by the Deed of Trust executed by I3UNTER A H CAMPSELL AND , j i��
<br />Trustee and Beneficiary, dated MARCH 5, 2009, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of
<br />NAT, County, NEBRASKA on MARCH 10, 2009 as Document No. 200901779, has been paid, and
<br />the Beneficiary has requested in writing that this Deed of Reconveyance be executed and delivered as
<br />confirmed by its endorsement below.
<br />In consideration of such payment and in accordance with the request of the Beneficiary, the Trustee
<br />reconveys to the person or persons entitled thereto all the right, title, interest and claim acquired by the
<br />Trustee pursuant to the Deed of Trust in the following:
<br />Part of the South Half of the Sautheaet Quart�r (S1/2SE7:/d), of Seciian Thirteen (13), Townstup
<br />Eleven (11) Nnrth, B.anga Nine (9) West of the 6fh P.M., Hall Caunty, Nebraska. more particularly
<br />described�as foIlows: Commencing at the South�vest corner of said Soa�h Half af the 5outheast Quartar
<br />(Sl/2SEI/4} of said Section Thirfeen (�3}, Township E' Ieven (11} North, Range 1�Tine (3} West af the 6th
<br />P.M., running thence Narfh, par.allel vvi.th the Wesf baundary Iine there4f, for a d3stance of 330 feet;
<br />running th.ence Eas�, parallel with the South bauadary Iine of said S1/2SE1/4 for.a distan.ce of IS9 feet,
<br />running thence South, parallel }vith the'West bnundary Iine of said Sl(2SEX/4 far a clistance af 330 feef,
<br />and zunning thance West upan aud along fihe southerl3� boundaty Tine of snid S112SE1/4, for a distance of
<br />159 feet to the pTace o� beginning,e�cegiing, however,� therefrom a certai.n traet canveyed to Jaha.nz�a
<br />Cramer by Deed reeorded znBaolc3, Page 44$ of the Deed Records ofHall,�punty, Nebraska. �
<br />Commonly known as 4106 E BISMARK RD, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68801
<br />Dated MAY 23 , 2011
<br />Trustee
<br />arcy M. R, Vice Pre dent o£ Finance
<br />State ofNebraska)
<br />)ss
<br />County of IIALL )
<br />The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 23RD day of �Y , 2011 �
<br />Equitable Banlc, Trustee by Darcy M. Ray, Vice President f Finance , on behalf of � as Trustee.
<br />� ��p�.y�eo�i�eb � C�11��
<br />�,1�N VpNDERG� Notary Public
<br />�
<br />The Beneficiary requests the Trustee to reconvey the real estate described above to the persori or persons entitled
<br />thereto.
<br />Beneficiary
<br />President
<br />