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<br /> (i3 All o:p:rt o:'the Progeny.Oi i hC11Cf1CW IAtICGSI IA it llllSi OWt1II1Q.81I O[p3il Of lI1C Pr0[1CfIy� is told `_
<br /> or othcrwise truuferral(ather ttuw by dcvise ur dasccnt),and _
<br /> (iil The Property is not occupitd by the purchaccr ur grsnta as his or hor principsl resWe.�a. �►he - _
<br /> purchaser or grantx daes so occupy ttu Property but Ws or her crcdit has not boeu aAP
<br /> accotdutice wltb the roquiremenu of the Secnury. �at in fiill,but --
<br /> (c)No Waivcr. Ii circuinst�aces occur th�t would pesmit Lcnder to require imnxdiatc WY -
<br /> Lecder does not«quire such p�yments�I.eacicr does not w�ive iu righu with respect to sabsoqueni evenw. _
<br /> (cA AegWations ot RUD Sa��t'3'. in mury circumstuu,e� reb'ulatioas issuod by the Socretary will limlt
<br /> Leader's righu.in t1u c�se of paYment defaults. to require immediau PaYmeut in full and foreclose if not
<br /> paid.This Seeuiity 1��rmmnt dpes noi aulhoriu aCCeler-.iAU ot fotoClostue if�wt petmitted by t+egulatlwos
<br /> of the Secretary. that if this Secwlry Inswmeat aad the Nou are noi d�term�ned
<br /> (�)MwtC�e Not Insured.Ba.-n�wer agras
<br /> to be eligible for insurance tuar�s the Natioc�l Housing Act within 60 days ftom the date hereof. Lender
<br /> may. at iu option. re9uire imco�.-diate paymau in fiill of aU sumv secured by this Saurity I�aumena. A
<br /> writtea suumeat of auy authc.vixe�a8cat of the Secretu�r�Subsequa�t to 60 day�irom tLe date bcreof.
<br /> declining to insure this Securiry Inurumeai and the .�ti�tx, shall be de� conclusive praof of sacb
<br /> ineligibiliry. hotavithstandio� the fore,�c^:a,�, this option may not be e�tercised by l.ender Wh�a ttse
<br /> unavailability af ussuraac�is solely dne ca P�uder's failure to remit a mort�age insurauce Pc+e�ium w the �:;
<br /> �';:
<br /> v�wn�'..'7' R�+
<br /> 10. Relnstatemeat. Samw�a F.�a right to ba reiastated if Leaci�r bas requirocl im�medl�te WY� in full
<br /> becwse of Borrower's failure to�►�aa amount due under tba Note or this Socuriey 1n.umimeat. Thls right a+pplies =
<br /> evm after forxlosure pr000edinBs are iastituud. 'To reinst�te the Secudty Instrumeat, Botrnwer shall teader ia a =
<br /> (ump sum all aaaouau roct+ured to br1n8 Borrower's xcounc curreat including. to the exuat tluY+u'e ohli8atioas of
<br /> Borrowe.r uader tbis Sec�uity Inscra..�t,foroclosure ousts�ud reasonable aad cuscomuY�ttorneYs'fas aad expenses
<br />- pmperiy associated with the forxlcv�:n Pmcadip8•UPon triastatemeat by Borrower, this Security�full.
<br /> imtnediate PaY� �
<br /> the oblig�tioa� t�t it secures ahall n.m�in in effect as if I.eader t�d � �N� rein:tueaoeat afta' the
<br /> However, Lea�c�er u noc roquirai to permit rcr.w�teaoeat if: (i) L�eader ha� acoepted
<br /> oommeaceL;tnt of foredasure prAOxdin89 wisL��wo years immediatdY P�8 the commeatxmeat of a currmt
<br /> foreciosure procadin8� (U) reias� � F�'u�de foroclosure on dif�r.�ent Srouads in tlse fi�ture, or (iii)
<br /> r..•,.�„�.�,w,c vri11 adversely affoa the W��Y of t3e liea creaud by this SecuritY In�uv��;.`_ .:__ _��y .
<br />_ l�. Ba�►n�er l�oi II�lar�ed;Fo:be�rana$3'Le�le*Not a Wai�a�. r�c�o, u.�..,�.o.,, �a..a:..
<br /> modification of amortizatioa of the sums secureu by this Security Tnstrnmeat 8r�tecl bY 1�ad�r to my suxessor In
<br /> interest of Borrower sh�U not operate to rdease tiye liabiliry of the ori8iaal Borrower or Bon+oaa's wccessor ia
<br /> .intemt. Leader shall not be requiral w co•n„+�•�M^p��a8�my succasor in iuterat or refuse w txteffi
<br /> time for paymeat or othawise modify annortization of she sums sxurcd by thu Sxurlry Insuumeat by rea:on of aay
<br /> dam�ad made by the origmal Bc�rrowa or Borrowa'a suooe:ao�s in iaterest.Aay forbear�noe by I.eader ia ezerdsiaS
<br /> any ri�t or remaly sh�l1 not be a waiver of or proclude t1x eu.rcise of�ny right or reaxdY• .
<br /> 12.Soecaro�s aad A�rigss Bou�1+Jaiat and Sevasl I�aW1itY:Co+St�ers.The ooveaants aad aSroemcats
<br /> of this Socurity Iastn�axat shill biad and beaefit the asooeswrs aad usigns of ltader and Borrower. snblxt to the
<br /> provi�iooe of paragraph 9(b). Botrowa's ooveauits�nd�shaU be joiot aad sevual. Any Borrowa alw
<br /> oo-sigas tbi�Securjty Instrumeat but doa not e�cea�te tbe Nau: (�i�co-signiag this SxuritY In�rt�m� odY w
<br /> mortgage�gr�nt aad convey that Bonnwa'a inuxest ia the Property uadcr tl�e tes�of tbia Socuriry Inunimeat:(b)
<br /> is net persomllY obliS�d w PaY tbe su�saau�ed by this SocuritY Instrumeat;ind(c)agras t2�t Lmder aod aay
<br /> otba Borrowu may s�ree to ea�twd.modifY, forbear or m�lce wy xoommod�tions a+ith reYud w tbe ee¢rm of this
<br /> Seauit�Iasuument at the Note without thu Borcvwa's conseat.
<br /> 1��a�ou r.a c a• i,ua.i,; SM� cj�Q
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