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<br /> 'thst I, I'",r��� IOQ�4�AOD oF Grari3 Iala»d, Nebsaalca. do by these presen� ma�ka� _
<br /> axcuki�tute �ucxi a��;�int �nx wife, Goldie Lxkw�oci, � �Y �. �4esie Lockwuad of _
<br /> Swtta�x, I+lebraska, AND EIZ�IIt OF �, as my AttorneyS-in-Fact, t�o do fcuc me ar�d on —
<br /> my t�ettialt, tu�r of t2�e follawi�g: -�_
<br /> �. Ta v:ltttdraw by check or otherwisQ from any checki�g account, sAVings _
<br /> accacult, nad/or ca��.ngs certificate account, which I may have.
<br /> 2. Tu orrs�or�a chpcka for depoait to my checking account or savings
<br /> �tacocmt en$ to racoive any prc+perty ar credits owned bX me, including
<br /> at►y xaniu� payablo to me by any govarnmenta2 �yoncy. My Attorneys-
<br /> in-�'vat, or dthar of them. shall t►�+ve full autharnty tv rnuae�, hava r�- �
<br /> rKt��t�r�tl, or tu�vo reiesued eu►y bond, note, bi�T, �3rrant, certificat� or
<br /> ott�r �vidrnc� o! indabtodn�sa ownod by me (inclua�ica� any such items ownsd
<br /> br� rw �s a co-owner or �o3nt tenant) and is�usd b� �ch�a United Sta�tac, any
<br /> o�h�r cou�try, any otate. tminicipality, or other go��rnmental rubdi-
<br /> vi�ion or qov�rnmental aq�cy.
<br /> 3. To s�ll ar l�aso any a�se�s awned by nw, whether rea�. estate or per-
<br /> iaot�al prop�rty and inclttc3�a�g ho:nestoad �roperty and stocks and bonds,
<br /> �t suoh prfc�s, on auch 2erms, for euch langth of term. and in auch
<br /> a�ann�r. wh�th�r at private or publfc eal� or negotiation, as my Attornoys-
<br /> in-�'act d��tq advist�ble. �hey may convey any property so sold by thom by
<br /> ln�truswnt� of conveyance with customary warrantips. Tttiey may entar any
<br /> �al�ty d�po�it box I leasa and may removo any itema tit,Rrefr�m. They
<br /> �� Mpox�r�d to make qift� for me.
<br /> 4. To �ntar into aqr�«wnto partaininq to any progerLy �r arzy� fu�tereat fn
<br /> prop�rty c�rn�d bg m� and oa auch tera� aa my Attorneps-fn-Fa�t deem ad-
<br /> vissbls. Thi� �hall include contracts for goo��s, re�aire, iva�rcva-
<br /> a�t�, rsDlac�nts, and paraonal cQrvicor for th� maintee�anc� of my
<br />-- ------- - proartv; and ko borrow funda.a�d mortqaqo prope.�ty thQrefor. - - --- --- -- - -
<br /> S. Yn qu��ral, to �n��r into any buainess tranaacticns portaining to my
<br /> prop�rty and !or my maintenance as fully s�s I coubd �o it mys4lf. They
<br /> ar� �oKerad to �iqn my incaa►e tas� roturns and reT.ated documente.
<br /> 6. To �nt�r into any contracte or aqreemente for any medical, daaicil-
<br /> i�ry, or oth�r car� naadad by me as datormfned to be in my bo�t inter-
<br /> •vt• by •ith�r o! my�AttornQ7�s-in-Fact, and pay all fees an8 charges
<br /> n�cusary !or �ny �asintsnanca m�td care; to authorize any madical procQduras
<br /> !or �.
<br /> I ratily and conlirm all acta c]one by my Attorneys-ir�-Fact, or Qither of th�,
<br /> rxnd�r this I�ow�r o! 1lttorn�y. Eith�r of my At4c�rnaya-in-Fac� aro s�ecifically
<br /> ��o�e�r�d to aet und�r this Per+�r o! Attorney indapendant2y of the oth�r, and any
<br /> � d�cisie� or act�on b� •ith�r o! th�m nNd not be �oinad in and canaented to by the
<br /> oth�r. I res�rv�'� th� riqht to ravok� thia PoWer of Attoraey by the filing 4� such
<br /> r�vocation in Nisc�llat�ous Rscords 3n tha Offica a€ the Ragnster of Deeds of
<br /> H�11 Countiy. N�brsaka. Thi• Pow�r of Attorr.ey shall remain in fu21 forca and
<br /> e�f�ct �v�n thouqh i tasy her�alt�r b�com� mentally ar physically iRCC�etecet.
<br /> DATGD thi� ��l daY o! �M ��h,__� 14 88.
<br /> ,,
<br />_ H� -
<br /> STATE Ol� NE83i118KA ) �
<br /> : SS. `
<br /> OQUNTY OF WlLL )
<br /> On thfs ,�,� day ot �,,,. 19,�, b�for� mv, the un�ersigned, a� Notary Public
<br /> within uid !or said Caunty, p�roonally caar � � who is known to me to �
<br /> ba th� id�ntiCaY p�r�on whoa� nat� if a!lixod to the for�going power of Attorney, and
<br /> acknowl�dqRd t�ir �x�cution tn ba hl.sunluntary act �a a�ea.
<br /> - WITNESS a�y hana and Natari�l� �t�al tha dat� last �bovo wrftten. Hy Notarial Coa4nis-
<br /> aion aac,pir�s: F ��axv d. 19p2.
<br /> �l�,Ti1M�t Mllt� '�
<br /> �
<br />-- ��E+M�4� Notary Pu�ilic
<br />__
<br /> � _
<br />