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<br /> '� condemnetion or ather tokinQ of any pwt of'the Propeny.or for conveyance la lieu of co�etemnation,arc heneby aoaiQt�ed and
<br /> �� �ha11 be po�d to Lender.
<br /> in tha event of a total tulcing of Ihe Property, the proceeds shall be applied to Ihc sum� �cured by this Sxu�fty
<br /> �,��� lnstrument, whether or not then due.with uny cxcess puid to Borrower, ln the event of a partiul tuking of the Piroperty in
<br /> Ei� which the fnir market volue of the Propetiy immediutcly before�he taking is equal to or greater�hnn the amount af the sums
<br />.��� secured by this Securiry Instrument immediately before the taking,unle�s Borrower and l.ender otherwitse ugree in writing,
<br /> �;— 1--,: the vnms recured by this Security Instrument shull bc reduced by the amaunt of the praceeds multiplied by thc follawing
<br /> . � � _
<br />-_: , I fraction: (a)�he tota� a►nount of�he sums secured immediately before �he tuking,divided by (b)thc fair market v�luc of t e
<br /> property immediately befare the taking. Any bulunce shall be paid to Borcower. In the event af a partial tuking of the
<br /> Property in which�he fuir markel vulue of the Property immedlately before the tuking is less thAn thc umount of the sums
<br /> secured immediutely 6efore the taking, unless Borrowcr and Lender athenvixe ugree in writing or unless applic�blc luw
<br /> -_- - otherwise provides,the praceeds shull be applied to the sums icecured by this S�ecurity Instrument whether ur not the sums wie
<br /> � ' then due.
<br /> — ;�„���: !f che Prc►perty�s ulwndaned by Bomower,or if,aftcr notice by Lender to Borrowe�that the condemnor offerx to make
<br /> -s��, en award or senle n claim for damages,Borrower fuils to respond to Lendcr within 30 dayx u8er the dutc the notice is given. --
<br /> '-- =��=°`-�i Lender is au�harized to collect and apply the proceeds,nt itti option,�ilher to n�atorntion or repair of the Property or[o the
<br /> � �,�; sums secured by this Security Instrument.wbether or not then due.
<br /> � ��"""�"�"'''""�= Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agree in writing,any application of proc:eeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> - ------� postpone the due du�e af the monthly payments rcferred to in parAgrupha 1 And 2 or change the wnount of:�uch puyments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not a Wa�ve� Extension of the time fur puyment or
<br /> -""""""'�� modi8cation of amartization of the xuma secured by this Security Inst�ument grnnted by Lender to any successor in interest
<br /> "s"'�'`�'`"'�'"`"�`�� of Borrower shall nat operute to releate the liability of the original Boreower ar Borrawer R succcssors in interest.I.ender
<br />._�. 1�T �yi, t` __"
<br /> .�_La.µ.uY' �.• .
<br /> �,,,;�,��ti:��,.t� shell not be rrq�red to commence praceedings against uny 4uccessor in imerest or refuse lo extend time or paymen or
<br /> ��••_� othernise modif umortization of the sums secured by this Secunty Inylrurnent by reawn of any demund made by Ihe original
<br /> °�a�i^: Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Any forbeurance by Lender in exercising any nght or remedy shall not 6e o
<br /> ���` • -�..`��,�.; waiver of or preclude the exercise of ony right or remedy.
<br /> ����:�.�:�' �. 12. Successurs and AssiQns Bou�d;Joint and Severel Liability; Casignera. The cavenants and agreements of this -
<br /> —°..:m,-„a;-;`�-' Security Inswment shall bind and benefit the successors s�nd usaigns of Lender and Borrower, subject ta Ihe provisions of
<br />-- Kr:�;r,�`spr�'•i3•. paragraph 17. Borrower w covenants and agreements shall be joint and severs�l.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security `
<br />-i �; •���,�:_ Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Securiry Inslrument only to mortgage,grant and convey thut
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Propeny under the terms of this Security lnstrument; (b)is not persunully obligated to pay the qumti
<br /> ���}�"`''r��'�• "�' secuned by this Security Instrument:und(c)agreea that Lender and uny other Borrower muy agree ro extend,madify,forbeur °
<br /> — �'���+'•:�::+ t or ma ke any nc w m m a dutions with �+e gard to the terms af �his Security Instrument or the Note withnut Ihat Borrowerc -
<br /> �' consent.
<br /> '�'�.�'��°, ;I 13. Loan l:ha�ges. If the ioan sccurc�l i�}� this Sccurity lt�strum�nt is subjecs to n Mw which sets muximum lout� _
<br /> r,' chnrges,and thut law is tinnlly interpreted so thul the interest or other laun chargez callected or ta be colkcted in cannection
<br /> — �,.«:�����- with the loun exceed the permitted limits,then: (u)Any such bun charge shnll be reduced by the pmount neceswry to reduce _
<br /> „,,;, the charge to Ihe permitted limit:nnd(b)any xums alreudy collected from Borrower wbich exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> "''""'�° refunded tu Barrower. Lender may chaose to muke this refund by reducing Ihe principal owed under Ihe Note or by making+�
<br /> � `�'�'� direct puyment to Borrower. IP u refund reduces principal,the reduction will ix treated ns u partinl prepayment without any
<br /> ;� �`: : . prepayment charge under the Note. -
<br /> � �->• � • '.' 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided far in Ihis Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> � ,:•rw�.:-� �� " mailing it by 6rst cl�ss muil unlesx upplicable law reyuires use of another method.Tlie notice shall be directed ro the Property
<br /> � �.,•• - � � . Address or any othcr uddress Borcower dexignates by naicc to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall be givcn by fint clacs
<br /> ;�-- � ::�,�:�� mnil to I.ender's uddres,smted hercin or►my uther uddrcss Lrnder JetiiFnarex hy notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for
<br /> _�� �.a„w,�;. �'' in this Security Instrument rhuU ►x decmed to huve bcen Fiven lo Bc�rrower or Lender when givcn as provided in this
<br /> , . ' parugroph.
<br /> ' �� y�. � • �.i�r•w���-' � tS. Governing Lew: Severabillty. Thi+ Securiry In+�rument shall be govemed by federul law und the law of the
<br /> �••,� �.�:�` • • juriadictian in which the Prup�:ny iti I�utcJ. In the event thu�u�y provi.ion or clause of this Securiry Instrument or the Note
<br /> _�. . a"-
<br />--— 'Y. conflicts with applicuble luw,such cuntlicl shull nut af'fecl other provisions of this Securily Instrument or the Note which cun
<br /> _ �..::'�:.
<br /> � � �.�.;�:.._... be given effect without the conflicting pmvision. Tu this end the provisiuns of this Security Instrument and the Note ure
<br /> �,�� ��.'% declsucd to be sevcrable.
<br />� ' •w,;.�`�• • � �.. 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower+hull he givcn onc conformed mpy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrument.
<br />-�� •� 'o�--�N" � 17. 71�ansfer of the Property or�Beneficiul Interest In Borrower. If all or•rny purt of thc Property ar uny interest in
<br /> s,�,�.� it is,old or tran.r•ferred (or iF u Ix:neficiul imerest in Borc�wer is s�ld ur trunsfernd and Burn�wer is�xn u nutural person►
<br />�,�- :' � � without Lender:prior written conxent,Lender may.ut it.oMion,rcyui�e immcdiute payrnent in full af ull sums tiecured by
<br /> , .. this Securl�y Instrument. However,this i�ption xhull not lx cxercised by Lender it'exercis� is prohibited by federal luw uti of
<br /> -_ '" the d�te of this 5ecurity lo+trument.
<br /> ___:���,�,:�.._�: � If Lender ezcrcises�his option,LcnJer shall givc Burrowcr notict of•rrcelrrution. The mitice�hull pnwiJe u period of
<br /> _ not lesx thun 30 duys from the dntr the noticr is delivereJ or mailcd wiih in which Borruwrr mu+t pay all.ums ucured by thiz
<br />�__ � '� I Security Instrument. If Borrowcr fuil+ �o pay thr.r wm, priur io thc expiratiun��T ihiti pericxl. Lcnder muy imoke any
<br /> =,•r,�;.. I remedies permiucd by this Srcurity In.trumrnt wi�hout Funhcr no�ice ur demunJ un Bc�rrower.
<br />-:�_ ° ` l8. Borrower's Riuht to Relnstate. If Borrower nxet. crrlain c�x�dilinns, Borci�wer .hall huve the right to huve
<br />-` � ' enforcemenl of thiti Security Imtrument Ji.continurJ at any timc prior to�h�earlicr of: (•r14 day�I�r xuch other periad u.
<br /> ti:
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