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<br /> -- �TOW�LL]i�T B'X T�PBY��AT�,T4a� w1Y!!� A. LA[t�ON ar� M�itY �. LJ1iiS01i�, 8wbsr�d and
<br /> Wil�•� �ach in eis er�d ti�r arn right arid as apa� o! �ach oth�r
<br /> -- �h�s�6n all�d tL��rantor wh�tber on�or mor�,.
<br /> -°��T=_--- ----�-� in oonri�Lrstion ot TEIIttTS--NINE TH01]SANA AND ND/1002H3 DOt,GARS ($39�r000.00) -
<br /> naiivd l�om�eaatee�„doa aran6 b+r�aiq�ell aoavey and oonHrm nnto
<br /> - -- RICHIIRD L. 3NYDF1t and O�I�IIB J. SNYD�i�� Hweband anc7 WifQ
<br /> - ----� a�joint tewwb with rl�bt oi sar�i�orrLip,and not aa tenanh in nommon�the tollowL�de�osjbed resl P�Ib�Y� ..
<br /> E�all Oomty� Nobrasica
<br /> - - 'ln T� CITY 06' Gf�11ND I$LA�ID�HALL QO[Adl'Y��_NEBRASKA.
<br /> �.. .�_��
<br />=�1..�.:
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<br /> To have md to hold the above deaoribed premi�es together with all tenemeato,hendittmenb and appnr-
<br /> �v i��"�.�--.'��1 � _, teaanoa Wereto bslon�InQ nato the �ranLees sad to their u�i�n�,or to the hein �nd wians oi the wrvivor oi
<br />��`ai�r:�=:�as�- ti�om Loraver.
<br /> Aad Qeantor does hereby covenant with the qranteeR and with their a�i�and with the ueira and a�u[Qna
<br /> = o!the survivor ot them th;t �ru►tor ir 14wfully reioed ot said premiws i tlut they are iree irom enoambraaae
<br /> . •,::
<br /> exaept eeeoawnts ar�d r�atrictiana of recard
<br /> _—"'��=`-� that arwtor hp Qood riaht and lawiul�uthority to aonvey the wme; and th�t arantor warr�nta and will deiend
<br /> r�7�Wii�si�`r�'� ' - th�tttls W�atd pnmi�s��Qaiast the lswiul elaim�oi sU penon�whom�oever.
<br /> _ �.••s••�-=� It i�the inteation o!all partieo hereto that in the event of the death of sither oi tha �eanteaa, the entire
<br /> ��`d,�.•;�"•�:` iee�impk titb to the real atate�hsU veat in tbe�urvlvinQ�raatee.
<br /> y,.� �*r=C�'v�
<br /> "��'�'.� � DaLed July 3 18 92
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<br /> �.!�ti.: Cau�r o� .......................... _ .�.�
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<br /> �, ,.:_a..�:�.:�.�:.: Jul 1992
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<br /> .����� . � Raynqnd A. Larson and Maty E. Larson►. Huebautd and wife
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