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<br /> � , v.. '$'. . • _':�:M=_=_,- _ __—_
<br /> �'►:_. ` . • __- ,.e�.��
<br /> - �rmt.v_._ ... . . .'� . �• -_ .a �.:.s:r��.:,�z-- ==-- —-- ------
<br /> .. �.c_ ... . . •_ � ---�.- - .. .�
<br /> �.� ' .f._�._ _ ;t�-'�..._..�acrars��� ��rsz-- --a.�a_.s.r.sx......•-W��
<br /> Burrou►�er►h•rll pron�{+U?• giec l.c�xic� w•ritten �xHi.e ��f vw im•e�tigatiun, rlaim, J^nunrl. �•�:•.•ui: c,•w►••_r M�tlon by tu�y.
<br /> �,a�•cmtikntal ur rc�ulitury:�e�x�� �r prir•ate pany invulvin�;tl�t Pr��x nk�aixl aa� iiu�arJuu� SUnyt:ilKi uf LiIi�IG►i1f11:+1Z.1I I.:ltL'
<br /> ��t'u!►i�h&�rrow�rr h:�+uctu:►1 kiwiM•1rJgc. If b1��rn►Wtr learu�, ��r i�tk�tific�t h}� un}•�,uccrnnkntal ur rn�ul:►I��r���uttwrity, tiwt
<br /> a�}� rca►o�al w�wfkr rruk�liatlun uPw�y 11�u+►rdiwc Suhsta�.alfccNnr lhC Pn�xrty'���u�Y>.�:tty. Bt�rrawer shall�ivmptly tAkc
<br /> �11 oav��.ury rc�nalial acd�,n�in urcurdance with Eneimu��tiental Luw•.
<br /> As u,ed in thi�{+aragr,y,h 20, '{I;u:+nkiu�Suhu:in�r�' am dw� �uh�tai�c�.Irfi�k�i a� turi� ur h:uard�w��uh�t�xex hy
<br /> l:nrin►nnkntal L•►w u�ul tik fulluwin�; wbtit:vuc�: ga�line. kcn�se�x, �Hhrr flamnuhle n� torir petr��leum�+nnluets. tuxic �
<br /> �ui�ia1r.�:u�J t�rbiridrr.��alalilc K�Ivcntti, nwtcti�l�ciuu�►ining s�hc�t�+s ur furnul;lch�•Jc.�uxi r,►di��tivr nutcr�at�.As u�el1 in
<br /> this {�r,tgr�j�h 2{1. "l:��vir�HUik+Hai [:�u�" mczns i�xi.,r.il laws uuJ l:a+��uj' the jurisdiction t��herc the Pny+ccty i. I�r•:�t��! 1lwt
<br /> rclair to he:,►Ith, �afety ur enrimnmemal pr.ue:ti�n.
<br /> n(liV•UN�FpRti1 COVENANTS.Horn»•er anJ Lcixter furtlter c�n•cnant u�xi agrec as fulluw.:
<br /> 21. A,ccelcratlaa; Re�aedk�. [.ender sludl giYe notke to Barrower prior to pr:eferation futluwin�;6arro:�ee'�b:
<br /> of am co�•e►wut ur a�reemeni ia thls Securlty Instrument (but not prlor to eeceirt�ttion underp�t�roph 17 u
<br /> Ap{►Itcat�.!aw• provld�atherw�tse).The notiee shall specily: (�)the detAUlt; lD)the Action req�dred to cure tGe dei',�ul
<br /> (c)s�dute. nat trsc than 30 cWy�s�1roa�the date the notkr ls�tcen to Borrox•er,by �hkh the detautt musl be caa�ed:
<br /> (d) thaf fsllum ta cure the de�sult on or Detore tde date spec(tled tn the twtice ms�y�result in�ccele�sttiou ot We. ,
<br /> secuml by th[s Se�»sity Inctivmeat nnd sWe of the Property. Tbe notice sW�tl turther intom�Borrow�e�of the �W
<br /> rein�tate after aceelesatiou wd sbe rlght to bring a cou�t s�ction to �ssert t6e parexisteace ot a defaull or any other
<br /> defense ot Bormw•er to s�ccelerAtioo �nd sale.If the de[sult ts uot cured oa or be[ore the date specliled tn the aot{ce.
<br /> Leader, at its aptian. may require immcdiate ps�yment in fi�ll of all sams secured by t61c S�curiry instiumtnt withoul
<br /> (w�tt�cr demand and may invdlce tbe poMer oi sale and s►ny ottx�raaedies permittcd by appiicable Inw. I,endn•sl�all be
<br /> auitletl W collect s�l!exp�nses incun�ed ia punuing the remedles provided ta 1l�is parx�Rph 21.[odudluQ,�ut pW Iitnited
<br /> ta,r+ea,c�ble attoraers'foes send casts of titie evideuce.
<br /> It'the power of ss�le is invol:ed� Trl{S�lt SIfaII i'CCOIYI Q tWI�CC Ot�AUI� GI C�CI1�.`OUD1y Iq �iltlfll All�' �8i� Ot�IIt
<br /> property is located and s1wU mRil copies of such notke in tde ms►rmer prescribed by ppplkaWe Is�w to Borrower aad to
<br /> the other penonc p�+rscribed by appUcstbk ls�w.ARer the time re�qutred by applicabk l�w,7'rnstee sl�sll�ice puWk notlee
<br /> of sale to tlk persons sw�d ia tbe mxu�xr prescribed by t�pplkaWe law.Tructce,witbout deau�nd on Borrower, shall s�d�
<br /> the Pru�erty A!puWk Auetion to the highest btdder st the titae sad plsc�e aud uacier the ternu desigZwted la tlie notke ot
<br /> ssle ia aoe or mwa panYls and ia�y order Trusia deter�niaes. Tn�stee maY P�P�sale of�11 or any pn�d ot tbe
<br /> Pmperty by publk�nooaacaaau ai tbe time sud place of any previoucly scbed�led sale. Leader or its de�xe maY
<br /> wurLase the Property ae su►y sale.
<br /> _ VI� �M � P�Y� �� P�'e bid, Trustce s6aU dcliver to the purchaaa'Tnssta's deed ooavtyto� tbe —
<br /> Pr�erty. Tbe recitAls in the'l�uctee's deed shs�p be p�fuw fACie cviilence of the trutb o!tbe statemtats made tberelo.
<br /> Tnastec sl�ll apply tbe procceds ot the sale ia We tolbwing orde�: (a)to all oosts�nd expeRSes ot exercisinB the power of
<br /> sAle,surd tl�e s�le,iucludio�t!k p+ymes�t ot the Tiu�tee's fees adually Wcurnd,aot w excadtshg0.00eatei/2f 96
<br /> of t6e peiadpol aa�ow�t of thc note at the time ot the dedanttoa ot de�autt.aad rtx�ooabie�ta'neysP�ea�pa'mitted
<br /> b}1�iv�i(b)to a!1 cums secured by tlds 5ecarity ir�trum�ctr add(c)aqY excess to twe petsoo or perso+u le�1Y eaitkd to
<br /> �
<br /> 22. Raonveyw�ee. IJpon payment of all sums secun�l by this Security I�. Lender stall requesi Ttustoe to
<br /> teconvey the�roperty and st�ll surrender this S�ecurity Instrumet�t and �LI rsotes e�,"xyea�::ag debt sex,'utacl by this Socuriry
<br /> Instrumcnt to Ttustoe. Tnutee shall reconvey tAe L�iup�Ry without warraat�r�f+�it�r:�r�rgo to t�e pti�son or persons le�ally
<br /> eatiUed to it.Such person or persons shall pay any recordation oosts.
<br /> 23.Sub�tttute'Pruster. Lender,at its option,may from time to time�rarave Fsust� and appoint a sucas.sor uusta to
<br /> aay T�stee appolatod i�ereutxkr by�n inswme�t raorded in the counry in wlvch tivs Security Iast�t is rocended.wthcwt
<br /> ax�v�ysinnoe of the Proputy, the successor tcustoe sAaU weae0 to ali tLe ritie.power ano durics c�nierced upon i ius'voc i+wciu
<br /> �ad by applicable law.
<br /> 2Q.�?�:»�:l�oticxs.Borrower roqueus that oopies of she Aotioes of default and sale be seat W Borrov�tir's addres9
<br /> w6icL'IS the Property Address.
<br /> �.'+.Riders to tdic Sawity Iestrumtat.If one or more cidets are ezecuted by Boirower and recorded togettur with this
<br /> Socurityl Isuinunent.the oovenaz�ts and agraments of each sucl�eider s1�11 be incorpor.�v9 into and shall amend�ad wpQlement
<br /> the arr�sants and agra�ats of this Secunty Inst�nt as if t:�e rider(s)were A part Qf�,t�s Security Iastn�auat.
<br /> [Check applicable hox(es)l
<br /> Adjustabk R�te Rider Condoawuum Rider 1-4 Family Rider
<br /> Graditated Paymeat Ri�z Plannod Uait Dev�iopment Rider �Biweekly Psyaxat Rida J
<br /> Bslloon Itider Rate Impt+�vunem Rida �Socond Home Rida
<br /> V.A.Rider �cbei'(s)[sPa1fYl
<br /> 03Y SIGNWG BELOW,Borrowu�oapts utd agras W the terms and ooven�nts coat�ined in tLis Soairity Instrumet►t ar�d
<br /> in aa�rider(s)executed by BojTOwer and rarordod with it.
<br /> Wiwasa: 1, (�e;�-L•�'/�(�
<br /> L'�`z,--- (�1)
<br /> Bill A. Hitchusffr,a -swwwv
<br /> ,
<br /> (Seal)
<br /> Ksy Iii.tcituss ti -Hort�owcr
<br /> (Seal) (�)
<br /> -Horrower -Bocrowet '
<br /> K
<br /> STATE OP NFB1tASKA, �County sc: � ��� J�•,,�
<br /> C'�F7}�f _otegoing i t xknowle�lged before this , '�(O
<br /> by �cl.G l�- �U�F-.� • .
<br /> w�m y �r�1 s�l a t in ss�d C o u n t y, the date aforesaid.
<br /> My Cancnission Ex ins• -B� •
<br /> ifiE�i NOiAiK-St�ic et Mt�cut:; �r�
<br /> ��cuL►�.saoacs�
<br /> ly Cow.60•Mov 11.199b
<br /> ao.+a• Foew3�02Y �0
<br />