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<br /> � DE�D O��R!!S��!!�! FUTUFIE/10V�NG�S
<br /> T/ItS OEED QF TI�UST.lf mAde!a oi th� 24t�_d9y O!(lsnhar ,19 �_�bY iuld Wno�
<br /> �1
<br /> d
<br /> tlw Trustor, � \c
<br /> whosertwlW�pa�dressi� •.' '"--� o*h c,�...,-Srand I���..�t' n�� �RR�t (h01L'ifl`Ti4S10Y�.wAa2i�ronecrmore)�
<br /> �1'�� ,,,�:.,a Pnintc Q�nk� A Nahraek� C`nr��*M�4�nn
<br /> whosem�iwp,�ddrassts�.Y,1• eAY" ��n�, cra� Island� N s s�;� �'t�inTn,m��,and
<br /> �g��y F,]ve Pointc Q�-��'
<br /> .
<br /> ������� �r.:� � BrQadwel! a1v��,,,Grand Island NE 68Sd3 (herein'Le+�?.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIOER/1TION,indudirp Lendar's extens�or�d crecit ideMifled herein to Rn�''art Q. Custin
<br /> anrl Lpalatricc V �ietin
<br /> (hereln'Botrnwer:wrt�eU�aw or more)ar�d the truct he�+eY�cr�eated ths receiM
<br /> of which i&�es�Y acknowbd�ed•Tructor hereby ittevocaWy►grenta,tteu�stus.oonvoys end assiyns W Trus�a. lN TRUST.WITH
<br /> POWEFi OF S!1l.E�far ths benefd and s�c�uiry ot L��cier�wxbr and subjsc�b fhe tertns and oonditlons hs��fhr sM forth.Ws rod
<br /> ptope�ry dwcrib�d as b�.�:
<br /> Lot Two (2), Btock One hundred thirty-six (136), Union Pacifi¢ 6tail�way's
<br /> Second Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> To�Mlwr wilh aN buiktinps.improvanents.fixt�tros.straets.aUeYs,Pass�pewaYs�easetne�ts.riD�.Prrv����
<br /> locatad tt��son or irt anywlt�DeR+W�inp thars�o.and tha ronts.isc��and pnofdc. tet►wsioris and nrt�s tha+sof��nd wch pst
<br /> aonal��opsrty thet is a�ched eo the improvems�ts so as to oo�te e tixturo.incNxiing.but not Iimioed eo.heatin9 end c�ooWtq e4uiP
<br /> �e,rld�etller wkh ths honfeataad W IisArital ir►tsrasffi.il aify.MR1iCA intAt6St9 8rv nw'e�Y�ebassO ano waivscx aw a wiiia`�.���ixi-
<br /> irg ropiaoem�Ks and addidons therob�is her'ebY declared to bo a part of ths roal�is secur�d bf►ttw lian of 1Ns Deod d T�ust and
<br /> aY a n�e eoreyotr�y be�n�relerrea eo Nerein as tne`Property'.
<br /> This Oeed W Tnui shaN secure(a)tlw paymeet af tha pririclpal sum and i�erest evidenced bY a prortdsscry r�e or cxod'R ap�re-
<br /> ��y� Qc eber 24, 1996 .haviny atna0uiry dete of d�n[��r 25�2006
<br /> in she ori�ir+at princtpal amount a S 5_337.76 and ony and au mo�tioos�wcoenswro and rene�wafs
<br /> tlwreof ot fhe�eto and any and eU fuWre advat�a�s and reaclvar�ces to Bortower(or any of tAetn if�noro than one)hetayr+tl�r PwswM
<br /> b one ot mot�prort�issory notos or ct��it apr�eenwnta Ihereln calfed'Piota�:(bl t�e PaYme��oi dlwr stms sdvar�c«: by Lw�der b
<br /> potect ttw seauiey w tt�No�e:Ic)tts pertcxmar�e ot au coverwnt�and apreemeiks a T�star see f�orth ne+�in:and(�oll w�and
<br /> tubixe indebadn�sc and odiptations of Borrower(c►�nY of ttwm d more fhan onY)tP Lw�der wlbtlwr dineo�bdY'ac�a6cW��q ot oonti�F
<br /> pent and wMtNer ati.gkq bY nofa,yuarantY,overdtatt a ott�etrrise.The No�.this Deed d Tn�i arid any and all otl�sr docirnenfa that
<br /> seaua U�s Nots or otlte�w(ae executed in cannectlon U�erewith� i�x9udiny vMitlio�ri�rnitation puarante�s,secwily apcwrr�s��end
<br /> aseiprvnw,rts a�sees a�a ronts,snal+be,�ta►roa to here�n as etw Z.oa�I�uments�.
<br /> Ttusbr oovenants end a�ees w8h Londer as foliows:
<br /> 1. Paym.nt a YKl.a.dn�s.Au indeetedwcs soa,red r,ereby snau be paid wr�er�aus.
<br /> 2. TifN.Trustor is ttw ownar ot the Propert9.t�the ripht and aW�ority►to oonvey the PropeRy�and warfants ttwt ttw Waf creat•
<br /> ed hereby iR a&st and prior lien on the Prq�ertY.exoept tor fle�s and enaxribrances set toN�by TnisOor in rvritin��nd deli�rd b
<br /> l.snder betoro execution of tltis Deed d Tn�st.and the exocution and delivery of tlYs Deod o1 Tnut does noR violate any cawad or
<br /> Whsr obiiy�tion W which Tnutor is subject.
<br /> 3.Ti�AssMSn�ts.To pay belore deunqcr�x.y alt taxes.apac�al acs�ts and all othe�d�ar�ss ap�Ct the ProAerry
<br /> now or benaar leried.
<br /> 4.(esutarlo�.TO koeP the Properly insivad a�nst dartwqe bY fire.t�zarc�s".r�CVxJed wittAn tfw tarm`eyfsnded oow�apa.and
<br /> such hazar�s as Ler�der may roquire� fn artw�x►ts and wdh companies aocePtabte to Lender.nami�g Lendar aa an�ddi�ionai nartwd
<br /> Insured.wdh locs payabie to the Lender.M case W{oss under such poiicios.the Lender ls aWt�ized to acfjust.ooMe�t end compro�
<br /> mise�a!I claims tt�eurx,ier end at�aY haw the optlon of applykg ali or part of fhe iruivanoe pr000eds(i)to eny kidebMdrwss s�cw�ed
<br /> hwoby and in wCh Otdar at La�det rr�Y dete�m�rw.(ti}to the Tn,�tor to be used�x the repalr or resturatian a!tha Propaly or(i�j tor
<br /> a�y pltwr purpose or obj�d sat�tactory to L.erKfsr wnhout aifectiny the Oen ot this Oaed Of Tnast for ttle tut!atnourq secured haceiry
<br /> b.+ore s+,cn payrtwM a,�ar ao�c place.Any appticaUons a proceeas w ind.aodrwsc sJ�aM r�ot a�aend or patpon.me a�,a aats a aay
<br /> PeY�urtidYr the Note.Or C�ue any dlQat�ll tttereundet or tte+reunder.
<br /> 5.Ercrow.Upon wri�Cen derrw�d by lsrxJer.Tnistee sttiW PaY to I.ender.in wch marw�er as Lender may de�lpi�alo.�
<br /> btxns to��ebb L.erKler to pay as ftwy beoorne due otw or more of fhe tolfowir�:(i)aY tanas.assssbrner�ie aM ofNet char0ea a�ainst
<br /> tfw Propeih►.(ii)ttw pramiwns on ttw property ins+iryrx:o ro9����•C��1�P��$�anY mo��a��sw�e�sq�'b b1►
<br /> l,w�dv.
<br /> 6.�sirM�t�a.R�p�irs and Co�e�pltt�r�wilh L�ws.Trucior shall keep the PropaRy�n qood cdldition end rep�lr, sRaY
<br /> promptly►rwal►,or roptae•an�►irnpra►emu►t wetich may ba clamm�!or dest►oyed:d,aY not co�,u�,a or permd�r,y w�e o.aowriora-
<br />- bon a tne Property;srWl rae r«rww.dwrwYsn«wb�ar�tially alOsr any a tt,s h�prown�enes on sns Propercy;tt�Y ooe oommit.sufkr
<br /> w p�rmit�ny ad b b�dww in or upon tlte Properry in vioiation of any taw,oafinana.or rapt�Iation:and ct�all DaY+�P��h►�'
<br /> d�arp�at Tn�tors oo�t and expense all{isns,auwmbtarncw and d�arq�c ievi�d.lrnposad or access�d apokrt ttw P�+oPa�tY��►Y
<br />= � E�Ne�nt Oen�in.LeM�t is Mnby as�isd eN cort�psnsa6on.awerds. dorr►aqec and other payrtwnb or roliet(t�wfter
<br />_ �.ca�.w�.a..r+o..�r,�.�..
<br /> pwrw�wrrrr�ws�rw�r�r�rrr�u�ra��r ' , . •
<br /> , W .. .
<br />