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<br /> �.�� . .�._. _ . � _ -_ -_
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<br /> 9. Impactiov:Cioda �1���r�a1 r auk�eNaou+�blo �otriN ►�pc�o�ad 4u�:.tloaa o!the Properry. Lmda chW �ir� �
<br /> � ' --
<br /> Bottowre notia at t!r tl�of or ptjor to ao�up�o��►+++�+��+uaa We th�ia�p�oa
<br /> � 10. Co�d�ostion.Tfsa procerds oi aay avvu�9 or cLt� fot dama�a�. d{nct or c+�nwqwatW. it� conaoctton witb aar _
<br /> -ea.�as�syo„z a•c3a t�L�o!�^�r part ot th�pro�qr.oe ror conwyaac�in Nw of oaad�moadoa.w h.reby a�i�d aad
<br /> �sU M pala to L�ndu. _
<br /> Ia tA��v�at of a coW takicy oi'c�PropKty.W�p�ocMd� �hatl be i�ptUd w t!w wms��c�xai�y thf�Sa.-urity Inu�vauin� _.
<br /> �..:,�:r c:n�:tAan esx,.rtm aap eztee.p.w to Doe,r�ow�e. !e w.w�ue et a p.:a.!talchy or m.ProQ«cy�a wWce We r.ir =
<br /> tnariut valw of We Propaty tm�aWy bdon tt�takin�L equa!to or�ewta'thaa tt�amount of tbs tuma ucvr�d by tbL -
<br /> S�puiry Intavm�ot ima�dLWy bdon tM takla=.ua1�Bottow�r�nd L�ad�r otl�rwsw apw in wri�.th�wms wcured
<br /> by thi�S�cuslqr Iau�ua�nt�baU b�nduced by tM amouat of tM pro��ds multipBd by tba foWwia�&actl�a:(�)the toW _
<br />_ amount of tM wms w.tired ImmadisWy baCoro the taklat.dividd bY(b)tta fatr rnarkn vatw of tM Property iauaedjamly
<br /> = beton tbe Wtitu.Aay balano��a1!b�paid w Borrow�r. In t1��veat df a paetLl Wci��ot'th�Propwty ia atilCh the falr
<br />-� m:.::s��2u.:ct'th.: Ptoperty immx�Ltdr b�'ote the tekt�is!�than th�amoun+t of d�w�nu Ncund i�auip bdoct tht �-
<br />-•� tsicia�,ualw Borcowr aad Leadae oth�c�rL��ia writi�or untw applicabt�law oth�rk�provWN.the proce�d�sbal! _
<br />_� be appli�d w We sum saaired by tLL Sea�rity luswa»aot wbeWet or not th�wms an t�o du�.
<br />:� If tM Proaety L ab�adaned by Baro�wr.or it.att�c aodo�by LmWer to Baro�rx that th�coad�maor offea to maice�n -
<br /> awaM or wtW�alaia�fa damasa.Borrow�er faiL w nspond w Laodr witbin 30 daYs�Rer�date che aotiro u�wa.
<br /> Lendee is nuWorized w oollect�ad apply tAe prcoeeda.at its opdoc.�ith�r w restorarloa as repair of the Property or w the
<br />-� wms Wcured by thi�Security r�•,•,��=:.whetLes or aot then dw.
<br /> - Uaku Laoder aad Borrowr otMrwW a:ra ia writit�.mY�PP���of proce�da w priocipal ahal!not azt�!ac paaepone
<br />_� We dae d�ts of the montWY MSim�nt+rd�rted to ia par�tapLi 1 aad 2 or chan=�th�amount of'wch MY��
<br /> 11.Bornowei Not jtdeasd;Forbaraooe By Ireader NoQ a Waiter.Eztauioo oP t�ttme foc paymeat or modi9cadon
<br /> c�acnordzatlon of the sums�ecured by t1�L S�curity Intwmeat�aated by I.end�r W aay sucocuor in intaract of 8om��a�er
<br />_� r��t1 ac+t op�ratr to r�ieas�tbe liabili�y of the ori,�taa1 Boa�owar or Barowa's u�ooason ia iaterast Leodrr-�ha11 not be
<br /> = re�uirod ta oomme�a procadiap a;�iCUt aay suocaaor in lntarat oe r�lhs�w e=taad twae for paymmt or oth�wL�modify
<br /> - amordrstioo of tbe wmoa �ea�red by th�s Sea�ity Iaserumeat by se�wn of any demamc9 made by the ai�asl Borrow�ee or
<br /> ; �artow�c'��troo�on ia ioewwt AnJ faeb�araua by Lmclr ia e�a� +4Y e�bt or ram�dy�Lav not b�a waiwc of or
<br /> pc�eit�dr tb�a�a+da�of acy rl�t ac ram�dy. . .
<br />_-� ��'. S�ooe�oes asi Mi�at Bo� Jd�t ad Serea� I3abiih�'s �'.o'�ipe+s.� onveaants aad�r�te of th�
<br /> S�tsvlt� Isustvm�ot�bail tiod md bm�6t tLe�uoaraan and aui�o� d Leioder aod Ti�oe�nw�r.wbj�ct w tL�pro�ci�iun�of
<br />-- para� 17. 9«rowr+r s oowoann .na ayn.�m.nts s�6e�oiac aaa sewul. My Bo.:ow.r..eo oo�.i�o. me�s.cwity
<br />: . Iastrumaot but d�or aot siea�te the Not�(a)�t oo-�i�tLis Se�auity Iastrwaaot only w morejaie.�tmt aa0 oouary ttut
<br /> . sarow�'•im�nc in tb.Prop.rcy vaa.e the wm.or mi.s�auuy ta�vm�o�(b)L not wrwnaltS►oNi�ted to pag tb.sum.
<br /> . securrd by tbL S�ctu3ty lasormmea�aad(c)a,�na tbai I�ead�r aad my othv Borrower may a�ree to e=tmd.mo�'i�,farbar
<br /> �._ � t•' e�'�.s.... f� \I�ti.�t��..� K�►'�
<br /> , -Vr iY�� �T aW�a�utiaiw�as wiiit �i�tii iv i�s ii�Tui�r Lr�.sw�raay aar"�iii�w vw i�:r...i.....w.....�.�w....�...� . . ---
<br /> _ tCRMOL _
<br /> 13.I�Char�.If the loan�eaured by thu Security(aitrumeat i�tubject to a la��ich Hts msaanum loan char�a.aad
<br /> tt�rt faw is 6aa1ly iaterptetad so tLai the iaurat or other loaa cbataa cade�qed oe w be cdlectad im acmaecHon wifh the lo�n
<br />— a�cMd tL�permitted litaits,thea: (a)aay snc6 baa chatge shall t»reducxd�by tEse amauat naoes�sry w reduee tL�charge w
<br />— fi3s pamitted limit:aod(b)my sum�already ooll�cted hoia Borrow�r at�.icn rsaee�er3 gamitted li�iti wi11 be rell.�aded to
<br />.— Barower.La�may cl�oo��eo make tbis retuad by redu�3as We priocipai owwi L-�tLe Not�oe by maxiag�a diroct
<br /> paym�at to Borrowe. If a r�ad reduca priadpal, tbe reduqion will be treated as s Partt�l P►roW�rmaot si�o�t anY
<br /> �e'�P�ym�Ot c�ai�uadv t�Not�. • •
<br /> 14.Norice�.Au�aodoe w aorro.nr proviaea for ia tW seamty Iass�nr��oe�au b.�lvm by as�wic�it or by m�il�it
<br /> � ey&a c2a�.mai7 ualaa appl�crWe mw require.w.ot�anotbar mNhoa.7b.noda�haL'be al�a w me Prop�¢.f�adras
<br /> or anp ot�r addrat Boreos.x desi�atu by notk»to Le�d�.Aay notioe to i.mder�a11 b��wa 6y 5r�t claa mail W
<br /> [�oda's addrw stated henin oe aay oth�r addrw Leod�r dad�nates by aotloe w Bapevwee.Aay aotice pco�ided for ia tld�
<br /> • Saauig LutruaMns�all b�d�m�d co baw b�m pv�m w Barowar or I.md�r w�n pMm a�pcorid�d in dsis para�ra�.
<br />— 1S.GoKnie�Isw;S��aa6iitt�.'tbis Seautty Ia�trvmmt chaU b��ovan�d by fedaral law and t�e law of th�jurLQidloa
<br /> ia wtdeL tbe F'ropariy i�loeatd.ta the cvmt t�st aay provi�lon oe clause of tLL S�cura�ia�tr�ment or tbe Note oon�lcts wfth
<br /> � � '�bt�law.wcb 000tlict tha11 aot sR�d ot'h�e pcarialoes of mfa Sectait� 1a�tntm�os ae t!�Noos whkb pn bt$ia�n a�t
<br />_ �� �i P�'��ion.To tbia and the pro�i�ioo� of thii Sxurity Ia�,aot mt tL� Nob arn d�tared to b�
<br />— � �� .
<br />-- li.BarroRds Cap�.Borrowv�aU b�pven oa 000tamed oopy aL't�4e Nou sad oPt�Sua�rtt�L��m�ot
<br /> — 17.1iaader of tlie Pe�operty ar s Be�eBda!Ltereat i�Bon�awrr.If a�l a an�p�et of tb.Frop.etj oe my iooemt ia it
<br />_— is toid oe tradfaet+sd(as if a beoafieial inteta�t in Baero�er i�wi�d ae trao�6asrd aed Boe:ewe is not a aawral p�esmj witbont
<br />= b'�@ c�� � �
<br /> � ft�f��hf—RiYA1Ri1.Y0 UMIFORM WiTRU11E11T POiW a0� OY�(PaN�M�Paw) -
<br />-- MtMAfKA E+CJqL Rw�.ON�1t
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