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<br /> ..
<br /> . .
<br /> ,. . . .
<br /> '�':.
<br /> .�. s:- `_ . , "-- -
<br /> .�. ...
<br /> ...
<br /> - .. . . � �
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<br /> . :.. _ .. . .. :�--
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<br /> . �11� . - . . _... .1�.� ' ! _ `""'��-��'r
<br /> _ �� ; �_.�_.'�ri:LQ�4�ci7��74n).. .u�'^'+'ft ` �-��. .. �
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<br /> . . � `J'L-- gOf"si2'7' G
<br /> byr:.e�tx.��..' : . � TGt�EfF1ER VYI1N d tb�Mnp�ov�na now or h�R� wot�d on Iho propw�ty.md a��u«n�nt�,�PP���anaa��nd
<br /> . �,' . ' ..r'� 16cpuM IIOW or hMMR�r�p�rt Oi 1h�prOpNly.AI(lpl�0�rtla�ts�nd ad�Wlom slMM dso b�oovNd bY��Y Im4wIM�11.
<br /> 1,-;'•F,.-;�•� � �u a u�•wr.00r,o a naR.a w h u�s.a�xr a►.wm.n�■.m.•PropMty.'
<br /> BORROYVER COVENANT'8 th�t Barow�b MwMOy sNwd af th� �shb h�nby conv�y�d �nd hra lh�r�Oht to pnnt�nd
<br /> oonvey Ih�PropM1y�nd tluq th� Prop�ty M un�noumb�nd �xcoP1 ta moumbnnow ol r�oord. Bortow�r wamnt��nd
<br /> . ..�; £� wil ddmd p�n�raly tM ti1M to th�P►op�ty�q�in�t Y d�ms�nd drnMnda�wbJ�at W�ny�naumbranoM ul noord.
<br /> :-�..,;,:: . . , THI9 SEGURITY INBTRUMEHT oam6YiN w�lfonn oovw�nt� br n�tlonal uN and flon�wlNolnn aovMUnt� with
<br /> . • wnrt.d variWoas ey Jwbcfladon to con.tllub.unNam s.auMy Insau�n�nt cov.dnp nd prap.ny.
<br /> '���i�,,rt`,,,,, "' UNI�ORM COVENANTB. Bortowr and L�n�Mr cov�n4�nd�prw as IoAowr.
<br /> '���� . 1. Pqm�nt of P�inal�l ind fM�nd; Pnpaym�M �nd Lat� Cha��.Borrow.►.h.r n►�++aW v�y wh.n
<br /> • .' .. due th�prN�dp�l W�nd IM�t on th� d�bt �vWrnad bY ih� Not��nd�nY Pr�WY�t �nd I�t�afwp�s duo und�r ih� - �--
<br /> � �`. ..��•,:;,w:� �~ Nob.
<br /> ,. .' ,: 2. Funds tor Tiun�snd Imurana�.subpa to.ppNabt.�w or�o�w�itan w�N.�by L.nc�r. eorroww�h�p.y
<br /> ..,.14:�•^, � to L�ndu on th�d�y monthiy p�ymwnta w du�undK th�Nob, unW th� Not�u pdd In tW��wm('Funds")for. p)Y��'N
<br /> -- qx�s�nd usM�m�nu whbh m�y �In Wlaity ovK ihls S�writy InsUUmwit�s�Wn on th�PrcpwtY: @I Y�Y le�s�hotd
<br />_ :.—,�,�::Y;•:`. �'��� : payntmb or pound ants on th� Prop�ty,M+my; (o)Y�r1Y�d a ProP�Y Inwrana prNnfum�: (dl YNrIY tood Inwrano�
<br /> ., prMnNuro�N�ny; (�)YM�Y�9�N hswana�prwnium�,q�ny: �nd M any wms payabw by Bortoww to l�nd�r tn aaordu�a
<br /> � � .'�...
<br /> __.. _—•�.,,:� � �° wNh th�provisbns o1 p�r�qnph B, b iw o1 ih�payn�ent of mortp�9�insurmo�ptwniums. Thn� iiwns �n aN�d 'Esaow
<br /> �_ , tt«na.' LandK nu�y, �t ary tttm, eoM�ct�nd hotd Funds in an+unouM not to uccaed tho m�dmum amount�lender tor�
<br /> °� .�. � t reNt�d ma1p�Y� lan m�Y n4u(n fa Borrow�'s escrow�caount und�► th�t�d RMI Esub SdUemmt Procadura
<br /> ,_ti=�:�:..:� - .d�,N
<br /> � � Ad ot 1874�s�dd fiom tlm�to dm�,12 U.S.C.O 2801 d ap. ('RE3PA'), unlsss �nothw I�w th�t �ppYss to ths Fund:
<br /> -_.>_ " ' aels �kss�r�mam4 If so, Undar may,Rt �ny time, coped�nd haid Funds In �n amount not to exc�J th�lesser unounG
<br /> „__,.*:�. '. .. „ ,. ..��'"� Lendar m�y af4n�t�th� uiwunt of Funds due on the Wsis o1 cum�nt d�t��nd nuonabb aWrNip o1 ��ndquns o1 Mun
<br /> Eaarow ttems a oth�wls�In aceord�nae with�ppMwWs kw.
<br /> _� � N '� � Th�Funds sh�M b� hdd h�n IntUtuWn whos�depoNts�n Inaund by�federd�p�ncy�InsbumwitaNty,or�ntltY lM�dudinD
<br /> _—.
<br /> ,� . .�: L�ndr.q Landr is wch �n In�utlon)or N�ny F�d�ral Home Lan Bank. L�nda shal apply th�Funds to p�y th� E�ow
<br /> __.. _ ....... .
<br /> - - - , itrns.LsndK m�y�ot afwps BarowK ta hotding�nd applyinp th� Funds,�nnu�lly anay8np tha ascrow auoum, or v p -
<br /> ��'� th� Escrow ftmu, unNss I.�nd�r pays 8ortowrr Interost on lhe Funds �nd appAoabla I�w paimits Lender to m�ke wch •
<br /> -- �4.. � .,.' .n ch�rp�. Mowwer� Lmd�►m�y rpuke BarowK to pryr�onrtlirN chu��for�n Ind�p�nd�M nd�stah Ux npordnp awia
<br /> .. ° � uesd by Lend�► In c�nectlot► w�h lhla Iwn, unless �pYabte I�w p�ovides otherwits. Unlass an ayreemant la made or �
<br /> with
<br /> „'"-�,..� ' appNo�bl�I�w nquka intr�t to b�pald,I.�nder sh�M not W aquk�d to pay Borrowar�ny Int�nst or e�min�s on th�Funds.
<br /> �,- h .r".ri • .
<br /> r _ Borroww Nd l�ndw mey ayn�(n wdtlnp, howw�r, th�t Int�reat sh�q b� p�d on th�Funds. L�ndK �hal pivs to Borrow�r,
<br /> _:,, � � . '. whhout ohuq�, �n annwl axountlnp of th�Funds, showtnp aedits �nd deblls to ths Funds�nd the purpose ta wh�h e�ch _
<br /> n
<br /> ' d�b(t to ths Fund� w�s�rwdo. Ths Fundr u�plsd0ed�s ad�lioml a�cuAly ia d sums s�cund by th�3aeurfly Mstrum�nL
<br /> _��• • Il th�Funds b�ld by L�nd�►�xcwd tba unounta pwmltted to bs hMd by appYaW�ww. L�nder sh�N��t to Bortow�r _
<br /> � ^ for th��xcqs Funds in �coord�ncs wilh lhe roqukwnent�of�pplk�bt�4iw. If the�tnuunt of the Funds hsid by Lander�t any
<br /> -��^ .. �,% time Is not�ufAcNnt W pay th�Escrow ItMns when dus, Lendx nwy w notHy Borrow�►In wdtln�, �nd, in suah cas�Barower --
<br /> , .,, ..
<br /> .-.-• ' ah�p pay to L�ndar th� �mount naaes�ry to make up th�dMlcbncy. BortowK sh�ll m�k�up th� d�llcbncy(n no mon th�n
<br /> .'.�• ��:.. . • tw.k.monthy p�ymrnts..t I..ndv's.a.a�scndon. � _
<br /> . �.
<br /> _ - _ _ ---
<br /> -.- � WY�i � f�tt oi W wms r.awrsd by thts 3ss�xit�r irsatrume++t. Lwruier sh.if PrumPtiy �dw�J to Borowa�any
<br /> Funds h�d by LendK. If, und�r panqraph 21, L�nder ahdl acquke a sel ihs PropeAy, Lender,prior to th�aaqulsldon or saM
<br /> - ' b!r!• , 01 the Piroparty, ahaM�pphl�y Fund�hNd by L�ndK�t the tim�of aoquislUon o►sW as a cndit ap�inst th� wmt sacund
<br /> y4,t� •. � , by 1F1�6$�CUrity(11511UIIIMII. —`=
<br /> �•,�"' � 3.Applic�tlon of P1iym�nb.Unlesa�ppGcable Nw provid�s othawtas, �N paymente ncdved by�ander undr �-��< -
<br /> `- . . puapraphs 1 and 2�h�N ba�ppY�d: lint�to�nY Prepayment chuyee duo undw the Nota: second.to amaunts p�y�b�und� � -
<br />�'r �- , p�nynph 2;thkd, to Intersat dw; fourth,to pdncipal due;and laat,to�ny I�te cheryes due under the Note. __ -
<br /> " ' 4. Ch�►��s; U�fl�.8arower sh�A p�y dl fuces, aesasments, chu�es, flnes md fmposldons �ttributabb to th�
<br /> � proP�ryr whkh m�y�tt�ln prlairy ovx this 3�curfly Insbumwrt. �nd Is�sahold payments a yround ronts. R any. Bortoww _--
<br /> --' eh�p pay th�s�obpy�dona In tha m�nner provld�d in p�rn�aph 2. or fl not paid In th�t manner. Borrower shaY pay iham an
<br /> ^' • tlm�dkscdy to ihs puaon owed paymsnt. Bortower sh�p promptly fumlah to Lende►�II notices ot amounts to be pdd under
<br /> '°-. thla p�nyraPh. If Barowv mrka tha� paymw�ts dkM.Mly. Borrow�r shW P�P�N wmbh to L�nd� racalpts �vid�nclnp �����M�
<br /> �ti th�paymenta.
<br />'-i•,+ �: BorrowK shdl promptly diaaharpe �ny Uan which h�s pdorilyy over th(e 3aewity Inshument unless BarowK: (�) �pre�s _
<br /> J��• ^ ' In w�idnp to the payment W th�obNpadon aseured by th�Ilen In a mmn�r�ccoptable to Lende►: (b) eoM�tts In yood f�lth the �
<br /> i'?� Aen by,or defends�p�k�at enforcern�nt ot the Ilan In, Isyd procaedln0a which in the Lender's epinlon operate to prevent '
<br /> ��' ' " th��nlorc�ment oi th� Nen; a(a) s�curss fi'om tha hoWer ot tho Aen an ayreanent sadsl�ctary to Lander aubordinatinp the �•� '
<br /> -_ , y:, . Nen to thls Sscwity Inahument. II lender dNem�lnea that�ny peA of the Propdiy la aubject to a Ifen whieh m�y athin pbtiy -
<br /> . . . ovw this 3ecurity Inetrument, lend�r m�y qNe Borrower a noUa Identlfylnp th�Aan. Bortowa sh�N saUty th� Wn or fak� �•�-���
<br /> ' ' on�or mon of th��cdons aet 1aAh abore wRhin 10 d�ye of ths yNinp of no8es. '
<br /> ._,4i 5. Hazud or Prop�rty Insuranc�. Bortower ahdl keep the Nnprovenienta now axiatinp or hare�Rer erect�d on the '
<br /> Propaty insurod�ydnat loas by Rre,henMa Included wfthin ihe term 'octended coverape' and�ny othe►hmrds, Indudinp
<br /> _w,,..�. ,; . 1loods or floodlnp, fa whlch Lender requkes Insuranca. This Inaurancs ahdl be malntpined in the amounts�nd tor th�perioda
<br />- •,^. th�t L�nder requkes. The inaurance cartler providinq the Insurance aheq be choaen by Bortower aub�ecl to Lend�r'a�pprova
<br /> ` �° which sh�ll not bs unreoson�bty wrihheld. It 9orrower feHa to maNitein eowrags deacribed�bovo, LandK mry, �l land�'s :,
<br /> • a ��'' � , option,obWn cov�rap�to protact Lender's�lyhta In ihe Properly In accord�nce wflh puagraph 7.
<br /> - AA Inwance poYcies �nd renewds ahaY be acceptable to Lender �nd shall Inciude � st�ndard mony��e d�uae. landor
<br /> � ' � ahdl h�ve ihe�19ht to hold the polidea�nd renewals. If Lend�requlres. Borrower aheN prompUy yive to Lender�U receipts of
<br /> � pdd pnmlums �nd renewd noticea. In lhe event ot toaa, Borrower sh�q qNe prompt noUc�to the Insuru�ca urtier and �.
<br /> Lender.Lender m�y maka prool oi toss N not mede prompty by 8orrower.
<br /> �" Unlesa Lender�nd Borrower otherwise ayree In w�iting. Inaurance proceods ahaN be applled to reatoraUon a repak of �
<br /> the PropeMy darn�ged, H the restonUon or rep�ir is economlcslly feasibte ond Lender'a sacurity Is not leaaened. fl the
<br /> roatoratlon ar rcpak is not econnrnMnly lessible or Lendera seeuriry would be lesaened. ihe Insurance proceed� shail be
<br /> �ppWed to the suma aecured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then du�, wHh �ny excesa pNd to Bortow�r. If •
<br /> � Borrowa �b�ndons the Properry, or does not enawer wNhln 30 d�ys o noUce hom Lender th�t 1he Inaurance urtler h�s ,
<br /> ' otterod to setUe a ot�Nn, then Lender may collect ihe insunnce proceeds. Lender may use tha proceeds to repair or
<br /> � nstoro tha Prope�ty or to p�y suma aacurad by ihia 3acurity Inawmant, whethar or not then du�. Tha 30�d�y ps►iod wiU ;
<br /> �• b�yin when the notice ia yNen.
<br />' Y Untesa Under �nd Barow� otherwise agree in writing, my �ppNcatlon oi proceeds to prindpal ahall not oxtend or
<br /> �. postpone the due dNe of the monthly payments retert�d to in paragrePha 1 �nd 2 or change the amount o1 the
<br /> , p�yments. fl undar puagreph 21 the Property Is acqulred by Lender. BoROwer'a�ight to my insurance policles and proceeds
<br /> - � ��..���..�ti��..�.n� ..f�I.� �uma hv�hia Qwr.urilv
<br /> . �
<br /> .... ---
<br /> ' ' ---•...—. . - . . .. . --'_ •
<br /> resurtinq from a�mage to me rroP�Y Prror w �n� �cywaii�iri� i�m■ �:S ...�o....... ... ....._..._... _....' --...- -• - -
<br /> • " Instrum�nt knmediatdy pdor to the ecqulsfllon.
<br /> °� 8. Occup�ncy. Pres�rvation, M�int�nanc� and Protaction of tha Proporty; 8orrowor's Loan
<br /> AppllCatiotl; Lo�ssholds. Bortower ahdl occupy. esteblish, and uae ihe PropMy as Barow�i s princfpal residence
<br /> � I wHhin sixly d�ys alla the ucecuUon oi thla SewrNy InsUUme�t md shHl contlnue to occupy the Properry�a Bortower'a pr�Gp�t
<br /> ., ' residence for�t te�nt on�yev�fta the d�te ol oecupancy,unleas lender otherwlae ayrees In wdUnp, whkh conaent shdl not
<br /> be unre�sombly withhdd,a uMesa extenu�thy ckcumstances e�lst whlch ue beyond 8ortower'a conbol. Borrower shall not
<br /> � dastmy. d�m�ge a Yr�p�ir the Properry, aYow the Property to deterlorate. or cortrNt wsate on th�a Property. Bortower ahall be
<br /> I in de(wfl N �ny torlelture�cGon or proceedinp. whether civN or aiminal, Is beyun th�t in Lender'a qood hfth �udgment could
<br /> � rosuR in forlNturo ot tho Properly or otherwise mate�ialty ImpsU ihe Yen created by this Security Inabummt or �derb secwity
<br /> . j �,.�.,. �U...�c m
<br /> Ft716.1M0(70,91) Papu 7 of 5
<br /> .� ` � �
<br /> �� a?t17 lM
<br /> • � . _. . _—. . _ . . . ._ __-_ _—_ . . __. .
<br /> —
<br />