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<br /> EXHIBIT A � �Q��t'� -
<br /> The Northeaat Quartdr of the Nocthaest Quartar (NE1/SNW1/4) �nd _
<br /> the Fast Half ot the Northwe�9t Quartar oi the No�thwest quarte�
<br /> (E1/2NW1/4NW1/4) ot Section Tw� (2) , To�nship Ten (10) No�th. FtanQe Twel�e
<br /> (12) west o! the 6th P.lt., H�11 Co�uaty. tdsbra�ka tog�ether with License --
<br /> Agreement executed by Jezry R. Dibbern and�Verna F. Dibbern dated October
<br /> 23 . 1996� �xceptina a tract of l�nd
<br /> cowp�isin� the north four bundred thfrty� Five (435.0) leet of the Northaast
<br /> Qua�ter of the Northwesi Cuarter (Nfiai4K�1114) and the �ast Aalf of th•
<br /> Northwe�t Quvrter of the Nort�a�est Quarter (Eif�Ni�i/4NW1/4D of SectfoA 'Pwo
<br /> (Z), Townshfp T'em (10) North, Raaee �elve (12) 1Vest of the 6th F.�1., Hall
<br /> Count�, Ket�r�s�fcu and exceptin� that trm�t o! land platted as Dib6ern Pock
<br /> Subd�vfsfea.
<br /> The SoutheASt Quarter (SE1/�a of Section Thirty Five (35), in
<br /> Townsbfp� E]even (il) Nortb, Aaa�e Twelve (12) West of �m� 6th P.l1. • Ha2l
<br /> Cowaty. Nebraska AND
<br /> '�ue Sauthwast Qua�ter {SW1/4) of Section Thirty Five (35) , in Tornship Elevea
<br /> (�I) Nortb, Ran�e Trelve (12) West o! t6e 6th P.Y., Hall County. Nebr�aki
<br /> togeth�-� �:ith License Agreement executed by Jerry R. Dibbern and Verna F.
<br /> Dibbern ci�ted October 2� , 1996 P
<br /> fixcaptin� a tract of land comprisin� a ;s�rt o�t the Socx�R�oest Qsnarter (5�+11/4)
<br /> and a part of 4�e Southeast Qu:rter (SE1�'4), aTP beiuu� aA Section Tbisty Five�
<br /> � �35), TowAShfp FsDeven (11) North, Rau�e Z�welv�e (;3:�) Rest o! the 6th P.Y.,
<br /> Hall Couaty, �K�Tsraska s,a.3 aore partfauIlm�rly da�cribed •s �ollows:
<br /> B�efnafn� at tl�� �outlaems=t co��er o! a�►.6� Soutbwest Qus�rQer (SNi/4); thence
<br /> r�.���lv_ �Inne x�wrl nne�� thw ftAUth lln! OT lila Southwast Guartfl' ��1�4�� i
<br /> , distaacs�of One Tliousaud TMO �u�dra� :IiAety Tora (1,Z92.Oj leet; tbenee �
<br /> dellectiae ri�ht 89 De�rees 30" 00" aad rup►Aine northerly, a distaace of Four
<br /> Hur�dred �'ifty Six (456.0) ttet; th�nae deflectina ri�ht 90 DeereES 30' d0"
<br /> and �wanin� •aste�ly, paratlel witb tEa� south line of said 5outbwest Quarter
<br /> (SM1/�y, a distsuce ot One Thousaad Four Hundrad Niuety Txo (1,�92.0) feet;
<br /> theitre dei�iectin� riabt 89 De�rees 30' 00" �nd runnin� soutt�erly. � ai:tan��
<br /> ot l�our Huadre� Fitty Siz and Four �undredths (458.04) leet to a point oA the
<br /> � soutb lin• of s�id Soutb�aat Quastar (SE1/4); th�nce wes�ecly, alon� aad upon
<br /> thc soutb lfae ot said Southeaat Qusrter (SE1/4), a distance of Tw� Huadred
<br /> (Z00.0) te�t to the point of be�innin�.
<br /> ?b• South«est puarter (SR!/4); Z'hc Nest Half of the Kest Ralt of
<br /> � the Sout6esst quarter (�T1/ZW1/2SE1/4); and The South Halt of 3he Southeast
<br /> Quarter of tb• NorthM�st Qu:rter (S2/2Sfi1/4NW1/4) o! Se,etion Thirty-six (36)�
<br /> TowAi6fp Eleven (11) Nort6� Rar�e Twel�re (12) We'st of the 6th P.M. , Nail
<br /> _ Counly, N�brar.ka. �
<br /> . ?he Eeat Hali cf the Southaest Quarter (E1/2SW1/�j of Section
<br /> Fourteen (14), Toxnship Elev�a (11) Nort6, Ranea T�+eI�� (12) west of the 6th
<br /> P.Y., Hall County, Nebramka. •
<br /> --,.�.� �p� � N
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<br /> ._��� .T' • I '� •�y` _�.__ — - _ —
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