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<br /> � 17.Tr�fer ot the Praperty or a Beneficallnterect in Horrower.lf all ar any Nurt of�he Property or any interest in it
<br /> _-„- . i�sold or transfeRed(ar if a beneticiul interest in Borrower i��Id or transfetred and Borrower is not a natural persan)without
<br /> L.ender's prinr written consent, Lender muy, At its aption, require immediatc payment in Pull of�II sums socured by this
<br /> Secudty Instrument.Howover,this nption shull not be exercined by I.ender iP eae�cire is�prohibited by foder�l luw sw of tha dato
<br /> of this Secu�ity Instrument.
<br /> :� If Le�ider exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of accelerution.Thc notfce shell provide a periad of not
<br /> , :;,,��3w;.�_,, less than 30 days from thc dute the notice ie delivered ar mailed within which Borrower must pay ull sums securod by this
<br /> ,;,•,,,,. � Security lnstrument. If Borrower fa�lx to pay�hesc sums priur to thc expirAiion of this period. l.ender rtwy invo�e any nemodles
<br /> `' permitted by this Socurity Instrument without further notice or demnnd an Banower.
<br /> ° ; �`:,;Y•,,,�r,.: . 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If eorrower meets certain canditians, Bcttrawer shWl have the right ta have
<br /> ,,� enfun�en�ent of thia Security Instrunu�tt df�continued at any time prior to Ihe eurlier of: (u) 5 clnys (or such uther perlod as =
<br /> :��f��' � aPplicAble law may specify fo� reinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant to any puwer of srale contained in thi�
<br /> Security Instrumcnt:or(b)entry af a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those conditions are Ihut Borrower:(n)puys
<br /> � �'s '' "'�+�~~�`� �. l.ender nll sums which then would be dut under this Securlty Instniment end the Note ac if no acceleration had occurred; (b)
<br /> ���a�� cures an default oP un other cuvenents ar agreementa; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this Securfry Ins�rument.
<br /> : � � r `. Y Y
<br /> including, but not limited ta,reasonabie nttomeys' fees; and(d)takes such action as l.ender muy reasonably requ�re to a.gsure
<br /> y�-..�;�;�� thut the lien af this Security Instrument,[.ender's r�ght�in the Propeny and Borrower'x abligation to pay the sums Secused by
<br /> :��� • " thib Se�:urfty Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrow�r, this Securfty Instn�ment and the
<br /> � .,,,.�'
<br /> �� �,,� ; obligations securecl hereby shall remain fully et'tcctive as if no acceleration had occurred. However, this right to reinstute ahell
<br />—,-�, z.-"?E��
<br /> _ .,r- • ' _f�� nat upply in the case of ucceleration under parogrnph 17.
<br /> ": 19. Sale of Note; Clwnge oP LoAn Scrvicer. The Note or a partinl interegt in thc Nate (together with this Security
<br />� ?�:•�_ . ~r����:. Instrument>mny be sold one or more times without prior notice ta Borrower.A sale may msult in a change in the entity(known
<br /> �,...;r ' as the"Loan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may be one
<br /> �.�j;=��-� ; or mare rhunges of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sele of the Note. lf there is a change of the Lnan Servicer. Horrower will be
<br /> _ _,,_ :_z; given written notice of the change in accordunce with para�ruph 14 above and app�icable luw.The tmtice will state the name and
<br /> � • address ot'thc new Loan Servicer and �he addre�s to which paymcnts shauld be madc. The notice will al�n cantain any other =
<br /> ,••.`�_.�;' information required by applicuble law. -
<br /> � �` � � 20. Hezerdous Subslunees. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit the prescace, use,dispasal, stotage, or release of any
<br /> :f�....,�:°. . ,. -
<br /> — ° •�� . � �'� Huwrdous Substances an or in tix� Pmpeny. Borrower shnll not do, nar allaw anyone else to do, anything afFecting t e
<br /> Praperty that is in violatian af any Envimnmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence. use,or
<br /> -�— �•�+*'• _ storAge on the Property af small quanti�ies of Hazurdous Substances that are generally rec�gni�ecl to be appropriute to nornial
<br /> — ° � ,,""' residential uses und w maintenance of the Property. -
<br /> = '� ' .' Barrower shull promptly give l.ender written notice of any investigation,cluim, demand, lawsuit or otl�er action by any
<br /> -- r, govemmentul or regulatory ugency or private p�ny invalving the Property and any Hawrdous Substance or Hnvironmentel Law
<br /> — }.: , ��t� of which Bonowcr has uctuul knowledge. If BoROwcr learns, or is notified by uny govemmentul or regulatory authority, that
<br /> • ''� uny removnl or other rcmedialion of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Propeny is necessary. Borrower shall promptly tnke
<br /> ��� all necessary renxaliul actians in acwrdance with Bnvironmental Law.
<br /> --;•�;�.:�;;;:,«.,_ As used in thix parAgrnph 20, "Ha•r.ardoux Substances" ure those substances defined as tor.ic or hazardous substances by
<br /> �-_- •:.,;�;- --- ;- �nvironmentui l.Aw nnd cnc faiiowing �ub,iuucn,. �as.�li�, kcroscnc. othcr tlatnsnsble or !s+xk �'t���ra�m�+rnductA, toxic _
<br /> '4�4i ' �, pesticides anJ herbicides,volutile solvents, mu�eri�ls containing asbestos or fortnaldehyde,and mdioactive matedula.As used in
<br /> ��`` ���`�° this parugruph 20, "Enviranmentul Law" mca�s federal laws und laws of the jurisdicdon where the Properry is lacated tiiat
<br /> �;� .� �• relate ta hculth. �fety or environmental protection.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr und l.cnder further covenunt und agree us follows:
<br /> '��� ' 21. Acceleralion;Remedle�. I.ender shall pive natice to Barrower prior to�ccelerAtlon�ollowtng Borrower's breach
<br /> �• • of any covenant or agreement in thls Securlty Instrument (but not prior to accelet�atlon under pd 17 unles�
<br /> " - �: applicablc laK� provides otherwise). The natice shall speclfy: (a) the dePault; (b)the action requt to cure t6e defavlj:
<br /> � (c)A date, not lesv than 30 days from the date the notice is given to Borr�wer,by which the defAUlt must be cured; ad'd
<br /> •` . . .,�,:,,� (d) that failure to cure the dePault on or bel'ore the dute speciiied in the notice may result In accelerwdon of the sums
<br /> ' .,,,,,,,,,_ secured by thls&rurily Instrument und sule uf the Property. The notice shall further inPoem Borrower of the rly�ht to
<br /> u
<br /> �'r refnstate after accclerutG�n and the right to brin�a court action ta assert the non-existence of a det'ault ar smy other
<br />•-�,•` � defense of Borrnwer to uccelerotion and �t+le. If thr default ts not curcd on or before the date spoclAc� tfl tl�e potice,
<br /> ,;. Lendcr. at its option. may requirc immediatc puyment In iall oP all sums secured by thls Securily Insirument wlthout
<br /> �•. , , �; funher dcmand and mav invakc thc po�ver of gulc und uny other remedirti permitted by applieable law.Lender shall be
<br /> ;,,., .. • entitled ta collecl ull expenses incurred in pursuin�thc remedies pmvided in this par�rrwph 21�i�rcluding,lwt not Umited `
<br /> „ � to,reasonable attorneys'fe�w and coslv nf Utle evidence.
<br /> � -• " If thcpc�wer of salc is invnked, Trustee shall record u noticc of default in cach county in whlch any part of the
<br /> . Prnperty is located und shall moil copics uP such notice in the munncr pr�rit�ed by upplicaMe law to Borrower�nnd to
<br /> the other per.w�ns pr�crl6ed by applicable luw.Aiter the timc required by upplicable law�,Trustce shwli give puWlc notice
<br /> * ���,s:r. of w�le to the penonz and in thc munner prcxribed b,r uppllcablc taK•.Tru+tce. withnut demand on Borrower,�b�ll sell
<br /> • � the I'ruperty at puhlic auction tn the hiuhi,t bidder ut thc time und plurc nnd under thc terms designated la the notice of
<br /> . , salc in nnc or morc purcels und in any order Trutiter dM�rmfn�w.Trust�r mu,r postpunc salc of ull or any parccl of the
<br /> ' �•*•_ �, Property by public unnouncement ut the tirne und plurc of uny pre�iuusl}• kl�eduled wle. Lender or its designee raay
<br /> � "'i`•�``� ' purchase the 1'roperty at any salr.
<br /> e. •
<br /> : � Form 3028 9/80
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