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<br /> . ..:�` � ACKNOWL$DGEMENT 92�. 1O�rQSi3
<br /> .�L':J. 3�.
<br /> 1.�. +� �
<br /> The undereiqned, VERN�N D. ROBBINS and RAY L. ROBBiNB,
<br />����r "•eF,R'' hu�band and wife, identified aB "Truator" under a aertaia Deed of
<br /> ��� 19g2, to be entered int.o maong
<br /> Trust dated b.�.. .
<br /> �.';;`���`�'�,:; ;� Trustort �ND T�►CK�Attorney-at-i:a w, "T r u a t e e"� a n d W I L B E R H.
<br /> � ��:+1�:�:."':°'�.:. OLDFATAER, "Seneficiary"• hereby acknowledge that this Acknowl-
<br /> "°""- -.+ �:��`•�' edgement is made prior �o the exeQUtion of that Deed of Trust in _
<br /> � isj.,.���y�::
<br /> .� reapect to that real estate desaribe as:
<br /> -`�+,�., ..�'.
<br /> '��, <n�,::�k-�- Lot Three (3) , Commeraial Induatrial Park
<br /> �=��r - �N' Second Subdivision in the City of Grand
<br /> :.�� .�.:.� F,: Island, Hall County, Nebraaka, and the Eaat
<br /> - - � Fifty Feet (E �0') of Lot Two (2) and the
<br /> �" Northeast 62.65 Feet of Lot Four (4) , Com-
<br /> � ., : - � , �• mercfal Induatrial Park Second Subdivision in
<br /> - the City of Grand Island, Hall County,
<br /> � . � .��;t Nebraeka, together with that tract of land
<br /> — ° ���;; described as follows: That part of Frontage
<br /> — . . „ Road in Com�aercial Z�dustrial �ark 3econd
<br /> -�� ° �� - ' � subdivision, vacated by Ordinance No. 6450,
<br /> — � more particularly described as that part of
<br /> -,— '��� '�' Frontage Road abutting upon the East 50 Feet,
<br /> or 15.2A0 meters, of Lot 2 and all of Lot 3,
<br /> -= �ri;���:::�aG:,:��:.`_`_ Commercial Industrial Park 3econd Subdivision
<br /> „= in the City of Grand Isiand, provided, ��ai
<br /> 7 �n '� the City of Grand Island reserves a sixteen
<br /> i;� �? ,- �� feet wide sanitary sewer easemen�, the
<br /> '� ' .. centerline of which lies parallel to and
<br /> _ ; �� �.�� 15.4 feet, or 4.694 metera, North of the
<br /> '�'� . - yorth line of Lot 2 and the East prolonqation
<br />-- ��,«-�-� `�'' of the North line of Lot 2 of said subdivi- -
<br /> � �"'• ' aion and extending from the West line of
<br />_=.�. ,�,;�.; vacated Frontage Road to the East line of
<br /> vacated Frantage Road, together with rights
<br />--� � � .. . . ���r of inqress and egress through and across such
<br /> � �:,, eaBement,
<br /> _ � ���
<br /> �— ;;;'.� .� and that the Trustor knows and understands that (a) the Deed of
<br /> "'"� .:i�r�., , L ' Trust to be executed by Trustor is a Trust Deed and not a
<br /> r,�; Mortgaqe and (b) that the power of sale provided for in the Deed
<br />":�. . . of Trust provides essentially different rfghts and obligations to _
<br />_- ,�-`�'�° � . , , the Trustor than a Mortgage in the event of default or breach of
<br /> -• t����''` r obligation.
<br /> _,--k :N..
<br /> -'-s'°• �' ' � IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have executed this _
<br /> _.. ..a�''�"'`•
<br /> - -! .. Acknowledgement on this 'i,n_ daY of _��,.•�, 1992.
<br /> � � . . —�
<br />" J '°� .. u. � � �f•�---'
<br /> «< �.�
<br /> Vernon D. Ro ns :
<br /> ' , ;, � ,
<br /> ; //
<br /> - � � ; "-'t �t '
<br />_. ' . „ Ka J Ro ns
<br />� � � "Trustor"
<br />':��. � - 'J .
<br />_.�'-:
<br /> ) sss
<br /> t COUNTY OF HALL )
<br /> � before me, the
<br /> On this C� t day of "�k,�_�L•_ , 1992,
<br /> - ''•'' undersiqned, a Notary Public uly a mmissioned and qualified for
<br /> � said County, personally came Vernon D. Robbins and Kay L. Robbins,
<br /> k -� :•?,'�' ht�sband and wife, known to me to be the identical persons whose
<br /> . ' � -1-
<br /> �
<br /> .�
<br /> I _
<br />