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<br /> -- applicnbb 1aw may cpecify for rcinst�temenq before sale of the Pmpeny pursuant tn any power of sale contain in this
<br /> 3ecurlty Irtstrument;or(b)enuy of a judgment rnforcing thia Sccurily Insqument. Those condiNons ue that Borrower: (A)
<br /> — -- __ paye Lender �II swne which then would be due un�ia thjs Securlty instrument and the Note as if no acceleration hed
<br /> - occurad:(b)cures any default of any other covenwu�or agreements;(c)pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Secudty
<br /> _'`" Insdvmcrnt. including,but not limited to.rcasonnble anameys'fees;und (d) u+kes such action ax Lender may rrasunably
<br /> -_ -- _ requiro to�rturo that the lien of thie Secudty Inotrument,Lenderh rlghts in the Property and Borrower's obliged�n to pay�ha
<br /> _.,
<br /> •'� - sums socured by this Securiry Inauument sh411 conlfnuo unchAnged. Upon reinatatement by Bonower, this 3ecu ty
<br /> �� - In9qvment and the obligations secured hercby shull nemein fully effeaive as if no wca;lcration had occurred Howtver.thi+ .
<br />, '�'� �i�ht w reinsutce shall not apply in the cese of acceleration undcr puugraph 17.
<br /> - 19. S�le of Nok; Cluia�e ot La�n Servker. 'llie Noie or a puiial interest in the Note(together with thia Secudty
<br /> �• --m-�— Insqument)may be sold one or more times without pdor naice to Barrower. A gule may result in a change in the en�i�y
<br /> -- � (known as the"Loan Servlcer")that collects monthly paymenta due undcr the Note aad this Security lnswment. There nlso
<br /> �.���ry� may be one or more changea of the L.oan Servlccr unrelated to u sale of the Note, lf there is a change of the Loan 5ervicer,
<br /> Bomnwer will be given written notfce of the chenge in accordence with paragreph 14 a6ove und applicable law. The notice
<br /> i �`"'-`_���-�-�"� will state the name and address of Ihe new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be mttde. 17te notice will -
<br /> .:_:,z�sme. Also contain any other Informatlon required by applicabte law.
<br /> a,.�,,;:��:-;�� 20. Hazardoue Substnneea Hotrower shall not cause or permit the p►esence,use,dispoasl, starage,or release of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall nat do, nor allow anyonc clse to do,anything affecting the
<br /> ��I�' Property that ls in vtolat�on of any Envlronmentai Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to thc presence,use,or
<br /> �' storage on the Property of amall quAntiGes of Huzardoua Substances thet are generally recagoized to be appropdate to nornial
<br /> — � recidential uses and to malntenance of the Praperty.
<br /> " ' Barrower sha!!promptly give i.endet wrinen notice of any invesligat�on.claim,demand.lewsuit ar other action by any
<br />���`���,,,;,,,�:� govenunental or regulatory pgency or private party invotving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Bnvironmentel
<br />-----�-•-ia°'�'"�' L.aw of which Horrower has actual knowledge. If Borcower leams. or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory
<br />- � a� ���' " ' authodty,that any removal or other remedietion of ar�y Hazardous Subatance affecting the Property is aecessary,Borrower
<br /> -'"'���?�U.;�.;;._�,::..." �� ahell prompdy tuke all necessary remedial actions in accordance wlth Environmentul Lnw.
<br /> ,.��� . As used in tMis puragrapFi 20,"Hazardous Substances"are those substances defined as toxk or hazardous substunces by
<br /> -�—_;�.�„_,�� ' Environmental L.aw and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene.olher fli►mmable or toxic pcuoleum praducts, toaic ___
<br /> -� ,.,,�„{,.�,, .,�„ , pesticides and herbicides, volatile solvents,materialx comaining asbestos or formaldehyde, and radiaac�ive mnteriols. As
<br /> �:.�Y,;��:��,:.�^:•^ used in this parngraph 20,"Environmental l.aw"means federal Inws and luws of tha judsdiction where the Propeny is located
<br /> �� :, � that mlate to health.sofety or envlronmemal protecifon.
<br /> — .�;�.°�'�u���'��� `� NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrowcr and I.endcr funhercovenunt und oRrce ur�follows:
<br /> �'`' 21. AccelerANon;Remedfe�. I.ender siwll give notke to Borrower prior to accelerAtion following Rorrower's
<br /> — w•'..:;.;.,
<br /> �' '_ brer+ch ot any covenwnt or aQnement In IhIA Security Instrument lbut not prior to t�ccelerallon under par�Rraph t7
<br /> , •� �°--..•_-• ''''s:.acs:rr:.�:s!!:pccify: !a?!!���lsta�lt;!h)t!u ssrtlon�equired tu cure the
<br /> _ na'nxa�ppiia�i.ie i:i;�riv�wF+:w..c�...ac�. ..
<br /> `�"��'��'— default;(c)A dAte,not les.s than:i0 days from the dote!he notice Is glven lo Uorrower.by whkh tMe default must be
<br /> -- d ..
<br /> _ ` ';,4;,,,,�•;ti;,,,�,;^ cured;And(d)that fallure to cure the defoult on or beiore the date speclfied in the noUce may result In uccelerat on o
<br /> — the sum9 secured by this Security Instrument and �nle oi the Property. The notice shall further inform Borrower of
<br /> _= ~`,,;} Ihe right tu reinstate ailer Acceleratlon and the rlgMt to bring a court uction to Assert the non-existence of a default ur
<br /> - '�a�,�;,;,,,:.��- Any other detense of Borrower to�cceleration and sole. li'the dePault is not cured on or betore the date specit�ed in �
<br /> •. � the�ot[ce,l.ender at its option ma y re quire Imniediote payment in full of nll sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> wlthout Purther demand and muy invoke Ihe power of sale a�d any other remedies permitted by appllcable IAw
<br /> ���t � � `� Lender shall be entitled to collect �II expenses incurred in pursuing the remedles provided in /his paragmpM 21.
<br /> ��:,.�.
<br /> :•'� , . ,. . including,but�ot limited to�reasonAble�ttomeys'�eea And costs of title evidence.
<br /> uaM..... .�"i+
<br /> :.,,w,;,;,.... ��. _,�y,. If the power of sale ts inv o ke d,7 1 rustee s ha l l recor d a no t ice o t de fa u l t I n e a c h c o u n t y i n w h k b A n y p a M o f t h e
<br /> _� � -•,�,�y;,,, . ,r,4 Property is located And shall mail copies of sucf�notice in lhe manner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> � y; _., ;,, .. the other persons prescribed by appUcable law ARer the time required by appltcable law, 7lrustee shall glve public
<br /> '"�� . notice of sale to the persons and in thc manner prescribed by applicable law 7lrustee,wilhout demand on Borrower, __
<br /> �-L- '�t��'11 sball seU tAe Property at public Auctlon to the hlghest bldder at t6e time And place and under the terms deslgnAted in
<br /> � �. , �.:,. '.
<br /> ` .. the notke oP sale in one or more parcels And in 9ny arder 7lrustee determincs. 'Ilrustee may postpone ss�le oP ell or any �';'
<br /> - � parcel oP the Praperty by publlc announcement at the time and place oP any previously scheduled sale. Lender or its _
<br /> <e.� � ' ;:, desigqee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br />- ;�„ ,: . Upon receipt of payment of the prlce bid,'Ibustee shall deliver to the purchuser 7�ustee's deed conveying Ihe �.:
<br />: �� ,�.K.:,:_ , , •.,:`,':.. Property. The recitals in the 7Yustee's deed shall be prima fACie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. '
<br /> " 'f' '11�ustee shAll apply the prceeeds of Ihe sale in tbe folbwMQ order: (a)to all costs and expeases oi'exercising the power ���'
<br /> - �;;..�r.:�•:„,,
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