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<br /> 'fhi9 DEED OF TRUST is m�e this ?th day of October, 1996, by and amang RiJSSELL W.�
<br /> RA5MUSSEN aNd E. JEAN YtA5MUSSEN, bu�b� � aJe, ��� refcrrod to u "Tr�wtoe'�,��
<br /> -o n e a r m or e, whose mailing address is Post OflFice Boz 115,Csiro, Nebrs�ka 68824;THE STATE �
<br /> w�zY�e+
<br /> &1NK OF CAIRO, a Nebruka Banicing CorP°ntio�,huWnaftcr referred to as "Trustce,"whose mailin� _
<br /> ��� �_ ��� C�� p��s{� 6�3Zq; gnd THE STATE BANK OF CAIRO, a Nebru� Banftiu=
<br /> C�rporat;,oa, �erdnaftec refe�red to as "Benefiriary," whose maili�g address is Bos 428, C�tirn, Nct��wlc�
<br /> 633�24. transfer, canv and assign ta Trustea, in wst,
<br /> Fur vslu�ble considerarion, Tnutors irrevocably grant. eY
<br /> wiW power of sala for the ben�fit und sxurity of Baxficiary,under s�d subject to tbe temns and conditions of
<br /> tl�is Dad of Tnut,tbe foAov�►it►B dcsaibed real property located in HAL.L Couutyt�Nebraska:
<br /> Lot Four(4),Block Three(3),in Third A�ddition to the V'lll�ge of Cairo,HaU County,Nebrask�;
<br /> wgetha with all buildings,improvements,fixtures, streets,ellaYs, Pass�Bewsys,�easesnents,ri8hte, p��8 f su�
<br /> sppurte�anczs loc�tad tha�ean,ancl all Pa�o�a�Pr�P�Y that may be er bercafter become an incegral Part
<br /> b��ilding,s and im�rovaaeats, all crops raised tliereon, and a!1 watar r�hts,all of which, includin8 replacemanta
<br /> aad additioas thereto,u�haeby declared ta be a part of the real estate convryed in tiust hc�y,�t 1�,8�groe�
<br /> thst sU of the foregoiag shsU be heardaafter referred to as the"Propaty." ,
<br /> _ . : ... . _ _ . . -----. _ _--- .�._.. ...�f�o� ��ccrtTlviN[�, :
<br />- . I�VK �lIIL' rlJl�cVOr•vr vr.v...�......_ . ... .----�..._ -
<br /> a. Payment of indebtedness evidasced by Tnuwrs' note of evea datc herewith in the principal sum o£,
<br /> S15,OQU.00,togetha with i�er�esi ai the rate or raus providal thereia, aad aay usd a11 reatwals,modificationa
<br /> aad�msions of wch nutG ixi�princiPal a�d intaest on the note bein8 PaYabk in accordance with the taYns
<br /> set forth �herdn, v�ch by this referc�ce is hereby wade a patt haeo�, ana any anci au futwa sdvaac�s an+d
<br /> re�dv�aces to Trustors heseunder Pw�a�t to oa ore more promissory not�.s or credit agreanents(haein c�lled
<br /> "Notc`}; of other su��s advanced bl+Beaeficiu5►to protec,t tbe security of the Nat�;
<br /> b' ��� of Tn�stor set fortb haein;and
<br /> e, the perforn�e of all coveaaats and agi'� W�� �� �.��
<br /> d. all presmt �d future iadebtedness iad oblig,ations of Tnuwrs w Ba�ficiary
<br /> �o�te or contimgaut aad whetba'arisin8 bY nott��araatY�overr}raft or otherwisa;
<br /> l. To p�y wlua due,tlse�ciapP�l o�wd tl�e interese ou,the indebtedsrss evi6enoed 1rY t6e oote,c1�a*�es. foes sad all othes
<br />- �s as pravidod in tbe loan inst�umeats• �nd have tl�e ri�t wd�at5o�ity w exr�a�se this Dood of Tnut in respoct to the
<br /> 2. Trustors are the ownets of the pmp�Y ' _
<br /> �3�To pry, wLea. duoi.all taxes, spoc�al �s�s wd all otbet chs:�es �Saiau� P��Y� �� We same beoome
<br /> ddiequmt Tnslorts�il pay alI taxes aad asw�mwts wbicb aaaY be kviat apm Heae�i7rt iatere�t harin as npon tbis Deed ot
<br /> i iu:.c:�:�•i�.-��-•s=�Y,���E�cd i°au�'1�'t�e�S+be enacoad i'npo�de�of t5e whoie or aay 6w�►tiia�eof
<br /> ���' uownd�g,ainct dam�Se bY tue and wch et�r�as
<br /> 4. To laoeQ tLe im�rovemeats now or berafter loc�ted on tLe propaty� �ooataia a standard
<br /> We Baoef ciuY maY�n•in amoants and oompanies��to the B�Sciary.Such insar�noe pc1'scY
<br /> mo�tg�g�e clausc in favot of Bea�Y• Tnutor sba11 pcom�t2Y i�i*•maia�ia and t+e�aoe tl�e psaQaty or any part ttxs�eo�so
<br /> t}�,�pt fo*ordina:y w�r wd uar,tbe Pca�pertY s�l not daezionte.
<br /> S. Ia tLe eveat the property, or�aY P�'t�°°�• �be tai�sa bY emineat do�uin,We T�efsciuY is wtitled to oollect aad
<br /> raxivc all a�whicL maY be p�id for u►Y ProP�3't�or for damagrs w ProPe�tY n'°�takea,and the Bw�f'iciary sba11
<br /> �y��mp��on,zt its pptioq eiiLu to a red�uctiou af ibe indd�tod�ss saurod herebq,or to te�ir wd ratore tLe p[oQerty'
<br /> so rolcea-
<br /> 6. The Beadu�ary ma�', but sball 6avt no oblig�tian to. do anY xt wLich TtusWrs 6acve agrad but failed to do. and We
<br /> also do aaY act it dams nxessazY�P�i�fiep hereof: Ttustots agnx W tepay,upoa demand,a°y's�ms so
<br /> �t��e Beaefcaary for:he abwe p�uposes,aad aay wm so expcaded t1�U be adde�l to the indebt+odaas savred 6etd�y aud
<br /> �- bocome �ocutnd bY the liea herroaf. TBe Be�ef�iary sha11 no intau aaY liability bxau�e o£anytbing it may do or omii to do
<br />- heraioda.
<br /> y�
<br /> �
<br />