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<br /> TO(3aTHER WITH dl tlu improvements naw or herrafter crected an the property.ond•al� �rrien�s•pPP�nenance�,u�d
<br /> - - . Bxlure� rx►w ar hereafter p put of Ihe pmperty. All replucementx und uJditiona shall alco be covered by Ihir� Secudty
<br /> ..� i It�rtrument.All of ttu foregoing is refeReJ to in thi�Secu�ity Inetrument ac the"Property.'
<br /> BORRO�IVBR COVENANT3 that Bc�rrowcr ia lawfuiiy eci�od nf the esta�e hereby canveyod and hus the�ght to Qrent And
<br /> convey�he Prapeny and �hat.�he PropeMy ia unencumbered. except for encumhrunces of record. BaROwer w�nnnts an�i will
<br /> : i defend generully the title to the Prdperty ag�ins�all cl�ima and demanJs,suhject to uny encumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines uniform cavena�u far nutiunwl use and non-unifarm covenonts with limited
<br /> variotions by juricdiedon to constitute w unifi�rm securhy ins�rument eove�ing real pmperty.
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and L.ender covenant ond agree u.s falloww: r-
<br /> ' 1. PAyment ot Principal pnd Interest; Prep�yment and Lwte Chargcv. Bornawer shall promptly pay when Jue the�
<br /> ��:�"- principal of and intercst un the debt cvidenced by the Notc wKi any prepaymen�And late charges due undcr thc Note.
<br /> --�"-��^'—`��j 2. Funde tor Tpxes pnd InsurAnee.Subject ta applicable luw or ta u written waiver by I.ender, Borrower shAll pay to
<br /> l.ender on the day monthly puyments are due under the Note,until thc N��t�is puid in full,a sum l"Funds")far:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> �;,;�,�� w�d assessments which may Attain priority over this Security Ins�rumcnt as u Nen on thc Property;(b)ycarly leuseh�ld payments
<br /> ��°h�y���'� or ground renta an the Property,if uny:(c)yearly hazArd or pr�perty insumnce premiums;(d)yeurly il�wd insurnnce premiums, ---
<br /> if any;(c)yearly mortgage inswrance premiums. if any; and (�any sumx payable by&►rrower m Lender. in accordance wfsh
<br /> �,�-.� the provisians of parngruph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortguge insurance premiums. These items are culled "Escrow Items."
<br /> �; — i.ender may, ut any time,collect and hold Funds in un umaunt not ta oxceed the maximum amuunt u Iender for a fecierelty
<br /> ���;��. + relmed mortgoge loan may require for Borrower's excrow account under the Pederul Real Estate SetUement Pracedures Act of
<br /> �,�� 1974 a4 amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 e�seq. ("RESPA"),unless unother law that applies to the Funds _
<br /> _ ��-��" sets a lesser amount. If so, C.ender may. at uny time, collect und hold Funds in un anx►unt nut to exceed the lesser amount. ----
<br /> ,�,q`���-- Lender muy estimut��he amount of Funds due on the basis of current deta and reaxonable eslirnates of expendilurcs of future
<br /> i��:''r.:
<br /> -=�5w�'. o+�� Escrow Items or otherwjise in uccordance with applicable law.
<br /> :"���` � The 'r'unds shAll be held in an institution whose deposits ure insur��d by u federnl agency, instrumentuliry. ur entity �_
<br /> ;.� • °•� °^ � (including L.circler, if L.ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bunk. Lendcr shall apply the Funds to pay the _
<br /> . . ..L• irc
<br /> �a,:�.�. .�.;,r.�: Escrow Items. L.ender may not charge Borrower far holding and applying the Funds,annuully analyzing the escraw accoum,or _
<br /> - ��:'�'��,r�.'. ��•� �' verifying the i?scrow Items,unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds und applicable law permits Lender to rnake such _ -
<br /> •— ' a charge. However, Lender may require Barrower to pay a one•time charge for an independent real estute tux repotti ng service =_
<br /> ��'�`�"''�''=`+1- used by Lender im m�nection wfth this I�ian, unless npplicable law provitles othenvise. Unless an Agreement i� made or `�,
<br /> �� •'` �'".> ' "'� applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lendcr shall not bc required to puy Borrower any intere�t or earnings on the Funds. _
<br /> _ ���,�'.a.•,�,� � Borrower and l.ender may agree in writing, however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender shall give ta 8orrower, __
<br /> :at.�'�'___ - without cha�te, an annual accounlioys of the Funds, showins credi�s and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each —
<br /> _. ' "�''�' � � debit to the Funds wus made. The Funds are pledgcd ar+ndditional security for ull sums secured by this Security lnstrument. _
<br /> �-'_ `�:•;',,•,,•` if the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pertnitteJ to be held by upplicable law, l.ender shall account to Borrawer �
<br /> � �:^i•"�n• ��'tt�•� for the excess Funds in accordunce with the requirements of Applicuble Inw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> ��•� ' "`��'•'�'�� '"•"�`� � time is not suf6cient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender m�+y so notify Borrower in writing,and,in such cace Borrowe.r
<br /> �-:�. �'�' ' � � shall pay to L.ender the amount necessury to muke up the deticiency. &+rrower shall make up the deficiency in nu more than
<br /> -_ ���� � � • ° � twelve monthly payments,at l.cnder's solc discrction.
<br /> • „ ��'�^" :� •'' Upon pnyment in full oi aU sums secured by thiti Securi�y Instrument, l..ender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> �-';`" a' '''�' ' Funds held by Lender. If,under parAgraph 21,Lender shall ucyuirc or scU the Property, Lender,prior W the acquisition or sule -
<br /> � ,.' ' ' _ of the Property.shull apply any Funds held by LLe:�:nder at the time of ctcquiwition or�ale as a credit ogainst the sums tiecured by �.:;,
<br /> _ �~�,;�... �. ;• this Security Instrument. -
<br /> - '� ''�, ' 3.AppUcatlon oP Payment�.Unless upplicablc luw provides otherwitic,ull puyments reccived by l.ender under paragraphs
<br />_ �,,.--
<br /> +�' 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,to uny prepayment churgex due under the Nute: sec��nd, lo umounts paynble under parugraph 2; —
<br /> -�'� .'. �`�:� _M..
<br /> s•� �"'° , third.to intcrest due;founh, to principal duc;and lust,to uny latc clwrges Jue unJer the Note. _
<br /> _._��� :""�� � ' 4.Clwrges; Ltens. Borrowcr shnll puy all tuxc,,nssessments,churges, fines•rnd impasitions uttributable to the Prc�perty `--`'=_
<br /> -� '';�.'.,;' � which may attain priority over this Securiry Inswment, und Icusrhold puymentti��r ground rents, if any. Borcower shall pay `
<br /> �� .,�.,.,,,. ,
<br /> �� • +<::• these obligutions in the manner provided in parugraph 2,or il'nut paiJ in th�t munncr,Borruwcr,hall puy them on time direcNy �;�:�
<br /> , ..,,.., x�-...
<br /> ;,: ., ��.°•':.. � to Ihe person owed paymeot. Borrower shnll pmmpUy furnitih ta Lcixicr ull no�ices uf amowit�to be puid under this paragraph. �'h:�:
<br />""' ; •�° - • If Borrower makes these paymcnts direclly.Bnrruwer shall prumpNy furni,h to I.rndcr rcccipts eviJencing the pnyments. -`-"-
<br /> ` �". o Borrower shall promptly dischurgc uny licn which hus priurity ovcr�hi�Sccurity Instrument unless Borrowcr.(a)ugrees in
<br />_ ;'`-��.. .
<br />�. ,, ,;„ �� � ° writing to thc puymcnt of thc ohligution serur��1 by thc licn in ,�m:mncr urccptuMe to Lcndcr; (b)cnntests in gaod faith the lien
<br /> _;. �, ,- , by, or defends agaimt enfiircement ��f the lien in. Ictial pror�tdings whicli in the Lrndcr'. ��piniun op�:ratc to prevent the r
<br /> �.� ' "_;�,;1 � • enforeement of thc lien: or(clxecurc.frum thr halJer i�l'thr licn un ugrccnnnt s;►ti.fur�ury to l.ender suborJinating the lien to ��f"°
<br /> . . .. this Security Instrurncnt. If Lender determinc.that any pun uf thr Pr�iperty i� ,uhjrri a,a lirn whirh may attuin priurity ovcr --
<br /> . , � � this Security lnstrument. Lencler muy givr Harn��vrr u nuticr iJentifyin@ the lirn. NorroHrr tihall sati.r•fy the lien ur take one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth above wi�hin 10 Juys nl'tlk giving ui'�w�irc.
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