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<br /> � � � 'r.r.G. . ._ ..--_ �.'�i -
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<br /> 106Q�
<br /> � condemnAtinn or athcr�sdcina of any p�rt uf tl►r Pn�rty,or far conveyance in lieu of condemnution,ore hcreby wrsxipned wKl
<br /> �Iwll Bc paid to Lendcr.
<br /> -- � In the event af u lotal tuking of thc Ptupeny, thc proc�edx xhall he applicd ta thc xumx �sccured hy IhiK 5ccurily
<br /> x Inslnimenl, whether or not then due.wilh any cxcess paid lo BnRC►wer. In the cvenl of o purtiul toking of thc Pr�hy in
<br /> which the falr market value af the Property immediatcly befar�the tuking is cyual lo ar greutcr thun�he nm�wn�of ihe sumx
<br /> . ,.. ,,, secureJ by thiK Security InRtnamcnt immediatciy before Ihc laking, unle+x Borniwe�und l.ender othcrwisc ugree in writing.
<br /> —;,� tl�e wum���:ured by thia Sccurity Instrumenl shall be reduced by thc umount of the pnx�edx multiplicd by the i'allowing
<br /> '�f� fraclion: (A)the totel umount af�he sumx secured immediatcly before ihe�oking,divided by Ib)Ihc fair murket vuluc of'thc
<br /> _ ' prMxrty immcdiutely bcforc the tuking. Any bulnncc shull be paid ta Barmwer. In the event �f a pw'tlul taking of Ihe `
<br /> •� Property in which the fuir mnrket vc►lue of the Property�mmcdiutely bCfur� thc lukiug iti I�n+Ih;►n th�amaunt ot'�he �umv
<br /> :.�.�.s—n� lsccured immediutely before the rol:ing, unless BaROwer und Lender aherwise ugree in writing or unles� uppli�able Inw
<br /> ------` — othenvlse provides,tbe procceJ�Rhnll be applicd ta�he suma secured by Ihis Securiry InRtnimcnt whether or not the�+ums are
<br /> �i�Y� then due.
<br /> �f the Pmperty ix abandoned by Borrowcr,or if,after notice by Lender to Rorrower thut the candemnur offen to make
<br /> an uward or settle a cluim far dumage�,Borc��wcr iuila lo respand to Lcndcr within 30 Juy�ufler the datc tlx nutice is�iven.
<br /> ����;-�x�__�� Lender is uuthori�ed to collec�und upply the pmceedk,at its option,either to restorulion or repair of the Property ar to the
<br /> ,�,_,�;�;,��� suma Recured by this Security Inqlrumem,whether or not thcn duc.
<br /> � Unleas 4ender nnd Borrower rnhenvise auree in w�iting, uny upplicution af proceeds to principal xhall not ex�end or
<br /> postpane the due daie of the monthly pnymcntQ referred to in pcuugn�phs 1 und 2 or cl�onge 1he umuunl of such payments.
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Releasetl: For6earance By Lender Not a Waiver. Extension of thc timc far puyment ar
<br /> ��±�';�� madificatfon of amortizntion af�he Suma secured by thix Securiiy InWrument gn�nted by Lender to nny+uccessor in interest
<br /> of Borrower shall not opernte ta release thc liubility of the original Borrower or Borrawer:v succes�ora in interest.L.ender
<br /> ` �,�.,5, ._ ahall nat 6e required to commence proceedings aguinst uny��kcessar in interest or refuse to extend lime for puyment or
<br /> �y;��r,;�- utherwise modify umortizntion of the sums secured by thir:Securiry Instrument by res�xon of uny demund made by the original
<br /> -� ' ��,,:,.-r• .�, ...; _� , Borrower ar Borrower4 wuccessors in interest. Any forbevrance by Lender in exercising any�ight or remedy shull not be u
<br /> �'�'�'�'�'`''.`"•� - waiver of or preclude the exercise of uny right or remedy.
<br /> •r. . 12. Successors and Assigns Bound;Jolnt and SeverAl �.iability;CasignerR. The covenunts und ugreements of this
<br /> �;;^;�;:��.''�°:,� Security Inslniment shull bind and benet`it the xuccesson nnd ussigns of Lender nnd Bonower,tubject to thc provision.of
<br /> ������ purugrnph 17. Borrowcr's covenants nnd ugreements shull he joint and r+evenil. Any Borrower who co-xigns this Stcurity
<br /> . .:�..y..,, Instrument but does not execute the Note: (u)is co-wigning�hi�Security Instrument anly to mortguge,grunt and convey thut
<br /> ��y�,.,, `: :.,:.,,...:' Burrower's interest in the Pmpeny under the�ermx of thix Security In,trumcnt: (b)is not personnlly oblignted�o pny the sums �
<br /> � secured by this Security Ins�rument:und ic)ugrees thut Le.ndcr und uny other Borrower muy ugree to extend,madify,forbeur _
<br /> � , � or muke uny uccommodation�s wi�h regurd ta the te�mx oi this Secu�ily Instrument or the Note without thut Borrower's
<br /> -:'� �i-'r;.•. h '}�?;+��• ' consent.
<br /> . .�N,J•� �.�, '.;!:,.- yy.
<br /> . �,. �,��_ 13. Loan ChAry�i..w. If the loun secured by �his Security Instrument i� rubject to a law which .ets muximum oan
<br /> _,��,�yk;,,�. chArges.and Ihat low is finally interpreted so that the interext or olher loan churgew callected or to 6e callected in conneclion
<br /> - -�� ^ �- "•'r• with the loan exceed the permitfai iiwit�,then: (a)any�uth laan charge sha!!!x rtduced by IhP s�mnum necessnrv to reduce
<br /> ° the charge to�he permitted limit;and(b)rny sum�ulrcaJy collccted�rom Born�wer which exceeded permiued limits will bc:
<br /> — �;,,�:�e:_, refunded to Borrower. Lender mny choose to make Ihis refund by reducing the principul oweJ under Ihe Note or by muking�
<br /> ____ .., .�:• direc�payment to Borrower. If u reWnd reducex principul,lhe reduction will be trealed us u pnrtinl prepayment without uny
<br /> - ' prepuyment chargc under the Natc.
<br />---�� '� 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiiy Inslrument +h�ll bc given by delivering it or by
<br /> - ;;;�' :�" mailing it by first clASS mail unkss upplicable lu�v reyuire,use of uno�her method.The noticc shtdl be directed to the Property
<br /> ",�?�; '"k, Address or any other nddres� Borrower designute�by notice to Leixler. Any no�ice to Lender shall be given by first clatis —
<br /> mail to Lender's addre,s stuted hercin or uny othcr addmrs l.cnder de�i€nmes by notice to Borrower. Any naicc provided for �
<br /> �� �'�"""�"�` '�`'"�'�` in this Security Instrumcnt �hull be dccmcd to hnvc hecn givcn to Borrower or Lender whcn �:iven ns provided in this
<br /> aro ra h.
<br /> �.;� "'" ., • p g15 Governing Law; Severability. Thiti Securiry Intitrumcnt shall bc governed by Pcderul luw and thc law of the
<br />---��:'':y�-., ' _ jurisdiction in which 1he Properly is IocuteJ. In 1he event that uny provixion or clau,e of this 5ecuriiy Instrument or�he Note .
<br /> �.;.-a,r�.. ' �� ronflictti with applicuble luw,such conflict sh•rll not affect other provi�i�m+of thix Security Inxtnimeut or the N�te which cun
<br />_"' _ • •� � ��s-;,< be given effect wilhout the conflicting pruvi�ion. To ihis end the provisi�,ns of this Securiry In,trument and the Note ure _
<br /> �• =-•�•� �,r; declared to br severuble.
<br /> -- ..�, .. . • 16. Borrower's Copy. Borr�wer shull he givcn unr cnntormcJ r��p}�of Ihe Note•rnd c�f this Securiry Instrument.
<br />_,?� ,, . l7. 7FAnsier of the Properly or a Beneticial Inlerest in Borrower. If uU ur uny p•rrt uf�he 1'roperty or any interest in
<br /> =� =�P`>'°`"� "'� ; it is sold or Irunsferred I�r if r beneficial intercst in Borrowcr i, ,nld or transf'crccd and Bortnwer is not n nulurul penonl
<br />��-,_''" ���;;� withnut Lendcr's prior writlen cumcnt.Lendcr muy. .n i1s option, rcyuirc immrdiutc payment in fuU of ull sums secured by
<br /> �- ��.::,.. . .. this Security Intitn�ment. However,this optian shull nm he ex�rcixed by Lender if exerci�e ix pruhibited by federal luw us of
<br /> """K'�""�``" '�' � the date of ihi�Security In+irument.
<br /> —_!���'°• �+'��• ' If Lender exerciser this option.Lendcr shull givc Bom�wcr noticc of arcrlcration. Thc nrnire.hull proviJe v peric►d oi
<br /> _ � �,��``. , • not lexx�hun 3Q duys from the Jute thr notice is dclivrrcJ or muilyd�vithin whirh BnROwcr must pay all sums+ccured By thi�
<br /> - �" • ,;;, , Sccurity Ins�rument. If Borrowcr fuil� to puy thc+r �um+prior w Ihe cxpirution i�f lhis period, Lrndcr may invoke miy
<br /> -`w:•:�,: ; . a • remedies permilted by this Securiry Imtrwnent wilhout furthcr notirc or Jemund�m Rurrowcr. _
<br /> _�' 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reintitote. If Borcuwrr nurl. ccnuin rondi�ions, Burr�»vrr �hall huve Ihr ri€ht to huvc
<br /> '-=- + enforcement of this Securiry Inxlrumcnt Ji,continurd:it :my �imc priur W the carli�r al�: lul 5 da.�.lor.uch wher periud a�
<br /> -;. '
<br /> y.: - ,�..:— _ 5m�k Frwdy -•M'unnle�tue�Freddle�tuc l'\IFfIN�f 1\ti'1'Kl'�1F.\I'�-Umtum�Cu�cnam. 41'1U �pa¢�'a,�l n��uxr�i ,
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