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<br /> 7�ocsn{GR wITH.0 the in►provemcnts cww or ncrcaftcr crxtoa on tho�xwxrty.and a�ll c���cs.�nd
<br /> fixtaucs now or Iwczitcr a part of ihc property.All rcpl�ccmeat,�nd additions shW alw be ca�cral by�2t1�Socurity Inuruuu�L
<br /> All ai the fcxegain�is referrcd 1n u�t7�i�Security Insirw,r�nt�v U1c"Ro{►er�Y..
<br /> HURRUWER COVENM115 that Btrniwer is lawfutly seisad of the estatc helehy catfveyod utid has thc ri`ht to�n.�l�nd
<br /> convey �Ae Propeny and eiw tAe Prc�peny is une�cumberod. except fix encun�brsu�es �f rocjxd. Barrower wamats aa�i wil!
<br /> drlbnd generelly ttAo titlo to the Pt�opertY�B�inst all clai�as and du�nd�,sub}oct w aay encwAbrances oi'rocord.
<br /> TH1S SECLRti7Y DV5'iRUMEtiM'caabines unifurm covtt�ats for national usc aad twa•unitorra wvp�nt9 witA Wnilod
<br /> variations by jw-isdt;.tion to con,uiwic a unif'orm sccurity insuucucat cocrria�rca!prc.perty.
<br /> iJIVIFOZM COV6NAM5.Borcower and Lender covenant xnd agto�sw foibws:
<br /> 1.Payatea3 d P�rioctpal And Iatsres�ti PreR�ymeat w�d L.ate Cbw�ea. Botrowcr shall P�PUY P�Y wbea duc tho
<br /> PcinciQal of aad iuterest on ihe debt eved�nood by the Note aad aaY�Ymeni�nd iate c.lwr�es due under the No1o.
<br /> 2.Fuads for TaYa aad Iosur�sa. Subject w appl�cabk law or to a wriuca waiver Ey l,eiuler. Borrower st�all pay to
<br /> L�ncier m tho daY a+�Y PaYmcats a�due undcr tAe Notc.uatil tAe Note is paid in full.a sum("Funds")for.(�Ye�tty t�ces
<br /> y�a�o�cs•�•,��«whicb ts�y attain priority ovu this Sectuity I�suutaent as a licn on the Prope�ty�(b)Y��Y��WY�
<br /> or ground rents oa the Property.if any:(c)Yearly hu�rd or proputy insurance praniums;(d)Yeariy flood inturanoe prcuiiiuns,if
<br /> �Y:(G)Y�Y�aBe iasurance pce�niums,if any:�ud(�anY�WYsbk tiy Bwrovver to l.er�der�in accadana with the
<br /> provisio�s of par�raph 8, ia tieu of ibe p�yment of mortgsige inwranoe pcuniuuis. 71xse itenes are cal{od "F.scmw Ikms."
<br /> La�d¢r may.at aay time.colloct aad hold Fuads ia na amount aot to encad the ma:imum amount a knder foe a faklally relatW
<br /> mongage ioao ds�y requi�+e for Bortower's escraw acc��at ut�der tde fodetal Ral Fstate Sealewent Prooedures Act of 14T4 a9
<br /> art�eaded fraa time w time,12 U.S.C.Sectioo 2601 et seq. ('RFSPA').unless aoathet law t1�at�pQlks w t1�e Fuadi setc a{es�e�
<br /> anaunt If so.I.endet may,u�ny tia�e.colLoct and fwW Futx� in aa amoau�t not W ta�oeed tbe ltsstr acwun�I.etxi�r may
<br /> atima�e tlye aaso�nt uf Fwids due oa We basis of curreut data aad rwsowbb esrimaus of ea�pendiouas of fiiuue Fscrow Itea�or
<br /> otbawise ia a000td�x with tpplica6le law.
<br /> The Fuads sJul!6e lu3d ia an iastiwtio�a who9e de�osits are insunod by a fodeial ai'a�cy,instrumeat�lity.or enrir�(includ�,B
<br /> L�e�sder,if l�eader is sucb aa icutiwtion)or in any Fode�al Hane Lo�a B�nk.I.endu sUal!apply the Fuads to pay the fiscrow
<br />" Itaas.l�enda may not ch�rge Boerower for holdiag and applyiag tbe Funds,annu�lly siaaly�g tlse�scrow ac�ooun;a vaifyin8
<br /> the Escmw Ttems.unkss Leader pays Borrowu intere.ct oo We Fuads�nd s�pplicabk ls�w pamits Lstider to malce such a c�rge.
<br /> Howevu.l�eader may requQe Borrowes to pay a aao-dme charge for aa inde�a�deat n�l estste tax repocciqg 9eavioe u�ed by
<br /> � Irader io 000nection with this{o�n.unless applicable law provides ott�wi�e.Unkss an�ent is rnade a applicable law
<br /> requires intaesi m be poid,I�a sAalE not be required to pay Barower any iaterest or amings oa�Ae F1�ncfs.Barower�ud
<br /> Lr�der may�+x ia wrido,�.d�svvevzr.tbat iataest sf�iS be paid on the Funds.I.eixla stiall Qive to Bomower,witbout ctnrgc,an
<br /> � �ual accountin�of dtie Fua�s.sbowiag credits aa�cbebifs W tbe Funds and the purpose for whic6 acb debit b tbe Fuods wav
<br /> made.'Ibe Faad�s m pbdged at aciditior�D sa:,aity far a11 sums aecured 6y tdis Securiry Iastrumast
<br /> f If 16e Foads 6dd by La�da e�caed t�e u�cwnts pamiival to be held by applicable law,Ler�kr stnll aocount to Banowa fac
<br /> ; d�e escess Fnnds io 9xoMance with tbe trr�'viremeats of applicabfe lawr.If the a�aotutt of the Fuads bdd by L�ender u�cty timC ix
<br /> ? not wfficia�t tu p�y the B�cmw Itaa4 when due.L,ender may sfl n�fy Bomower in writi�ng.and.in such case Borro�va ahaIl pay .
<br /> � m I.ender tbe arnouAt necassary to make up the de5ciency. Bumnwv sliall malce up the def'r.imcy in no mae d�aao nvelve _
<br /> �Y WY�at L.aider's so3e discretioa.
<br /> � �P�Y�in full of�ll sums socurod by t6is Security Ins�me�i,I.ender sh�U P�P�Y refiusd to Barower aay Fuads
<br /> - b�3d by I,axier. If�under p�t;grap�2l,I.snder sball acquire or sell cT�e Property�L.eader.Pc'sor to the xquisitioa or sa3e of the
<br /> ' Prnp�atY,sbail sppty any Funds heid by Lajder at the time of acq�aon or sak a9 a crodit�ainst tLe�ms socnrod by this
<br /> Sacuriry Iasauarau.
<br /> - �.w�ea�o.or ra��. Unkss apQliqble law pcb+�id�s a�awlse.all paymwts received by l.e:sda under p�ragraphs
<br /> 1 atW 2 shaU b��pplkd:f�a.tv�uy pcepaymmt ct�rges d�e cr�rSe�cse Note;9a',00d.to amouats paYa�b�nda Par�h 2:
<br /> tWrd,to iata�est d�fovctk.o�P�incipal��ad 1as4 to aoy l�te ct�c�x doe under the NocG.
<br /> 4.C�srtes;Lkn. Scx�rarar sfiall pay all ta�ces.stsses�aaus.c4'a�8ea, fines aad imposztions �tubotable tv We Progat�
<br /> w6ic6 twy attai�priarity oves ttii,s SecuritY Ias�.v�at,�nd leasehold pa}mraus a gtaus�l raus.if aay.Borroaer�a11 pay diese
<br />� W�ligatioas in dse maaaer provided in p�rsqgrapA Z,or if not paid ia thst manoer,Boccowu s1�11 pay them on ti�nme�'amctly m t�e �
<br /> ' pe�sao ow�ed po.ymeat Barmwa shall p�naaptly fianish w I.enckr aE[ootic�es of�mounts W be p�aW uader this p�c�p6.t�
<br /> Botruwer�ihese pay�r�eats dirxdy.Bomower sha11 PromPUY f�ra�s�to I�end�r rCaipis tvideacin8�PaY�
<br /> Batnwer s8all P�P�Y�Be�oy liea which has priority otiYt this Sxtuity insuuma�t unlas Bomoaru(a)�Ses ia
<br /> : writin�w tbe p�yma�t of the obligation 9a�rod by dse ti�in a c�an�w acc�ptabie w I.ender;(b)contests in g�f.aith the liea -
<br /> , by.a defeads �inst eaforcemau of the lieA i�, kgat P�ocadings which ia the I.eader's opi�ion opa�e tr3 p�evau the
<br /> , eafarcemeat of tlye liea;a(c)secures fran the lwlder of tbe liea 9a�grameat satisf�ctoty to L,enda suboMiaaLing tlse lieu ta
<br /> tl�Sec�vity Iast�umeat If 1R�3a dete�mi�es t1�at auy part of the P�aty is subject W a liw which may auain p�iarity ova c&is
<br /> � $p�jty Tnctn_enr�±y Irsda may give Borrower a aoor,e ideatifyia�the liea.Bocro�ra sl�aall s�tisf'y tLe lien a t�ice oae or aac�+e
<br /> _ of the actioa4 set fonb alwve witbin 10 days of the�ivia�of nwice,
<br /> Forw�02� a/oo _
<br /> � ��(ME)j027�}.Ot Pap�2Ni leitlW: _
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