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<br /> • 17.Truic�ier�f I,hci���tii�iaE�in�r��tkn&�rr�W�r is�uld rr trr i.icrr�Id�an.i lk�irro�cr i�iwt��uiuraE,perumlrwithcwt —
<br /> ir.��Id or�camf'crr� ( uirc imi�xyli�tc {o)n�at in full ol •rll cum� K�4r�'d b}' this _
<br /> ' I,�n,1,r'. pruu uritt�n rnn�cnt, l.r�xler nu}. at itc aption. r�y
<br /> Sc�.ucity Imttunxnt.Nrw<<cr.thi.��tion�haH�w�t lk c�cni,c�t hy Lc�xler if excc.�se i�prahibited b)'fnleral law;�uf ttu:�te _
<br /> uf thl.�:urin• In�tromcns.
<br /> If i.erxkr�xerei`e�thi�aptian. Lcncler �hal!gi��e But*aµ•�r iuNi�r��f urcelrwtion.Tix txui�e+twll r�wid:u�r�3�y, th c _
<br /> Ic�� tfun zU d:rys f'rum thc Jatr the ixuire i��fi�•rrcd ��r ntail�'�1 M�xhirati�hticof I�his�periixl� l.etu�k�t n��i o����y r.,ntaii::+ �
<br /> Sc�urity In��runxnt. If Eii�rruwcr fail�tv�► tlu��un��priar tc ttt� � p
<br /> permitt�til by thi�Sccurity li�.�trun�cnt without furthcr�xuice o�denti+nci on&�troa•cr. `
<br /> Ig. g�n,uw'er•s Itiy�ht to Rdn�tote. If Bc�nowcr nxet� cc�ain �uixlitions. Ik�rroucc s�ull have the richt to tw���
<br /> cnf��nrnk�u af thi� �curity Instrumcnt di�:continucd at any timc prior tu thc c:►rlicr uf: la► 5�µcr uf satc contain�ri�h�
<br /> upplicahlo law nuy ,�x�ify� fur r:in�Iatcmentl tx'fure sale nf tlu: Propert)' purauant to �nti' pc
<br /> 5�tiurity In.urunknt;or�b)entp•��f a,judgment enfc�rcing this 5��curity Instrun�ent.Thc�.c rand'►tions are that BorruWCr: Ial pays
<br /> Lriuicr •rll .umc whi�h thcn wcwld t+c duc ur�dcr thi.Security lactrunxnt :ux1 thc Notc a.� if�aarleration hxt occ�rrai:Ibl
<br /> cure�:►ny d�Prult oi':u�y cuher covenants or agreen�entc: (c)paYs all e:cperucs incurred in enforcing this Security lnstrument,
<br /> in�ludi��, twt �xu Iimit�Yi to, rcauu�able auorncys' fees:a�xf ld)takert�u��•��rto e��c:u'iiynito paythe sun�c se un�l by
<br /> ttut thc lien uf thiv Sccurity lnstrument. l.etuler'�rights in the Pr�pc 5'
<br /> thic Sccuriry la�trunxnc slull continue unchanged. Upon reitutatement b}' �atrow'er, this Sccunt�' Instrument an.1 the
<br /> uhligati��x'cur��d here�+>� �U rem�in fully effecti�e:►ti if no xceleratian has!c�.turred. However.this riglu to minstat�shall
<br /> �rx apply in thc c:G+c��f x�tileration undrr paragra�h II.
<br /> !9. �xle uf h�te: Ch�u�e ot l.�wn Sersk�er• 'it�e heuc or a pare�al �ntereu in the :�c�te (to�ethrz u•it8 tAi� Security
<br /> �x u
<br /> In�trunxr.tl nuy t►c sold rn�e��r nwre times w ithuut pricu�xuicc to Bnrrower. A s�le m'ry result ia a chang:��th.entih ��aown
<br /> a�the "1,�,;�n Servictir')that c��Uects nwnthly pa�nknt�due urxter[he Note and thi�Security inctn�ment.There also may Ne one
<br /> ur nx�re chanFex of thc La►n Sen'iecr unrelated to a�ate of the�N 4e�.�tlur��a licable la�The not�rv�ill stateithe enan�e stnd
<br /> �i�•cn aritten�x��icc of thc change in accor�iancc W�ith E+.vrgrap PP
<br /> ucldre��t�i�th� ���' ���rvicer and the :ufdres, w wh�ch paynKnts should tx, made. The iwtice W ill also contain any other
<br /> inlo�•ma�iun rcyuircd by applicable 1•rw.
<br /> 20. IiaxArdnac 5ttbstances• B�n�wer shall not cauu: or permit the presence. use• d�sPosat� storagz,or release o su�Y
<br /> H;vard�wti Subumues on or in the Property. Bonow•er shall ncu do, nor allow anyone else [�� do, an)'thing affecting the
<br /> prc�erty that ix in�iolation of any Envirunmemal l.aw. The preceding two senteaces shall not aPP�Y 1°�herorr a e t nom�al
<br /> uorage on the Pr�+pert} of cm111 qwntitics oi Hazacdous Substances that are generally recognizcd ta be:►pP P
<br /> rc►iJrntial uses und to nui�ucn�xc of the PropenS.
<br /> �,�ri�W.�����P���tp��y gi��e Lender uritten aotice of any investigation, claim, den�.utid, lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> governmeotal or regulator�•agcncy or pri�ate part�•im oiving the Pruperty and anY Hazardn�S��u�o�egulator}� author ty.that
<br /> of which Borrow•cr has actual knowledge. If Borrow-er lear�:.or i�noqf�ed by any S gpnower shall ro ti take
<br /> any rernuval or ather remediation of an}�Ha�ardous Subscance aficcting the Property is nece.�sarY. P mP y
<br /> ;dl�x.�e,�sary remeciia{actions in accordance with Envimnmental law.
<br /> A� usod in this paragraph 20. 'Hazar�ious Subst;u►ces" are those cubstanceti defined as toxic or ha�ranious substanoes by
<br /> Em•irunnxntal law :►�x1 the follow�ng sttbs qtarx�eat��„ora nn ne�asbestos�orl om�alde de�and tradioacti re mater al�s.d As uud n
<br /> pcytictoes�tt�iicroiri�ia. �vi;ui���..•.•:.:::. :r_.._--. -
<br /> this �ar:�raph 20. 'Emirontncntal i..aw means f�sa1 laws and laws of►he jurisdiction wt�crz ine rN�«y i� ;�
<br /> relste ca health,safet�•or en��ironmental protettion.
<br /> NON•UN1FORb1 COVENANTS.Bosrow•er uul Lender further covenant and agrce as follow•s:
<br /> 21.Accderativa:Remedlcs.I.ender stwll gice notice to Borrow-er P*��T�o �ationf�under I�araSrsPh 17 ub�
<br /> u( say co�•enant or s�c^eemeut ia thts Securit� Instrument (but not prio
<br /> ypplirsWe!aw pravfcics ottscrwl�r:)..'r'bz n��s�l specify: (a)the dei�.ult; (b)t6e action required to cure We defsult;
<br /> yr
<br /> (c1 a d�►te�ttiat less�Utau 3Q ci�vs GTrv�z�e date the nWice ic�iti�en to BorroK�er,by which the default musi be cuced:
<br /> u
<br /> ldl tlwt fAilure to cum tis�� defiucic cu ar t�efore the date speei� �iwttio�e �h�all furt6er 1'nf1w�o Sorrn �tK��the�ht�to
<br /> recttrtd by thG:SQCUdt� [sstrameat+md sale c�ttie PropertY•
<br /> retar�txte af'ter acce�recWu amd t�e r�t tn lu�frsg a caurt action to acce�t We oon�existence ot a detault or any otLer
<br /> def'�� ut Hqrt'awer w�cceiers�tiaQ atsd s�Ie. i[`t� �a�fuq ot ull sum secured b'3 tl�is Security�Iastrum�t witiwut
<br /> t.ender.�c t�c op�toW. �y ���m�ce�y tted by ppplicpblc law. La�der shall be
<br /> fwlber danand und Rwy�troke c0e power ot sale snd any otber remedies Pe�ni � 21,includin�,but uot Umited
<br /> tWltkd W cul�a.'t�c�peteses tuc�trred�p P�rsuing ttte trmedies Pmvlded is this pasa�; Pb
<br /> ��pk��rYs'i�es oad costc a!tiUe evldena.
<br /> If t6epo wer�nt sale �ec tavo{ced,Tntsta shall reeord a notioe of cfal�`sult���icabk law t�o Borro�and to
<br /> pr+c�terty Ec(ocsted aad sltaU asufl cop�es ot sud�notice in the rtwnner prescri,
<br /> tbe atluec pe�ronc Prescribed bl'APP���Isw.Aiter the timne re9uflred by appl�cnG�3aaY,Tn�siee s1w11 give pubiic ootke
<br /> of�te to tbe pnwt�nad ia tbe mauna'Prescribed 6y 9pplicaWe law.Trustee,K�Di�i7Ti�Ot1 BOTN1Ntt�6�II S!U
<br /> sad uoder ume te�ns designatal in the�wticY ot
<br /> tbe Prop�KY at Publk auction to the hi�best bidder at the time and place sale qf ali or any parcel of the
<br /> +.�Ie(n aue ur mati {wrrei�and in any order Trustee dete�fni�•T�i^�wi.cly�se6ednledcesale. Lem�en or Ets d�gnee rtwY
<br /> �►P�9�Y P�k ���at:he time and pl��e
<br /> purclu�e the PwpeNY��Y�aie.
<br /> Form 3028 9180
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