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<br /> EXHIBIT A :. �— ��pCh$
<br /> ��7�s
<br />_ The Nocthsast puarter of tbe Nocthwest Quarter (NE1/ZNW1/4) and
<br />- the East F�ali o! the Northwest quart�r of the Northwest quarter
<br />_ (E1/2NW1/4NW1/4) o[ Seetion Two (2) , ToMnship Ten (10) North, RanQe Twelve
<br />_ (12) I�lsst of the 6th P.Y., Nall County. Nebraska together with License
<br />° 2greement executed by Jerry R. Dibbern and� Verna F. Dibbern dated October
<br />_ __, 1996, exceptine a tract of land
<br />_ coaprisinQ tl�e no�th rour iaundred tharty Five (435.0) feet of the No�tbeast
<br />- puartes ot the Nortl�rest Quarter (N�1/4N1V1/�) and the East Aalf of tbe
<br /> Northweat Quarter of ttn� NorthMest quarter (E1/2NW1/4NW1/4) o! SectioA Two -
<br /> (2), �oxnship '�en (10) No�t�, RanQe Twelve (12) West of the 6th P.�1., Aall
<br /> County, Nebraska �nd earceptin� Lhst tract of land platted as Dibbern Pork
<br /> Subdiviaion.
<br /> The Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section Thirty Fi�e (35), in
<br /> Townsbip Eleven (11) North, Ran�e Twelve (12) West of the 6tb P.M., H411
<br /> County, Hebraska AND
<br /> rhe SouthMSSt Quarter (SW1/4) of Section Thirts Five (35) , in Toxnship Elevea
<br /> (11) North, Aar�Qe TMelve (12) Rlest ot t�e 6tL F.Y. , Hall Ccun�g�, Nebrasks
<br /> : together with License Agreement executed by Jesry R. Dibbern and Verna. F. �
<br /> Dibbern dated actober 23 , 1996,
<br /> } Exc�ptia� a trict of Is�ed eoaprisin� i part ot the Southwest quarter (SW1/4)
<br /> 1 snd a part of tbe Souti�aast Quarter (SEl/4). all beine in S�etion 't6irtv ��..�
<br /> � �s3j, Tow�sAip Blev�n (12) Idor*b, Asnae Taelvs {12) West ot tbe 6tb P.ii. � -
<br /> Hall County, Neb�aslca and �ore �articularly described is follows: �
<br /> I Be�inain� at the southeast corYaer oi �sid Southwest •
<br /> � Quarter (SW1/4)� thence
<br /> wester�.�� alona and upoa the aouth liae of said Southwest Quarter (S111/4), a
<br /> •3 distaACC ot O�e Thousan8 Two �caadred Niaety Txo (1,292.0) feet; t6ence
<br /> .r. deflectin� rf�bt 89 De�re�s 3Q�' 00" au�i runAin� northerly� a distance of Four
<br /> y Hundred Fifty Siz (456.0) feet; thence deflectin� ei¢ht 90 Deerees 30' 00^
<br /> .; and ru�nfne •asterly, parallel xitL the south line af said Southwest Q�arter �
<br /> � (SW1/4), a distance ot Ane Thousand Four Hundred Nfnety Txo (1,492.Oj feet;
<br /> • thenc� deflectins rfaHt 89 Deerees 30' 00" and runnfn� southerly, a ci�stance
<br /> ; of Four Hundred Fifty Sis and I�'our Hundredths (456.04) teet to a paiAt on th�
<br /> soutl► line of sodd Southeast Quarter (SEI/4) ; th�nce westerly� alone and upon
<br />, . tbe south 1 iae 6f said Soutbeast Quarter (SEi/4), a distance o!' T�ro Hwndred
<br /> � (200.Q2 .ie�t ta the paint o� beeinnfna.
<br /> ?be Southrest Quart�r (SWi/4); The West Hal! of thr yest Half ot
<br /> � the Soutbeast quarter (N1/2N1/25E1/4) ; and The South Halt of tf�e Southeast
<br /> '� Quarter of tbe Plorthwest Quarter (S1/2SEi/4N�ti/4) o! Section Thirty-six (36) ,
<br /> : Toxnship Eleven (ii) Nart6, Bau�e Twelve (12) West ot t6e 6th P.�1. , Hall
<br /> �
<br /> County, Nebriska. •
<br /> �� Thc Sast Hal! of the Soutbwest Quarter (E1/2SW1/4) o! Section �
<br /> `i Fourteen (14), ToNnship Eleven (12) Nortb, Ranee TMelve (12) 1�est of tba 6tb
<br /> ; P•�1• , Hal l Counf�y, Nehrarka. =-
<br /> •--,---;-a,....s.�,��s.��
<br /> �y��-�---_.�:.�,_. — � � '„t'M' '-�..crr. -
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<br /> - �Z ♦ - r • 1. r�i-'a T�"t:�ii[,e,aae
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<br /> �.��ay�•: - „ ..... . ' . c _ e " �.�F_r•�.?�itJ.R►3 M�n�,� _-_—
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<br /> 3�.' ` .. . , Vr- �.. ' .. , .. 3 a `��,4 � � =Ja.�.d-
<br /> �' � � ' /`...ut?4�-�� � 1^t��iit��rs.- W�� -
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