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<br /> S. }{��� property Ywua�s►ue. �uc�nWer sha11 kap th- irnprov�nunt. �M►u� cxisting or hercatler erected on Ihe
<br /> Pcopecty insurcd�ain.ci lo�.c[�y fire, twzarcls ineludeci within the tern� "exteixial co�•er�e" aexl any oihcr hazards. including —
<br /> ftoods or flc�aiing, fur u•hich Lendcr requirec insurance. This insurance�hall be maint�ineit in the unwunts and for the pericxls
<br /> that Le�uler reyuires. 7'he iiuurance carcier pmviding tbe inwrance ��� bc chosen by Iiarrnw'cr subjcct ta L.ender'�:�+pmval
<br /> which shall not be unreascnably withheld. If f3orrowcr fails ta maintain co�•ernge dr.rrit�d vt�.�te. 1-u�r auY• at L.tt�e�'�s
<br /> option,obtain co►•erage to protect Lender's rights in the Pr��cny in:.ccordwut wlth par,�raph 7.
<br /> All insur.uuc policies a�xl reuew:ils shall t►e acrcpl:�:'+:w Ler�'r and stull ineludc a starxiud nwngage clausr. Lendet
<br /> shaii i�:,ve the rigl�� ta ho�d thc p.�licic�anJ renexals.If Le�,r require�. eorrower shall pro►nptly give to l.ettider all reteipts of
<br /> paid premiun�.c anct rei�cwal natices. In the c�•cnt vf loss,&*rnw�er sFwl l give prompt naticc to the i�uurance carrier and i.ender•
<br /> Len3.er may make praaf af loss iEn�ti nurk psvm�tly hY Borrn��:r.
<br /> l'nkss L.ender and Borrow•cr.�*cRerwise ugree in writinb,insumnce prc►ceeds st�ll be:►pplied to restm�ation nr re{�ir af the
<br /> property dan�gal. if the restoration or repair is eeonumicaliy fe:uible�uxl Lender's securiry is not lessene�i. if the re.uoratiai or
<br /> repair is not economically feasiblc or I.cnder's security would bc Icsscned,the insunince proceeds sha11 bc appUod to thc wtns
<br /> secured by this Security in.urument, whether or not then due, with any exczss p�id ia Borrawer. lf&�rruW�cr ubvxtoiu the
<br /> Property, ar dces not snswcr within 30 days a naiicc fmm Lcndu tMat the inaunuticc rarrier has uFferal to s�ttic a rlai�n, thu�
<br /> l,endu n�ay collect the inwrance proceeds. l.ender nuy use the prcuceds ta repsir or reatam �he Pn�eny �u to �y wats
<br /> sectued by this Scrurity Instrument. �lu�hcr ar not then due.'fhe 3U-d:+y period will hcgin when the�uuice is giccn.
<br /> Untecs Leader wid Borrawer cul►erwise agroe in writing. unY ::pPlication Uf pra�xic te� pri�uipal stwll �wu exte�xl uc
<br /> postpone tFw duc clatc of the ntotuhlY paYments referred to in par.►�raph.v 1 :u�J 2 ar ctunge thc anwuiu ol thc paynx�us. IP
<br /> uncicr par�ruph 21 the Propeny is acyuircal by L.ender. &►rruw•er's ri�ht u�any insu�x-e pc►licies ancl pe�x�oals rcwlting frant
<br /> dam�ge to the Property prior to the acquisition>hall pass tu Lendtr W the extent of the sums secured by this Security I�utrunxnt
<br /> i�un�ecliately prior to the acquicition.
<br /> 6.Occupswcy,Preservation,Malotecwacr swd Protectlon of the Prope�ty: Borrower's I.o�w Application:L.easeliolds.
<br /> Borcower shall occupy,e�tablish,a��d use the Praperty�s Barrower's principal rcsidence w�thin sixry days aRer the executiun of
<br /> this Security Inurument and shall continue to ocwpy the Property as Bo�rower s principal residence for at teast one year aftra�
<br /> the date of occupancy.unless Lender otherwise agrees in wri�ing,which mnsent shall not be unreasonably withheld. or unless
<br /> extenuating circurrutances exist which are beyond Bonower's contc�ol. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> Property, allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit w�ste on the Property. Horcower shall be in default if any forfeiturc
<br /> action or procoeding, whether eivil or crirriinal. is b_gun tltat in Lender's good faith judgment couGi resu�t in forfeituce of the
<br /> Property or otherwise materi�iv impair the lien creaied by this Security Instrument or txnclei s saar�ty inter�est. Borrower msy
<br /> eure such a default and reittuat�.ac provided in paragraph t8,by causing the action cc�x�iic�co be disrnissed w�th a ruling
<br /> that, in Lender's good faith �rt�mtination, precludes fotfeiture of the Borrower's cn:.:�t itt tke 1'roPertY or other material
<br /> impairment of the licn created by this Security Instrument or Lender's security inter�:;i. Boav�.cc sha1� also be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan apQlicztior procec�,gave materially false or inaccurete infotmation or�xnts to L.ender(or failod
<br /> to provide l.ender with any material infonnmtion)in connection with the loan evidenced by the l�ate, including,but not limited
<br /> to.representatio�u concernin�Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a principal residence.IF this Security Instcumeot is on a
<br /> � �. �l�. g`,�.w� chAl1 mmn�y with all the provisi� of the leasc. If Borcower acquires fee tide to the Property. the
<br /> leasdiold znd thc f�r iitie sh•r11 uot merge t�niess Lcndcr agrea Lo the mxrger in writing, .. . _ ----- — . -. ---
<br /> 7.prote�p of Lender's Rights ln�Property.If Borrawer fails to perform the covenants and agramentc wivalned in
<br /> this Seeurity Instrument, or there is �IegaS proceoding that may significantly�ffect Lender's ri�hts in the Property(sueh as a
<br /> ptocading in bankruptcy.Rr�Dste. far condentnation or fodeiture or to enfo�•ce lav:s or mguLstions).then Lender may cb ard
<br /> pay for whateva• is nxessuy to protoct the value of the Property u�d Lender's ri�Sw in the �roperty. Lsnder's actions may
<br /> include paying any sums serured by a lien which h�s priority over this Securit� i�tnunent, appearing in court, paying
<br /> reasonable attomeys' fees and enterin�on the Propeny ro make repairs.Although l.ender nlay t,ake xtion under this paragraph
<br /> 7,Lender does not have to do so.
<br /> Any arriotmts disbursed by Lender under this puagraph 7 shall become addisiaoa] 3ebt of Borrower Fecured by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Bonower v�d Lender agree to other temu of payment. cE�se amounts shaZl bear inttrest from tUe
<br /> date of disbursement at thc Note rate and shall be payable, with interest. upon no�tice from 1.ender to Borrower roquesting
<br /> PaYtnent.
<br /> 8.Mortgage Inauance. If Lender required moctgage insurance as u condhioa of maicing cdx ioan sxured by this Securiry
<br /> pactrument, Borcower shall p�y the pre.miumc required to maintain the mortgage zmwrance �effect. If, for�ny reason, the
<br /> mortgage insutznce coverage required by l.encler lapses or ttases to be in effat. Barrower sEr�]I pay the premiums teyuirod to
<br /> obtain coverage substuuialty equivalent c�the mortgage insurance previously in eKect.at s cost substantially equivalent co t1�e
<br /> wst to Borrower of the mortgage inwr�r.ce previously in effect, from an altern�te mart�aL'e i�urer approvod by L,ender. If
<br /> substantially equivalent moct�z ins�uan.`�coverage is noi�vail�ble. Borcower sh31i pa}to�.ender each month a sum equal w
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mwtgage insur�csce premium being paid by Borrower whe�s tJ�e inuuance wverage lapsed or aased to
<br /> be in cffect. Lea�der will accept.use a�t�etain tt�ese payments as a loss reserve ia liea of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> . Form 3Q� !NO
<br /> Pp�3 ot 6
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