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<br />� iacvocably�tww aad coavcy�a tbe 7Yuctoo�t�tru�,wi�b powe:af':ato.tbo fol3owia�desaiDnd pcaperty bca�f ia
<br />- �u►t.t. �ouoq�,lVobr�a:
<br /> 1�SIq1.
<br /> whiCh h�i t1�e addt+ess oi� 921 iii�ST aD�t�. GRIILTD ISIJWD (&sw.Ciqr).
<br /> I�Cb[iflta 68801 (tipCod�� ('A�lyAdd[�Ci�'�;
<br /> 1�Ofi7��R VYTI'H �ll tbC ItApfOVCalCilts Ii01V Of bCrt�iCr CrOCL�d 00 fhC �f�Q�iy. �Od �ll C�COit,
<br /> ap�tewoas�od fi:d�+es aow or 6aratia a qrt ot die pnopaty.All��ad additioas sliall al�o be oovered
<br /> by this Sectuit�r Iast�ua�au.All o�the fane�oi4�is tefared w m d�is Saauiqr Ias�u�meot a�tbe'Pbpaiy.'
<br /> BORROWFR G�OVENANTS t1�at Baao�rer is la�vfuUy xiud of the est�t�e haeby ooav�eyed aod h�tbe ri�Lt b
<br /> gtaot aod 000vry the Ptnpaty aod thn We ProQeity is�bard.esoe�t far�of seoad Ba�rzv�►�er
<br /> wyt�W�ad Mill detead aeswlty Ibc tide 1�the�ra�pety�iost a11 c}�ima aod de�ods.wbjett lo aoy matmbraooes
<br /> of�eoord
<br /> TEIIS SF.CIIRITY INSTRUII�NT oombiaes ua9form ooveausis far wtio�a!use aod ooa•uoifocm covemnts w�ith
<br /> , limiled va�i�tion:by jmi+dicxion a ooniaaue a uniform�ec�uity msuumaot covaiog�+eal pwperty.
<br /> Baiowrr aod Le�det ooveaaot aod�Igroe at falbv�
<br /> • LAV�OiG[C`OVFNAMIS.
<br /> �` i r�qiwt a rricipi��o�rea aao i.a�e L�r�soar�wer mau piy�m Que�e peoc�p�t o�aod a�aat _
<br /> �' oo,tbc dcbt evideaced by tLe No�e�od l�re clu�ges duc�mder tbe Nda
<br /> , 2 MoW�f�Plqre�t�T�Ia�vaaa aad Otier Ciu�et,Bano�+rr sball ioclude io eac�moo�hlY pY�.
<br /> togdha wit6 tbe primcipal aod�as set factL ia the�'ole aud�ay Iaie cl�ges,:smn fa(a)t�w�od spa:i�l
<br /> � �kwied ar to be leviod�tbe Pmpe�ty.(b)leauboW paymmts a gnawd rmts oo�be Rapaty.and(c)
<br /> ` proatium:far in�aoce i+equirod uoder paragcap6 4. 1a auy ye�r ia�+hic1�dse IeBdrr m�t py a ma0�e ownrooe
<br /> � p[C�1�fO tbC�y Of Fj0{itm$�UI�iO Z?CVi�OQfOtat("$O�Et�Y'�s Ot 30 i11yI yC�1D�Yh�Cb iOCb�
<br /> W0111d niYC bOEa 1EQii�Ed lf LdidCl itill h�3d 111C$OCI�y�11�lOt.C�m00t�y ply�lEf�ibf�l�f0 IOC3�C��Id':(1�
<br /> ' a wm for d�e�ooud mortg;�ga�p�emium a be p�id by Leadei a d,e Sa�y,aQ('n)a moo�ly cb�e ioaracti
<br /> ` of a martg�ge�x per�isr�if this Sa7airy Inmumaot i�hdd by d�e Socre�y.9n a sr�oafHe amouot b�
<br /> , de�amwed bl►1be�'a�Y• Fuapt for the�apd�lY c,l�r�e by d�e Secretacg.tLwe items are calied'Fs�r I�ems"aod �.
<br /> , We wo�s p�id b l.eader�e callod'Fsarlo�v E�aa�s.'
<br /> � l.er�der way►.at aay m�,c�ouect and[�ai�amamts far fitcm�r Itemt io ao�eg,�ie amouot oot w exoeed tbe
<br /> , m�amount th�t a�y be ne�aieed far BaR�o�er's acYa�aocouot uoder We Ral Eti�ie Sdtkmeat ProoecLa�es Act . .
<br /> r of 1974, 12 US.C.Sectioo 260g a seq.aod�iaaeatiag�gutntiom,2t CFR P�t 3500,ar tbey may be amear��ci
<br /> ; fmm time b 6me('Rfi.SPA7.e:apt tMt d�e culhioo or�ewve pero�itled�►RESPA foc im�ia�pMed dit�semm�
<br /> R or disb�6eFa+e the Bacrower's p�;ymeIIf.w ac�e avW�bie in tbe acc�wrs may not be ba�ad m amo�dua far the
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