� ' ���iit� _•;. ,. ;� �k� , �'' . -- — .
<br /> �i ' � �� ---. _._ . - .--
<br /> .•
<br /> „ �Mk � .
<br /> . ..o,.
<br /> � . �
<br /> -- — 92_ 1osos�
<br /> ._� (t) make aozapa�titions or other srranq�-
<br /> m�r�ts with d�btors in relation th�reto.
<br /> � 18. Iiovexnin Law. Thia Dead of Truot ahall be qoverned t�y
<br /> the law� o t e tate of iQabraeka and, in the event any one ar
<br /> +',""� more of the provisions cnntained in this Deed oF Truat, or the
<br /> � note or any o�her security instrument given in conneation with __
<br /> -i'�� thie traneaction shall be for any reasoa be held to be invalid,
<br /> ��A�� illegal or unenforceable in any respeat, ench invalidity, ille-
<br /> _ ., gality or unenforaeability shall not affect any other proviaione
<br /> �'� of this Deed of Truat, but the Deed. of Trust ehall be conetrued
<br /> ''`��� as if suah invalid, illegal or enforaaable proviaion had ne�ver
<br /> ���!�,s,.■...w4.--
<br /> :-����� ::�_�,+-��� beon aontafned herein or therein. ---
<br /> �iµ�iilY•.l f��'
<br /> '�;��,,;.',�, 19. Effect of Farbearanae. Any forbearance by Beneficiary
<br /> �' .,,+'•�;���N;;'"t:,•� or Truatee n exere s ng any r ght or remedy hereunder, or other-
<br /> '�� :.,.
<br /> — ,;".,.•�c�+� wise afforded by appliaable law, ahall not be a waiver of or pre-
<br /> �i �.�=�.•
<br /> ��-ti.�-�-; clude the exeraise of any suah right or remedy hereunder. L e-
<br /> ��`:�!���;;.'� wiee, the waiver by Benefiaiary or Trustee cf any default of the
<br /> �i �'`'`"y'"�"`�L�"�'� • Trustor under this Deed of Trust shall not be deemed to be a -
<br /> �_��"*...-� �'�':"����:y� waiver of any other or aimilar 8efault subsequently oocurring.
<br /> ,_.�:;',w,:�r�.�'
<br /> �—`±���n�:'��'� 20. Re-aonve anos b Truetee. Upon written requeat of the
<br /> � • - Beneficiary stat nq that all awas secured hereby have been paid,
<br />� �`.� � ��`� `�'' t • and upon surrender of this Deed of Txust and the note to the
<br /> '�"'�'"�j"�o�'�``�� Truster� for aancella�ion and re'tention and upon payment by ----
<br /> -_=� _.:. -. , .
<br /> --- "��� � � �� ' Trustox of Trastee's fees, Truetee ahall re-aonvey to Trustor, or
<br /> ' the person or persons legally entitled thereto, without warranty�
<br /> -- �� : :
<br /> —.��'�ie�.,.�.:`;,.'�,,�` any portion of the Property then held hereunder. Recitals in
<br /> `",�;�����.,�,_ such re-conveyanae of any matters or facts ahall be conclusive
<br /> ����•�• - proof of the �ruth£ulneas tlrie�ec,f. Grantees 3n the re-conv��ance - _.
<br /> �: �,w, ' may be described a� "the pereon or persons leqally entitled
<br /> - ti� thereto."
<br /> r��� ,��N. .� '
<br /> ' •� .
<br /> _;� °�;,�waai�:� 21. AacePtance b Txuatee. Trustee accepts thia trust when
<br /> - � .:•� ''�-:-.<.�;�� this Deed of Trust, du�y executed and aaknowledqed, ie made a
<br /> �,�;,,,,,�,�, � � public record as provided by law. ___
<br /> ."�� ..... _Y,. , F
<br /> � ��•-*.���; �.ti=� iN WITNESS WHEREOF� Truator has executed thia Deed of Trust t .
<br /> '�"' a"�"'�`��"° on ths date f f ra t noted above.
<br /> , � � .
<br />��� .i!� �•' � /) ,
<br /> _ - ,,4,•,;�.� , ,,,, . «� /1 � �- � -
<br /> ^� ;w�, ,,. � �; Vernon D. RoADins
<br /> �� �,., v ., i
<br /> '- ' � � �
<br />_�. ;�;,,�; ' ay . Robbias -
<br /> -. � "Trastor" ���
<br /> ,, v� `�'.�. '
<br /> . � • STATE OF NEHRASKA )
<br /> ., � ) ss: —.
<br /> ° COUNTY UF HALL 1 1�!y1��-
<br /> .. 'r+~,_ . R LL.
<br /> '� ,. . � ' �c 19 92 be fore me, the `
<br /> On this �� day of , , I
<br /> , undersigned, a Notary Public u y mm ssioned and gualified for �--
<br /> . ,.,• � ° said County, personally came Vernon D. Robbins and Kay L. �!`��.
<br /> ` Robbins, husband and wife, known to me to be the identical ,
<br /> ' � �� persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoinq Deed of
<br /> ' . � � . �� Trust, and they acknawledged the execution thereof to be their ��y:
<br /> � voluntary act and deed.
<br /> ��.. , �
<br /> ;i�•..�.__::�::....:..t, �ii�l��MwMW1 (�, rt� !'i .. /� �!./�.�i�
<br /> ,-,
<br /> _ . - -- -J-- V_,-- ��rl�0at�1N0 ' Notary�Pu ^ sc - - - - - i ..
<br /> , ., ;
<br /> � _
<br /> `_ My Cotamission expires s ,��-�L'-�. .� */�i�;' �i
<br /> ,, .. �
<br /> - - � ARB42.b.070792/re
<br /> S • _`�` -6- �
<br /> � r
<br />