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<br /> 1�.�utk�aw..�ny �wNi.•� tu Iiurr��wcr pr.s�kle.i Ii►r m thi�S,.3urity tn�tru��khu.lull be gi►r��hy Jali►�cring it�u
<br /> b}• nudinF it h�finJ cl:ux nuil unlcss:�licablc law r.�yuirc.u.�uf:uu►tlkr nkttwwl. Thc notic.stwll t�..di�rc�•cl to
<br /> ttk P�o�rt}• ,'1�tdr�ss cir;ui} wtur aJdrr.,6ur�.�w�r��isnaies by iticilir:ta IAixlir. Any suuiL�to Letuies'shall be
<br /> y!i�•ct�by first rl� nuil ta l.e�xter'+a�klm�c aute,l lu�r.in�u any:�lcim�.� l.rixkr desiFnatrc by n�►ticc ta B��rruw�er.
<br /> Auy �xuire pro��id�l Wr in thi�Sccurity t�utnu�k�u ahull be�:enx�l tu h•r�r boc�i gi�en w Bw-ruwer�u l.ender vuheii
<br /> gi��eu�+prw iJ�d i��thi.r para�raph.
<br /> !S. Gu�ernlnR l.�w: Se�•er�Wlily. Thi�Sccuriry iaurumcnt slwll tx: goveriwd by Fedcr.►1 law a�xf thc law of
<br /> thc jurisdic�kui in v►•hich thc Pruperty is lucatc.�cl. in thc eeent thst any pra��ision or clat�se of thix Saurity I�turu�netu
<br /> or the Naie cv�nflietx with applieahle l�w, sueh ca�tlict shall not aFfect oiher pravisioru of this Stturity Instrumeru cu
<br /> the IVcxe uhich can bc �i�•en effect withaut the ca+ifli+xing provision. Ta this e�xl dx: provisions of this Secwity
<br /> tiuuume�t and the IV�xe;ue�lared w be sevP,rable.
<br /> 15. Bosr�wsr'� Copy. Bortvues st�l1 he giveai one confornaeci copy oi' the Note :ux1 oi' this Security
<br /> Instrutneru.
<br /> 16. Hazardoa�s Subetancec. Bo�row•er st►all not cause or pertnit the presertice.use,dispo.cal,scorage,or relcase
<br /> of any Hazardaus 5ubatances on or in the Pr+operty.Borrower shall nat do.nar altaw anycu�e else to da, anything
<br /> af:octing the E'mperty that is in violation of�ny Enviraunent•r!f�:iw. The preceding two senterices shall not apply to
<br /> the prcseoce, use, or uora�e on ttk Property of sriull qeRU�tities of Hazardous Subst�nces that are geaerally
<br /> reoo�niud w be�ppropriace to nomial resida►tial uses and td i�Aa.intenance af the Property.
<br /> Born�wer shall promptly give I.�ndor written notice of au�inve.stig�tion,claim.demand.Iawsuit a�other xtion
<br /> by any go�•emmental or�rgulatory agency or private party in�at�ing the ProE+erty and any Hazardous Substance ar
<br /> Enviro�uneotal law of whicd Borrower has�ctua!l•nowkdg�. tP Sorrower trams,or is noti4ned by�ny govemmaual
<br /> or regulatory authority, that any removal or other mmadiation of any Hazardous Substanoes affecting the Property is
<br /> nea:ssuy.Burtow•er shall pnxnptly t�{ce�ll necess;Ly remed',:+1 xtions in xeonianet with Envimnn�ual law.
<br /> As usod in this paragraph 16. '}�latudous S�bst,vxes' are tiwse substances de6ned zs toxic or hazardous
<br /> substatxes by Em ironmentzl Law and the folbwing subst,vioes: g�soline, kerasene, uther il�nmable or toxic
<br /> petroleum p�uducts,toxic pesticides and habicid�,valatile solvents. materials containing asbestos or fom�aldehyde.
<br /> and r�dioactive mzterials. As usad in this paragr.�ph 16, 'Environmeutal l.�w' n�eans fodenl laws and laws of the
<br /> jurisdidioa whete the Proptny is locateci tlnt rclate W health.safety or envirooma�sal proeoction.
<br /> AION-i31V�IF'OR61 I.OVENANTS.Sorcower and I.endcr further wvenant and�gree u follcyvrs:
<br /> 17. As�gnmaot of itents.B�x'n�w�*unconditionally ass,iec��d[r�nsfers to l.ader a�i�the rcnts and reveiuxs
<br /> - :,::lsc.T':..�.�t�i. 'L^..-�•::t::ae.w^°.:�l....����'��,•^c� cn.v,�lwn rhe nw�snd.rr+eaues aod hr:rby directz .
<br /> ..---�------
<br /> exh tenanl of the Pro4xrty w pay che m�ts to Lender or I.ender's agenta. liuwever, pria' W 1.GUder's noti�:to
<br /> Bomower of Sorrowu's brexh of aay oova�at or agrameru in the Se�vrity Instrument.Borrower stwll oollec:t aad
<br /> nceive aIl rcnts and rcvenues of the Propnty as trustee for the ba�efit of L,ender�nd Liomower.This assignmcnt of
<br /> rents�w�titutes sn absolute assisnment and not an atsigtunent for addiaonal socurity only.
<br /> If�.�tder gives notice of brcach co Bortbwu:(a)all rents rooeived by Rorrower shall be held by Borrower as
<br /> uustte for benefit of I.ender oaly,W be applied to the sums sewred by tho Socurity Instrumer�t;(b)Lerder sh�ll be
<br /> entitkdi to oollect�ad reoeive all of tbe rents of the Pnoperty:and(c)eaeh tenai►t af the Property slhall pay all rwts
<br /> due ao�cmpaid w E,c^,::::.r:.u,uca'a:�rnt on Ixnder's written demand to the unant.
<br /> Barrowa has ttat exxutad any prior assignment of the raus and has aot aod wil!not perfflrnt any act th�t wail�i
<br /> prevuu Le�xk�ftom exetrising its rights wider this paragraph 17.
<br /> Lender sts�ll not be rcqaired to auer upon.take control of or m:iintain the Propeny before or afta giving notioe
<br /> of breach to Borrowu. 4iowevu, Lender or a judicialty appoir.ted reawer may do so at any time tlr.i+e is a b�r�f.
<br /> My application of rents s1w11 tat curt ar waive any default or invalidate any other right or remedy of Lende.r. '17�is
<br /> assignm�eat of rents of the Property shal! taminate wha�the debt secured by the Sxurity lnsuument is paid in full.
<br /> wo.eae
<br /> . ,
<br />