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<br /> candemnation or ahcr takinQ of uny purl of thc Propcny,or iix�conveywkn{n licu of'cwKlcmnAtion,orc hcreby wu4yned w�d
<br /> xholl be pAid ta l.endcr.
<br /> In the evenl of u to1a1 tuking nf Iho Pr��perty. Ihc proceeJv r+hall he u�ry►lied tn�he «umr +�ccuRJ by �MK Sceuri�y
<br /> In�trument,whclhcr ar not thcn duc, wilh uny�xce+r puid to Burrowcr. In ttk rvrnt ol'u prrtful luking of ihc Pr��►erty�n
<br /> which tha fair market vulue of�hc P�rupcny immcdiutcly t+cFore thc�aking ia cyuul ta ur grcu�cr�hon the am�un�of ihc sumR
<br /> ��'� � icecurcd by ihix 3ecurity lnxtrumcm immcdiutely lx�fi►re Ihe laking,unk�cx Born►wer and L.ender rnhenvir�ugrce io wriling.
<br /> �� the suma secured by�biY Sctiuri�y lntitrunxnl rhull t►c rcduc�d by thc u�nuunt uf the pr�xecds mul�iplicd by the falk�wing
<br /> , fraction: (u)the total umaunt uf�Ix.umx s►ccumd immediately befare the tuking,divided by(bl lhe fuir murket valuc of�he �
<br /> PropeAy fmmediatcly before thc Inking. Any bulunce�hall t�e paid�a BaROwer. In tlr_ event ui a purtial �uking of the
<br /> �� � Propeny in which the fair mnrket vAlue af the Pruperty immediptely beforc the tuking iti Icsx lhun thc umount af tha Kums
<br /> sccured immediately befom lhe taking, unle�!� Bonower and Lendcr othenvi�e ugme in wriling or unless upplica6le law
<br /> 7` ='`"'•' otherwise rovides,the raceeds shall be a I�ed to Ihe sum�secumd b thix Securit Inslniment whether or nat the xums are
<br /> �'4�`�"wr.T then due. P P pP� 9 Y
<br /> _.— �r'k;di�
<br /> �%�::��z��+�e If'the Property is ubandoned by Borrower,or iF,uf�er nutice by Lrnder to Borrawer thut the condemnor offe��o mnke
<br /> '��'�M�� an awwd or senlc u cluim for damuges,Bormwcr fAils�o respond�a l.ender within 30 duyz after�he dute thr noticc ix gfven.
<br /> - L.ender is authodzed ro collect und upply Ihe praceeds,a� its opilon.either to restomtion or rcpuir of the PropeAy ar to�be
<br /> �=���_'� suma secur�ed by lhis Security Inxtrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> ,�{���•• Unless Lender ond Borrower othenvise agrce iit wrfting. any application of pmceeds to principal shull nat extend or
<br /> � ti�. �c� postpone the due dnte oP tha munthly payments referred�o in paragrnpha 1 und 2 or chungc the umount of such paymems.
<br /> ���'"x,�` 1l. Borrower Not Released; Ibrbearance By I.ender Not A Waiver. Extension of the time far payment ar
<br /> �> Z.. ,
<br /> -_ -. ���-� -.�� - malificution of amoei•ration of the sums secured by thix Security Instrument grunted by Lender to uny successor in inter�est _
<br /> —'�`'�'';'�' "'� of Borrower shnll not open►te to relcasc the linbility of the originul Borrower or Borrowcrb succexsorx m interest.Lender
<br /> r;s � t�5,=.'` shall not be required to commence praceedings agninst s►ny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> �����' � otherwise modify amonization of the sums tiecured by this Securiry Instniment by reuson af uny demnnd made by the original
<br /> �: � . �. ' " Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbenrance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a
<br />_' ^ �.� • • �= a`;,�• weiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> � • ,� �; 12. SuccessanR and Asstgns Bound;Joint and Several Liability: Co-slgners. The covenuntx und agreements of this
<br /> �'�` '" 5`.,• • ' " - = Security Instrument shull bind und benefit the successors�nd ns4igns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the pravisions of • �
<br /> ' � :`��-r�. pnmgrnph 17. Borrowerk covenants And ugreemen�4 shall be joint und several. Any Borrower who ca-signti this Security
<br />= ;`������1�° ' Instrument but daes nat execute the Note: (a)is co-si�ning thig Security Inxtrument only to mortgage,grnnt and convey that
<br /> . , , ' fi'
<br /> " � � ��- °w,,;; • Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instn�ment: (b)is not personully obliguted to puy Ihe sum,
<br /> _ �„ secured by thih Security Instrun�nt;und(r)ugrccs that Lender nnd uny other Borrower may agree to extend,malify,forbeur w���:
<br /> ,��'�^� J' or make an accommodations with ne ord to the term� oP this Security Instrument or the Nae without that Borrower 4
<br /> �`�; �c...+ . �'�t_ Y � .—
<br /> _ ;<<, . = C81i&Ciif.
<br /> ,. � � 13. Loan Charges. If the loan secured by thiti Security Inslrument is subject ta u luw which sets muximum loan
<br /> - � churges,and thu�Inw ia finully interpreted so that the interest or olher loun churges collected or to 6e rnllected in connec�ion
<br /> '=`y��'' ` �''��' � .r with Ihe loun exceed the permitted limils,then: (u)uny such loan churge tihull be reduced by the umnunt necessary�o reduce
<br /> �' � the churge�o the permitted limit;und(b)uny sums ulreudy collec�ed from Borrower wh�ch exceeded permitted limits will be �
<br /> �� �� o refunded to Borrower. Lender muy choose to make thix refund by reducing the principal owed under Ihe Note or by making u
<br /> • direct pnyment to Borrower. If u refund reduces princip�l.�he reduction will be treated u.+u purtiul prepuyment withoul any
<br /> , prepayment churge under�he No�e.
<br /> . . ""`•�,":�:,_ 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided fbr in this Security Instrument shull be given by delivering it or by
<br /> � � mailing it by fint rlaxs muil unlesx upplicuble law requims use of another method.The natice sbAll be directed ro the Property
<br /> � ,.y`,.�.:�� - t'' 1 Address or uny othcr uddmsx Bnrrowcr derignutes by notire to l.endcr. Any notice to Lcnder shull be given by first class
<br /> �� 6'_"� Jei�e.j'� i
<br /> � � .,�h mail to Lender i adJress�tutcd hcrein or any other adJrcs,Lender Jesignutes by notice to Borrower. Any nutice provided for
<br /> , , in this Sccurity Imtrumcro shull lx dcemeJ ta huve heen given to Bortower or Lender when Fiven us provided in this
<br /> ;,, :••..: � • parugraph. _-
<br /> �• '' • ' 1$. Covernln�I.aw; SevernbUity. This Securiry Im�rumrnt shull ix: govcmed by f'ederul law and thc luw of�he �_
<br /> � - . .6' ----
<br /> . jurisdiction in which thc Propeny is I�xuted. In�hc cvent�hut uny provixion or clau�r of this Security Inxtrument or the Note �
<br /> • = �,-�����. .� conflicts with i�pplicuble law,wch conflict tihull not•rffect oth�r pn�visions of thix Securiry Imuument or Ihe Note which cun .
<br /> • ,'ti:,��:? � be�iven effect withaut the conFlicting pmvisian. To thi+end �he provisiom of this Securiry In+trument s�nd the Note ure '-��--
<br /> + -: �- declured to be severnblc.
<br /> ,�. �� ` 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr�hall hr givcn unc ronli�mirJ copy of the Noir und of this Security Instrument. _
<br /> l7. 7Fansfer ot the Praperty or a Beneticial Interest in Bnrrower. If ull or uny par�of�hr Propeny��r any interest in _ --
<br /> it is sold or trunsfcrned lcx if u bcnefirial intere�t in Bormwer i.scild�ir tr•rn,fcrrcJ und Born�wer is not a nnwrul personl
<br /> '!�,.,� -�.�x:�� , � without Lender�priur written conxent,Lrnder muy,a�it.�,piian.rryuirr immediutc paymcnt in full��f ull sum�.ecured by
<br /> . � this Security hi,trument. However,this option shull noi Ix cxeni+ed by Lender if cxrrci�e is prohibited by federnl law as ot �4i'
<br /> � 1he dute of Ihis Securiry Instrument. �
<br /> . . ' If Lender excrcises this aption,Lender shall givr Borri�wcr notice��f urrrlrrution. Thr no�icc tihall provide n perind of -�
<br /> ..;�"�` , � not les+than 30 Jay.l'rimi thc dute Ihr n�nicc i�dclivrreJ or maileJ wiihin��•hirh Hi�rruwer mu��puy all xum�ticcured by Ihis F'`_�'
<br /> ' _„ Security Imtrument. If Bormwer fuil+ lo puy thc.r .um� pr��x to thr expirauun uf'thi� �xriod. Lender may invoke any ��
<br /> • remedicti�xrtnit�ed hy Ihi�Sccurity Im�rumcnt aith�wt 1'unhcr n�nicr or demund un Bunowrr. �
<br /> . 18. Bnrrower's RiKht to Reinstute. If Burn►wcr n�r�ts c�nuin rix�dition.. Burc��wrr .hull huvc thr riFh1 lo have
<br /> `�' � ' enforcement of this Securiry Instrumenl Ji�rontinucd al any iime priur�o ihe earlier��t: lal 5 da)•�li�r surh uthrr periocl u+
<br /> .�_... .
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