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<br /> E}�I�IT A
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<br /> . Tdst part of Lat Eit��an (15� o� t.h+� Cannty Sasbdivisioa o� r_hs S�iSE�C��'.,, - : .
<br /> . , • � o! Saction 5i��ea (16) . ToWns�s;D '7Cl�nrsn C11) North. Ran4� Nin� t9). , . .
<br /> ' • Wast oi ths oth P.Fi., 3zt �s22 Ccuntl, iv�b��ska, mor� Darti,cn].arlY
<br /> • d�scribsd as �ol�.ow*s: coa�enein�3 a�t s► po�nt Szxesea (16) lart . . .
<br /> Ssutharly a.c�d SixtY-six (6v) tset Sa�1tRr2.y �=� �hs Southwss�arlg . •
<br /> � ' �mar ot I+at Fa�� (4). in Bloek gou� t4), ia oiiab�'s lldditioa to ths . . .
<br /> City o� G�d tsZ�.N�rsskas sursn.ic�Q t�s � s Sou�h�rly dir�a
<br /> aad paraZ1�1. vith th� 1J�ste�rTY li�.�a af said Lot Four (4), � Wiiba's • . .
<br /> ]I�ditioa. � sxtandrd. �or a�.distaz�c� o� On� 2�unRir�d ChirtY"tw (132) � ,
<br /> lsat to a pc>3sf.t Qrx �h� Dior�csr2Y li.�►s o� JohtL�S�,r�at in said City o�
<br /> Cr�i �slusd, �?arss�ta: runai.ag t.h�sc: in aa Eastsrly dir�ctioa upcn .
<br /> sad lonq ssi.d t�ior�h lin� o� Joha Str�it fcr a distane� ot Sixta��h'
<br /> � t66) fstt: runniag th�ace ia a t�t�+�th�rly dirsetion and psaall •
<br /> ' ' �3�3 �xtead�:d�x�starly li.su a� Lat Four I4l. �S Hlock Four I4�. �
<br /> � ' 1if.�'s llc3ditia�t te th� City o� Gzaad isLaa�d. Dt�braska ��r s di:G�c� o�. .
<br /> . ' • �• Oa� Yutrdr�d �hir�It'"two t132) laa�:. r�4 ��� in s oisstarly ni�actf+oa.
<br /> • • ud Pnr�l�.el �ri.th t,�� Northsrly I.i�.a.e vP Sotui Stra�t in sa3r3 City. �ar a .
<br /> . . � Qistan,es o� SixtY"six (66}��t to tyne t�ctvsl Pofnt ot b�:�aing• .
<br /> ,. '
<br /> .'
<br /> . � . .
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