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<br /> �i tbe amounts he3d by La�drs fa Escrow Itea�s exoad the amounts pumiuod co be heW by RESPA. lrixler
<br /> �h�il�caoun[to Borrower for the exoas f�ads aa requu�od by ltESPA. If tbe amounts oi funds tuW by Leadu u aay
<br /> cim�is nat wfficieat to pay[he Escraw Icaas whw due. l�eacler m�y aotif�r [tu Bonnwer aad roquine Bomawet�to
<br /> m�Ye up the s2sort�c aa permltud by 12ESPA.
<br /> 7Ue Fscrow Fuods ue pIodgad as additioa�l sxurity fur all sump cocuted by thls Securiry Insuumcr�. If
<br /> Bomowu teaci�ra to Leader th�fuU �yymeat of aU wcL w�uu. Borrowa's aoocwnt shall be cralitod with the balauee
<br /> re:n�iain�for�IS instsllmeat itr.uu(�).(b).�ad(c)apd�ny mortg�ge i�u�aocx premium installmrnt Wat I,eader tus
<br /> uot Da�orae abligated w p�y to tLo 5ecretiry. usd I.eader s�ll PromptlY nfi�ad aAy oxocu flu�ds to Borrow�r.
<br /> Immediately prior w a foreclasure u1e uf thc Pro�ty or its acquisliio�by Lender. Ibrtawer's �ocouat sh�ll bo
<br /> ct+edited with any balu�oe nmainiqg foc al!instaliments for item+(s).(b)��wd(c).
<br /> 3.App�ieatioa ot Pl�j•me�L.AU paymwu under p�rstgraphs 1 an�12 s4�11 be applied by LaYler u follows:
<br /> �,to tht mortg�gc iawraace premium to be paid by isstidar w tha Secretuy or to the moathly c2�e by the
<br /> Sxr�taiy iaste�d of tbe month2y mortwge iusnraaoe prrmium;
<br /> ,�, to a6y taxes,cpeciil assassnttau. lease�old p�ymeats or gtaund�ts.aad fue�flood and othcr haz�d
<br /> iasurana ptemium�,�a requlred;
<br /> �{(,to inie,rat due tu�r tbe Note;
<br /> �.w aasoctizadon of tLe principal of tLe Note;aad
<br /> �'j$�.w l�te c�rges due under the Note.
<br /> �. �,Flood�ad Otft����1 Iaa�r�aoe.Botrower�11 insure all impmvem�ots on the Ptnpaty,wLetl�er
<br /> aow eu A='r.sM�^-or wbsequeatly a�ctoc�,a$zinst anY bu�rds,caswltia�aad contic,�mcies.iacludi�fu�e.for whicb
<br /> Leackr requira 93r�ar�mce. Ttw insuraacr e[iall be miiat�iazd in tbe amouats aad ior the periad: th�t I.wder
<br /> r�quis+es. Barou�+�sh�l! al�o iawne�Il improvemeats on tl�e Propeity. whether now in c�dsuaa or aubte4�Y
<br /> e�ctcc€,,��iast ta.+by floods to tlse exteat requind by the Sa�+etary.All insunoc�sball be car�ied wItb com�aies
<br /> ap{rrxw�by l�eader.The iawraox policies�od any raaewaL sh�ll be l�eld by I.wder aod�11 iaclude loas payable
<br /> cl�uae:ia favoc af�d in a form�captabIa ra,I.eader.
<br /> In the evessi:aL•bss.Borrowa shoII giv�L,c�der immediote aot�by tasil.l.eader mry m�1ce proof of lass�f a�t
<br /> m�c1e promptiy ti� 13acrower.F�ch;�^,•"�-�wmpsaY coacauod is 2�eisya suthorized and dincxrd to m�ice WY�
<br /> 5ar srb Ias din�xly to I,eader,in:tead of w Borrowa �nd to Leader joiatly. All ar my put of t�e inwraace
<br /> pa�ca�ds mty be�pplied by Le�d�r..at iu oprioa.eitha(a)W the r�actioa of tbe iadi�tedaes�nac]er tbe Nate and
<br /> t�fs.�usity Instsumeat.f�ust�a¢y deiiaqoeat amounn applied iu tne orcber in pzra�cs{�3.and tveu to pt+epayme.at
<br /> of p�iacipal, a 4u)w the rata�tion or rqrrir of tl�e dam�ged ProQect,�+. Aay a�uc�tion of tbe pi+ocood: to tbe
<br /> g�d rhat�:m�e�itead or poa�pone the due date of she moothly p�e±rEg�Li�cb.�+e referred w ia�r�grnpb 2,ar �- —.
<br /> c�a�tiLe aaoo+�t of such p:ymeats.Any eacesa in:uraa�x proaeds over so amatr�nequired to pry all o�ustaadit�g
<br /> i�u�as uaaa the xou.aa t�is saa�riry Iasuumeac sh.zll 6e paia w tl�e wtiry t�rl�y eantlea tha�ao.
<br /> £n t�e evxat of forectosure of th9s�ocurity Iastrumeat c.�r other trsasf,a of dtle ta the Property thsi extia,�ushes
<br /> " tbe iadebtedaa�r,, a�l ri�ht� tide and ia�m�of Borrewer 1a �od w iuuurance poUcies in force sh�ll p�tss w tLe
<br /> ' Puicba�er•
<br /> 5. OccoF�ocy,Presen'ati�ma� MaiaRemooe aad ProtectJon of t6e Propa�ty;Bonnwes's I.o�o Appiiatfoo;
<br /> � . I.ea�d�oi�. BoRna�a�rait acx�ui�+,est�bllsh, �nd usa the Propetty as Borroaa'a r�incipal reaideoce withia�ty
<br /> • ' drys aRer tbe e�zecauion of dsi�.Sax�ria�+Iasaummt(or wiiLln sixty dnys of a l�ter aare or nmsfa of tbe Pmpaiy)
<br />`� - , aod:Lall 000tiaue w oocupy the PraQaty�Horcowa's prIocipal nsideaoe for at lesst oae yeu u�er the d�te af
<br /> • ` , oaa�p�w.y,ualeu Leoder determiod that reyuiie�.eai will ewx uadue i�:�rdthip for Bacmwer,oc ualtss�:r_��,'�
<br /> araimstmoes �ist wbich ane bryaod Bo�wds contrd. Bonowar sball aotify l�eader of �ny exsm�; �
<br /> � cir�a�stmoa.Sartowa aL�ll,c�ot commit wute or desuu�,dam�8e or wbstanti�ily c]vmge the ProQdrty ot allau�c�ie
<br /> Ptoperty to deAximc�te,r�ea�oca3ok ovwr aod uar exa�xed. Leader may impoc�t tbe Pmp�xty if tbe Pmpaty is vaewot
<br /> � � ar ab�dooed ar tfie bm u ia default. Lmder m�;y talce nasonat�Ie.�u.�oa to protect md plrsecvC�ch vacant or
<br /> i ', • . , . . .
<br /> xr
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