. .:,__. a .�-: ._ .- .� -r' Lr�lJ�,ftr: . ����� -'�--•- ., ;:�'."re""'°.: _ _ .._
<br /> M� 6�3:��' 1 - ""_. _�•'r' .�.
<br /> ._- -- �_.a.„ �'--• - ._.. s��.�. �J...-._-_ .
<br /> rArd�:v�F.4.:.i�� I --
<br /> :, i.r , .+..:.,r.-. . . .`
<br /> �� l . - � �1;�_f�� . � ., .-.
<br /> � '� . !__--- .
<br /> g�_ �oES� . �
<br /> " .�, �»-� .�;�. .- �� � 17.Trand�r M tlw Propert�l or �B�nNlalal Int�r�at In Borraw�r.n v«�ny p�t of u,. aop.hy«
<br /> .� r,� ir.��i"�.-.... .�...f . •
<br /> �ny Intw�t N N b sold a tnnsT�rt�d Ia q�b�n�AoW bt�mt In Baroww N wid a tran�iwnd and BoRaww le not�n�paal
<br /> �• ��:i?�;:�.�yy, P��on) wNhout Und�►'�qia wdtlm oonswd. L�ndw nMY�t N� opllon,nquk�Nnn�t�paym�nt In IuN M�N sumr aaund by `.
<br /> Ihl�8�owily MsQw��Fiow�vr►.Ihh opUon�h�M nal b���d by I.�ndw N �oa��M prohbN�d bY t�dK�l I�w a o1 th�
<br /> dd�of thM B�owNy Nntnrrnnt.
<br /> `� ° H Lmd�r�xwoiw Ihl�optbn, L�ndu shM qk� Bortow�r notia of�ca�Mnfbn. Th� eotic� �h�M provid� �p�rlod ol
<br /> . ° L - °`: not N�s than 30 d�ys kom Ih�d�t�th��oU�k d�W�nd a n�Wd wMhin whlch Bonowr must p�y �N wna a�au�d by
<br /> ,. �� ihl�B�owNy Instrwrwnl.N 8orrowK hY� to p�y ihN� wms pdo►to th� �xpk�tbn ol Ihl� p�rlod, L�ndo m�y fnrok� �rry —
<br /> k��+�!,,Y►.•:�, rM11�dl�a P��d b!►IhN S�wKMY In�tnim�nt wNhout Ai►Ih�r notia or d�nwid on Bortow�. --
<br /> '' 18.Borrow��'�Rlph! to RNn�t�t�.11 Borrow�r m�Mt cMt�h condlUom� Bortow�r�h�N hav� th� dphl to h�v� �
<br /> �� °' . :.. � �n1ae«mnt o1 thN S�aw�N Imhummt di�oontNu�d�t�ny Nm�piior to th� wWr of: (�)b daya(a wa1� oth�pwlod as
<br /> Nm
<br /> .,� , � '` .. 1 to �ny Po++�r of aM canWmd In thi�
<br /> r,�, „ ,. • �PWa�M I�w n�Y sP�aW lor nNst�t«nmt) bMon � ot Ih� ProP�Y P��
<br /> .v�:-_�. „ , s.o��xr �.a�,.nx a ro) •�,ar or.�a�.nt«�t«o�o u�.s.ownr w�.c�un«,�. n,o..oo�dwon..r.c�.�ewrow.r(•f ar
<br /> L�ndw aM wms whleh N�n woutd b�du�ur�thh S�aally InsWm�nt�nd th�Not� �s M na�ooN�atbn h�d ocaWnd; (b)
<br /> �� �;,i«�w.,• • "•' .�i auw �►y d�ull ot �ny othK cor�n�nt a�ynwnwrts; (e)WYi W ai�st� Inowr�d In �nlo►aln0 thl� S�curqy Imtrum�n�
<br /> r�-� -�•� inciudinp� bul not AmN�d to,nua�6N attomys'I�a� �Ild(�W(M WCA�CUWI�LNId/I fllty fM1011�/�QIIM�W �swn
<br /> � — .. 7� that th�Wn oi thb 3�xuiry Insdun�nl, L�ndu's tiphts N lh�Propwty md Baroww's obYp�Uon to p�y ih� wmt s�and
<br /> —�. ��. • by lhfs S�cwity Inadumwd�hd eontlnu�unah�np�d. Upon nMufat�mnt by Bortow�r, ihis S�wrNy In�trummt �nd th� �
<br /> � ��.�����" obp�Uom s�cund h�r�by �n�rwln 1uy MfatN��s q no acaNntlon had oaoun�d. How�vM�thb�ipht to ninwt�rhY
<br /> �` :. , •r� not�pply h th�caw ol�caNraqon und�r pvapr�ph 17.
<br />--__�� . . . 18. Sal� of Nol�: Chanp� of Loan S�rvlc�r.Th�Nou «a • p�rtW int�ntl in th� Nm� (top�lh�r with
<br /> -- . .. ir thb S�cwily Insfixn�nt)m�y b�wid on�a mon tlma wRhout pda no U a to Borrow�.A sol�mq nsua In a chanp� b ll►�
<br /> _�;� , '�.. ' �ndly(known u th� 'Lan Swvla►')that ooN�Ots monlhlY P�f�ta du� undR th�Not�and fhb S�owity InsdurtNn4 Th�n
<br /> = �ft_ .
<br /> - . • dso msy b�on� or mon c�w�pn al lhe Lam 8�via� utwal�Ud to � wle of the NoN.If Ih�ra N •ah�n� ot Ih� loan � .._
<br /> ' �. S�vic�►�Bortow�r wWl b�pN�n wrNhn notk� ol ih�ohmp� b�acorduie�wflh p�raOnWh 14�bow �nd appAo�ble I�w. Th�
<br /> � _ � ° .. ."�` notia wil staU th��and �ddre�s of ths n�rv Loan Swvic�ond th� addrMt to whlah P+Ymmb shoWd b�md�. Th�
<br /> notla vrY dso conWn�►y other Infomittion�equk�d by sPP�N Iaw. �- ,
<br />,. • ` ,i: 20.HasM'dou�8ubsla116q. BortowK sMN not cws�a p�mtt th�pra�nce u��� d�poWl� slowy�� w nirw of
<br /> . . • ;� �ny Hwrdous Subatanas on or in ths Propaty. Bortowsr�hd not do, na�Aow�nyon�ala�to do. �nylhinp �lhatinp th�
<br /> . Proparty ihat Is in vlol�don of any EnvironmenW Lan+. The precedinp Nro s�ntences shaM not appy to Ih� pns�no�. us�,
<br /> ,, or atoray� on ih� PrapKty of smtll quantqNs of H�z�rdous Substanea th�t w yanwMy n��d W b� �PV�ap�h to
<br /> nomwl raidential u�p�nd lo m�NU�mna�ol ths Propaty.
<br /> � 8ortowK�M�N P�'�P�Y�� Land�►writtan notics oi�ny hv�sGp�tbn. ddm, d�nd� I�wwk a othw actlon by�nr
<br /> .. , . . yovwnm�nt�l or npu4tory ap�ncy or pfir�te paity involvinp th�Properry�nd any Hwrdous Sub�hnc�a Envkonm�nW Law o1
<br /> which 8ortower has aclwl Imowladpa. B Borroww Iwns,a Is noHN�d by any yovwnmMdd ar roO�V�Y��Y• ��y
<br /> - . nmoral or oth�r►�Wtton oi�ny iiwrdous t�ubswnas aiia�asnp t'raPcrtY ts nxaserY. Borrower eheN�an�,tly t��tl °
<br /> " .. .� n�oawy ron�l aatlans In aecordmcs wilh Enrironmmtd law.
<br /> �yt*e: As ut�d In thfa parayraph 20� 'Hwrdoue Subat�noes' an those wbshneea deAn�d�s to�de or hazardous wbsqnea by
<br /> .:��4
<br /> . EnvironmenUl I�w and the IoMowlnq wbstancas: q�soNne, kero�ens, other Il�mnwbk or toxic P�� P���• ��
<br /> ; .�;' „ •� pattlddM�nd hefiloida, vol�tp�sohrmts,nwt�ls conWninp aab�slos or fomwldN�yda. and rodioaatNo mtlwW�. b us�d In --.
<br /> �y�� w�a�+�Pn 20,•EnvironmM►tal Law• me.ns t.a.wl�.ws.nd I�wa o1 tn•Jurbdiatlon wh.n uw F►openy la bo.t.a u�a r.iw w
<br /> . � hwMh. wl�'h�or�nvka�m�nW prot�cUon.
<br /> ' � ' NON•UNIFORM COVEtVANT3. Borrower�nd Lender furthK covwunt�nd aproa�e foNowa:
<br /> � � ,. �...w. 21.Accd�ration; Ronwdios. L.�nd�r shall giva ndic� to Borrow�r prlor to acc�nNon
<br /> �' tollowinp Bonow�r's br��ch of �ny covonant a �gr�mant In this S�curity Instrum�nt (but not �i_
<br /> �T.. ' prlor to acc�Mratlon und�r p�ra�raph 17 unlo�s applicablv I�vr provld�s dh�rwis�). 17w�otic� __
<br /> � • sh�ll sp�cHy: (a) th� d�fault; (b)th�actlon roquirai to curo th� d�fauR: (c) �dat�� not bw than _
<br /> � . , � � 30 day� trom tin dN� tha notics Is piv�n to Bor►ow�r, by which th� d�huk must b� cund: �nd =
<br /> • (d)that failu�� to cura tiw dshult on or bafor�tho dato �p�ciflod In th� ndic� rmy nsult in _
<br /> ° ocnl�ration of th� �ums aoourod by thls Socurfty Inshum�nt and ssla of th� PropKty.T'h�ndic� -
<br /> s�. � -
<br /> .�. . sh�ll fuRh�r IMorm Bor�ow�r of th� ri�M to ninstat�dh�accN�rdlon and th� �ipht to brinp a =---
<br /> court �ctlon to �ss�rt th� non-oxist�nc� of• dofauk or any oth�r d�f�ns� of Borraw�r to :-�.:�_
<br /> - � �ccol�ntton and wl�. If tha dofauk is not cund on or bsfor�ttw dat�sp�cifl�d in th�ndic�. �'`�
<br /> „ L�nd�r�t its optlon may roqulr� Immodi�ta paymant In full of �II sums sacur�d by this S�curity
<br /> " ' In�trum�nt without fu�th�r d�mand and m�y invok� tho pow�r of w�o and any oth�r ��ni�dhs �°' '
<br /> s,;, �.:;..
<br /> . p�rmftt�d by applkabl� law. Lend�r shall bo ontRlod to coll�ct dl oxp�nws incurnd In punulnp �
<br /> . �..� � th� ��modl�s provid�d In thls par�praph 21� includin�, but not Ilmitad to. r�ason�bl�a�torroys'
<br /> h�s and costs of titl�ovtd�nco. �'
<br /> If tho powor of �al�is invokod, Truatao �hall �acord a notica of dofaiult in aach county► in
<br /> � which any paut of th� Proparty Is locatod and shall mail coptos of �uch notica In ttw mannor , .
<br /> pnsc�ib�d by applic�bl�I�w to Borrow�r �nd to tho ottwr p�rsons pra�cribod by appllc�bl� law.
<br /> ` Aft�r ths tim� r�quind by applicabla law� Trustaa shall ptva public notic� of sal�to tho ponons
<br /> and in tho mannar pra�crtbod by appticabla law. Trustoo, wkhout damand on Borrower� shall sell
<br /> th�Prop�rt�l �t quWk auction to tho h{ghast biddor at th�timo and pltco and und�r th� torms
<br /> •� � dosipnstod in tha notico of sal� in ono or more parcols And in any ador Trustao dotarmina�.
<br /> Trud�� m�y postpona s�lo of all or�ny parcol of tha Proparty by pu611c announcom�nt d tP�o
<br /> � tim� �nd plac�of �ny praviouWy schodulod aalo. Landar or its dosiqn�a may purcha�tho
<br /> . proporty at any �Io.
<br /> Upon ncolpt of paymont of tha prica bid, Trust�o sh�ll daltver to tha purchas�r TruNao'�
<br /> -- . �- - -.._._ e� u.� r�...���. .1.�.1 el,�ll F�nrim� fac{o widonc� of
<br /> . �—. —==.-.- ,� O�W WI11/rylO9 l� rfV�riy. ��� ��.nww ... ...� .......��� �___ -.._-- -- �- -
<br /> .� � tiw tn�th of tho dtrt�moMa mado thenin. Trustoa shall apply th� proce�ds of tho wb in tha
<br /> ; following ord�r. (a)to all costs and oxpons�s of �z�rciciny tha powo► of s�lo. a�d tiw salo.
<br /> ' includin� th� paym�nt of tiN Trusta�'s foos �etudfy incurrod. not to oxeo�d chree
<br /> • ••�I 'K of th� principd amount of th�not� at
<br /> ' th� tim� of Uw doclarNlon of dohult, and ro�onablo attorn�y's h�s as p�rmittod by law; (b)
<br /> , � to dl sums qcund bp this S�curity Instrum�nt; and (c) sny oxc�ss to th� p�rson or
<br /> ' � p�rsons I�pally ontitlad to it.
<br /> . f73t8lMG(70911 caqo s of 5
<br /> �� �,1.? rL
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