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<br /> 6�1901? 'VU1-3174
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<br /> AFFAIRS
<br /> TH1S VA GUARANTL'BD 1A�►N AND ASSUMP'1'ION PQLICY WDER is m�de this ��� �Y�
<br /> O�'1'Oa�t . 199i .�od is iooatporaced iato uW tt�U be doerao�d W amead�ad sitpQlemeat tbe
<br /> Mortg�e. Doa1 of Tnut or Deed w Socure Debt (hereln �Socurity Inst�umeat')d�of evat �`ate hernvitb,
<br /> give�by tbie undasi8nal(6enia�Botmwet�)W socure Bormwer's hote w
<br /> 11�1Ri? 1iDStTtii�i. Z11C.
<br /> (bereln'l,eaks'D
<br /> and coveri�tLe Pc+opaty dacribed ia thc Sea�rity Ia:truaoent�od located�t
<br /> �03 �z iu� sr. a�axa =s�. aRSw►s�► ��eos
<br /> �a�
<br /> VA GiJARANTEED LOAN C(DVENAM': Tn additim to tAe�ovmacts and�toammts mdc ia the SocutisY
<br /> Iaslnvmmt,Bo�m�va'md Itada further oovsa�ot and s�g�ee a�folbws:
<br /> If tbe i�o�lebtodaess a�cw�ed 6ec+ei�►be gusrmteal or it�uued uoder T'stle 38. United Stua Oode. su�h 75t1��od
<br /> Resui�tioas is:ued thereuada md ia etEect w ti�e datG ba+eof s�ll govan tbe r�ts, diuk��od llabilitiea af
<br /> Batcn�es�od I.eader.A�y P�'oyisiaos of tbe Security Iosuummt o�otber la�ttumeats ea�ocated ia 0000action aith
<br /> stod ladebted� wbich are m000sisteat �vith sald '[itle oc Re,guluiooi, inet�dinf. ba�t not lidted to. tLe
<br /> p�,uviiim for payakat of any sum ia 000na�oe with pce�ymeat of tbe�ecsuod�md the pc�oYUioo
<br /> th�t tbe I�eoder mry aocc3a�te WYmeot of tbe secu:+od�adeDteBoes Wtsaou w Cavemot 17 of tbe SoauicY
<br /> Inttt�mmt,m he�r amendod or ne�ed to tl�ea�te�c neoe+�rY to ouafo�m sucb inst�ummts to s�aa�Titie ae
<br /> ' Lr4ZE CHAItGE: At l�ader's option.Batowa wrillpay a•l�te ch�e-not�oodin�fo�*pa oeotum(4!i)of
<br /> d�e avs�prymeat ahea Paid moe+e t1�m fiRa�a{15?day:s8x.t d�e dae date tbaeof w oover tLe etua e�e
<br /> = iav�dvo�i in handliug ddia�ueat P=Ym�s•but acb'late cbacgs'�hall not be payabi�.o�at of tbe p�voeed�of ary
<br /> iGic�ric w.�:.sy.'.L.:y—r—•�•�'--�--•'�'�"'t lr!�lw����flc sNeh}Y'ooeEd�i�E f11ffi�CXO[W dtfC�tLC l�1t�e
<br /> iadeb�edoess aod a�pi+opar oats aad e�s��►• ----- — -_- — —�-----— --
<br /> (iUARANTY'S6oa1d the DeQactmau of Veta�as At�ait�f�il a rrti»e m iswe ats guarmty in li�ll�uouat wit�ia
<br /> 6o a,y: rmm't�e aace th�t this tiwn aoula�mauy �beooaae elig�e for s��oom�a�na�on b!►�
<br /> � N[o�tg�gee mry decian iadebto��as 1�ere�'sewz+od at cooe dve and pryabk md ms�y ta�rrLo�e immodi�edY
<br /> - or mry c.:asise acY o�r r�hts�ae�oda a tsk�a�►utl�er proQer acBoa as by 1sM p�o++ided-
<br /> � �rrs�oF��o��rx:�w.n�y be ao�a�a i�►a��+a.�r�����e
<br /> � p�vpecty secm�ia�wch lo�n to�ey traotfe�ee,naiess tl�e aooept�rtlir}►of the s�mp4oe of tbe loao n e�biW�ed
<br /> . pur.�ac t,o SectZon 3714 of Cluipter 37,'IStie 38,United Sbtrs C,oBe. ...
<br /> An aircE�ociad�fier('�7 of sLe pe�paty sl�il aIw be s�tibjax W�dditloo�i�rea�ts�d�p�oemmts ' : •
<br /> av aet foctL bela+�:
<br /> �i� •A 6ae apal to aae-h�lf of 1 penxst(SO'�)of tbe b�t�ooe txf t�io�n
<br /> � sc ot tbe d�te of ri�f�of tbe pcoQert�►tball�z payai�ie�t tbe time of trats�rs w tbc Lm�n hotider or i��tboiixed
<br /> a�eat�as uustee for tl�e De�act�t of Vetaaot Affai�s.If tb�e am�ma 6IIs w pry t�riu ti��t the time of uaotfa.
<br /> � �e feo�U c�oostitute an addi�uoal debt w t�t alt+eady�ec�u+od bY this imuvme�t,s�bar iotes+ert�tLe r�te
<br /> , h�ee�ia pc�ride�l,ad,st die uption ef tl�e paya of d�e iad�dxedaw�'s�eaued a�RY tramferee tbe�of,shall
<br /> � VA(iUARAMT�LQA11 AMD ASSU1MT10M/�Otk.Y RDER .
<br /> > �-i9M aia�rot 1fli
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