� •rf ::i Y7���F: ';ti' ....-. . , � l73�.!-.__�.«ii�F�i`Alik�f%�:. _
<br /> p�l.t� •+ �'�'• .rrr.Jd'.nf./r.�R��Tc�
<br /> iF'^ � .) . rams�—.--- '_ —___-._ .._�.
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<br />��� ��� ����.r�`� --' Y�...r.�°_.��� • ^ .. ^ . :�:.��.-....
<br /> � ' , . , ..rAr pn{�.�'tl�. - ' . ' `,,,,r'�,�e�W.. .'
<br /> 4i�Y:.�
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<br />_,_—Jk.�Lyrl�u:.71'i�i,� O �
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<br /> � p�ymcnA. which ore rofcrrod�n in Pw�Qrn�,I 2,rK�UW�ya�hn�N�um of�u�h �yi��n�M. Aoy exccR.r praceeJ�avcr wn
<br /> �maunt�equfrod t�p�y dl ow�uinJin�In�MMwli�sa wMlr��hr Nut�rnd thl.Siecu►Ily ItWrument�ItMll be prid to the enUty
<br /> IeR�lly antitlod lherotn.
<br />. , 8. Fea. L.ender mry c�dlc�t fac.r uN!rhw�ta,�rwhu�lueJ by�ha�nwy.
<br /> •�`. 9. Iiraundt foo AcceM�dloa of Uebt.
<br /> IU De�iiY14 I.cndcr m�y.o�a•ipt rr Ilmlt��l by�tqulwNN�v Irrunl hy!hc'kcrc�wry in Ii�c c+wo uf puymem defouUr.
<br /> royuirc Immnlipta{►oymcm in full uf'rll�um��unyl My�hl+!iK�u�iiy In.trunxnl If: c
<br /> (i)Hormwor det�uits hy (MIIiuN w��+y b+ tull«��y u��wuhly ��+yuwts�reyulrrd by�hl,�erurity In��rumrnt prior _
<br /> —.---_--- ta or an tha due J�tc of 11tc ncK�nHNilhly��yn�riu.�K
<br /> -_ - ���� (ifl Bormwcr clofrullx by Wllny,f�K w prtl�d�d�hnly Juy..tu�wcl�wni w�y uihcr uhlf�utiunr cuntuincd in�hfr �
<br /> �� Socu�r�ity In�lNmcn�.
<br /> -----__-- — (b)lRal�VYlthiwl Cndll Approrol. l.cn�kr*hrll.U��rrn�uled hv w�lk��hlo Iww wxl wi�h Ifw prior approval of�hc
<br /> 5ecre��ry,n�yuiro linmediwte �y�nent in lull nl wll il��wnr�uicd hy dd�!iccuri�y Inr�Nmcm if:
<br /> - ' li)All a�of U� R►•peny.11i"N I1tIK�ICIN) IIU�'i�r�l lo r In�►t nwniny ull�K prrt of Ihc PrapeAy.ir �oW or
<br /> •"""—"-_.,-__�� othcrwlxo trungfc�d Inihrr�ha�by devfsc��r tlr,�enll hy NH�H�wruwcr,wu•1 - --
<br /> . . ., —
<br /> -�q,an.��� liil Thc Pmpcny ir nW�.cwpicd hy dw�xirchwrr��K�{rrnlee rw IUe�►r Ikr�xbk i�wl rc++iikncc,ot Ihc purc wrer
<br /> �.��,,�,�, or granlcc J�K.r �u► �K�upy 11►c 1?�Mx•Ny iwl hlr �K Iwr aed1� hw �H� hccn �ppmvcJ in urcunl�e
<br /> „�,�,� wi�h thc royufrcmrnta��f�hc�crclrrv.
<br /> �� `r'-���� (c)Na Wdver. IPl'IRtUli1MIN11l'tl►�N'cUf(IIYI R�NII�)�kllllll I.tlkil'f(11 flv�ulir Imincdlu�c prynknt in full,but Lcnder
<br /> ��'''� does na Kyuire�uch�wymcnl�,I.CIIIIC�l��M�I11N WNI�I'II'�tj�IllM W III11���1►1)U�XpI1.tiC{�UC01 CYl'111A.
<br /> —i—"-- Id)Re�ulatla�u o�HUD�iecnt�ry. In mW�y ctr��um��u�kcr r•�yulw�hm�Irrucd hy Uk ticcrc��ry wlll limit Lcnderk
<br /> ����h'�+� righta. in �hc cqsc of ppymrn�defuul��, b� nquiw Inimcdi�le �+wyuNm In full und forcclu+e if nrn +wid. Thir
<br />_— '�`��`''°"' � Sctiurity Inr�lrument doc4 rxN �uthuriir w•crletuiian ur I,rm hnurr�I�MM��m►uied by RguloUorts of Ihe Secrctory. �--
<br /> ,�. x,..,.. . .. .�F�':,
<br /> j�;.;,L��;, i,,.��� ••.• lel Mort�e NM Inrured. Hw�owcr�µmex d�y��h�wW�hl.`r.un�y hu�runkw�uul�he n�wc xerurod U�rcby nw
<br /> �:,�c..,_ .�� be cligiblc for inxur�e unilcr �hr Nrtional Iluu�h�p Ac�wi�hio �� �p 1h�i from Ihe
<br /> 7O' " . . dutc hercof.Lcadcr muy.wt i�FO�iun wKl niNwUh+iw�Nliuµuuy�hNiµ1u 1'ut+�}trw�y,nyulre InmKdiutc puymcnl in
<br /> �;;�;t�,�;��_ full of all xumx recurul by Ihi�Srxurity InNrumenl. A wril�rn Kia�ruwm��i wuy aulh��rfte�l uQenl of Ihe Secret�uy
<br /> � _�. ,�• dnted nubxcyucot lo � � �hQ Itum Iho dul�Ix�cof.�kclinlnµw iorurc Ihir Sccurity —
<br />--- ��; ;: - - �`-'� Instrument mid thc natc �•um�ilu�nhy. �hall t+c danwal.•�Hklu.lv�pi���f af �ucb inclVgihUi�y. N�Nwi�hxlanding r
<br /> -�:��".'�L :� lhe foregoing, thia uplion muy n�N he cxrrciMd hy IxiKkr whrn tlk unavuiluhlU�y uf In�.urwuc ir wlely duo lo
<br /> �;;��,,,, .,.,,,•a„�4 Lendcrk failurc lo remit u mongugc intiurur�c prcini�uu�o tl�.tiuc�r�ury.
<br /> i0. RelniWtement. 8wmwcr hax n ngM!u he min�tulwl it I.riwlrr hwr rcqwird imnkdiute puymem in 1'ull hecause
<br /> ���a. ., ��' af Barmwerl� failure to puy un umuun4 due unJcr thr N�NC ��r �hir Srcun�y b���runxnt. "Ilil� rlghl u�licx even ufter
<br /> � �',�$'�;,Y '`�; farccloxure pruceedingx ure fnsti�uted. 7i� rein�.lule ihc Sc�unty In�lnm�ni. N�amwcr �hull �ender in a Iwnp sum ull
<br /> ":�-�i...��::� �,.�: omounts reqwrcd to bring Harmwcr�occoum cum,�i i�niwSiup,ia ii�eiirtN iliry qtr:�hlfxnl3:�l.: uf!lexn!w��11�k'r Ihir
<br /> '�"` , Secu�ity Instrument.foreclorure ro�txund nuux�uhle un�l curl�N�w�y uuunk�yti'Ir.�.wnd c+{xnKr pro�xrly u�y�kiu�cd wi�h
<br /> ��� �he forcc:luxure proceedin$. U�n t�einstatcmcnt hy Hnrruwrr,lhl� lrcuni• In�uwiKin riul dk uhligu�i�►nr IhW i1 nccurcx
<br /> ' ''�•�� xhall remain in effect ux it Lendcr huJ nut nyui�J inimrJiute puynxm io�ull. Uuwcvcr, I.rikkr i�n�N nquirul 1�►�cmii�
<br /> �= ,,, . " . ,., : reinatotement iF: li)Lcndcr haw acceplcd reinytu�cmcn� uf�cr Ihc cuinmroccmriu �d f�x.rlu.um �K�wecding+ wilhin twu
<br /> - � yeurx imrnedfately pr�Yeding the cummcncemen�af u ruRCnt li►n•clu.urr pra.•cdi���;. aiii nln.�u�cuko� wiU pr�tiludc
<br /> -_• ..,;;� : . , forcclasure on Jifferent groundx in the fu�un,or Iffi)rcln�.tu�cnkm wdl wlw��.rly �ticai ihr prf��n�y ut �Ik li�n rrcutcd by
<br />. ��� ��=,_ thisSecu�i�y Ing�rumem.
<br /> � 11. Borrower Not Rele�+sed;Furbeuronce by I.eodc� N�N u Wwlver. I'.x�en�i�a� uf �IM� t�uN �►( �wy�acm ur
<br />-- . .��.,�.. •• ,� . moditicutian of amoniiatfon M'thc tiumti urund hy�hi+tircun�y Inr�ruo�rnlµrui�cd hy I.►•�Kkr lo w►y wrcr..ur m m�crc�t --
<br /> ., ,•�,... of Bortower xhull not operute to rrlcuu thc liubili�y uC�hr oriµlnul Nurruwrr u�H�xr.�wer'.,wrc,Wrr u�mlrre,�. Lrndcr
<br /> ` .,�.�,�_�•,.,�:.�.• xhall not he rc�.yuircd to rommcnce pnk�tiJing�uguim�uny .iure,���r m innrc.���r irluu• w rxi�i�l unK IiN•payment or �
<br /> .,,. otherwixc m�ify umohfiution ul'thc nums ucurcJ My �biti tircunry In.�ruiurw by reuwm ul,u�y Jcmund in;K1r hy �hc -
<br /> .�, :., original Bwrc�wer or Born�wer:wrce,�un in int�re+�. Any littheurunc�by LruJrr u+ l'xC(l'IHllµiUly�I�{II)�N ffI1K'lIy\hpll
<br />- '""' �� na be o woiver of or preclude the rf.crchc uf any�itiht nr n mr�ly.
<br /> � �.
<br />_:�.� 12. Successors and A,�vIRn�Huuod:Julnt und 5ever�l I.f�bllilyt l'o•�tlKaerw. Il�e.uv�•uumr�uiJ��µr.�•nuntr ul' `; _
<br /> °'"'`�°`�" "; ��' this Security Inxtrument yhall hind nnd ixnelii thc�ucre„��n und u.,iKn,ol I.rn�k•t uual NunuN��. �uh��rl lu Ihr puwi�wm =
<br /> -- ,.�,;,;r�- x�� . of Parog�uph 9.M. Borruwerk rav�nunts unJ uurccmrnt� .hull Ik �wm �md ,rv.ial Any Hurmw.•r whu cu riun. Ihi, ..,
<br />-- 'i�. " Securfty Inx�rumcm bu�diws not cxccutr�hc N„tr: lul i.cu�,igmn��hi,tircui n} 6i.�rmua��N�Nd� iu murn�ugr,µrunl uial �.;:
<br />'`�, ,.-., convey Ihut Bortowcr i.inlrre.l in Ihc IR���rty unikr tlu Irmi.ul thi,tircunlq In,�rum.�m.�1»�•n����x•�•�ewlly uhl�kut«1 a� _�
<br /> -� pdy the sum�,ecunJ hy�hi.tiecurity In.�run►eur,and Ic 1 uKrre�Ih:il l.rndcr.�nd,�ny �Nhe� Hunnw��r n►oy u�trer N�rrl.�kl. _-_
<br /> '�;:�'i4-� modify.forbcur or makc uny�kcum�n�Kluli�m.wilh rr�urd w�he�rm�.��1 Ih��1cc�mi�• lo.lnmicnt ur th�•N�N.N'IIIIINII IIIYI
<br /> � Y:i-... " Borruwcr,camen�.
<br /> _w� ;�: 13. Notices. Any nutkc lo Kurrnwrr pruvidrd li�r iu Uu.ti►ruiil� lo,tnim.•m .U.dt hc tii�.�u hv drl��rnn� U��r by i -
<br /> mailing it hy tit+l clu�,muil unl�:�� appliruhlr luw rrqwr« urr ul :�nulhrr iiu•Ih��l. Ih.• iwn��• ,h.�ll Ix•d��rclyd 1�� Ilir _
<br />:..al�•"' . � Property Addretis or uny nther uJJr�s�Nurn►wrr ik.ipniur. by n��Ucc lu Lrndri. An} n��h.r m I.rn�1�•r�l���tl Ir•};�rr��hy �-..:.
<br /> �� , iirst clatis muil tu Lcndcr+ uilJrc,. ,lav:d hrrrm nr ooy nddr.�„ I.�ndrr dr.i}�n,nr� ly n�m.r a. Nn��uN.•r. Any i��Nic��
<br /> `�:'. . �►mviJcd ti►r in�hi,Securi�y In.truuieai.hull Fk dre�nrd ti�ha�•.Ix•rn Fi�rn w liurraw rr��� I c�NN•� Nhrn Ki�rn a,�nuviikd --
<br /> � ,» � . m thi�parogruph. ��
<br /> - l4. I:ovrrninR I.uw:tievcrAhllfly. I'I�i. ticrurn� Iu,Irwnriu .h.dl Iw•����.•inr�l I» I rJci.�l l,�w .w�l dir L�N ,�1 da� �-:
<br /> - : �. � . .. junufiction in whirh thc Pro�xny i.I�h•li�rd. In ih.•c�.•ni th.n um �n��vi.u�n ur �I.u�.c��1 du,�.•�w��� In.i�umrnl�n iF►r ��
<br /> Notc wntlicls with ap�►liruhlc (a��, �uch runll{ct .b:dl n�H nllr:l ��thrr�,�u�i.nm. ��1 1h�. tir��nnt Iu.Iwu��nl �n 11�.• Nulr
<br /> ;. which c�n hc givrn ritrc�wi�huui ihc r��nlliclin�pi���i,iun. I„thi.rnd�h����i����.irns.nt �hi,�r.uni� In.uwnriu �m�t►h�•
<br /> , Notc are dcrlurcJ tu Ix�tirvrruhlc. �A-
<br /> : � IS. Itorrowcr's/'opy. li��nuv►cr.h�dl ix�ti�v�•n un�•c�mt��iw.•d.�q�� ��t d��.�r�m�i� 1�„uuuu•ul �=�,
<br /> . � . . 16. A��ignmcnt of Renl�. H�un���.r unrunJ�Uun:dh .�..��n.nn�l uau.lr�,l��I rudr� .dl�hc �rm•,m�l��•.�•uu..ut U►r � ;
<br /> Pmpcny. HoRUwrrimlh��nn�I.rmlrr��rL�•ndcr'.a���nl.lu���llrrllhrirul.,w�tn•�ivar..�udLri.•I�� �Idr.l+r.i�l�fru.�nln� .
<br /> �Ne Pmpeny ���pay Uu nm�a� Ix�ukr ur I.ruJ�r: �E��nl. Ilu��r�ri. p�iu� ���I rnd�•�,rn�U:.•��• Il����uwrr �H 14ur,uNCi�, --
<br /> , r�, brcuchot'uny cnvrnunt ur u�!nrmrn�in�hr ticcunN lu.honu�ul.14��u����r� .h.ill�ullr,� .w�l i,,ri�r .dl iro�..a�J ir�rnur.,.l
<br /> 7r -.. lhl'1�1'0 •I7 SltiltU�ll'l'IUI'tltt�ll'11l'lltUtI.C1111Cri111�II�urt�,��C1 I111..�•.1{'11111�'I�InIM•IHti.�•Il.l�htl,•..u1.�1�.��lut.'d.�l�ll�UU•tll �'
<br /> � ". . l� � y
<br /> ;' - ' _,,,_ �mJ n�N un a,siµnmrnt lur udd�Uun.il �cr�u�t� nn1�
<br /> ��rr.w.�, ..��.,.�....�ti. u. �....�..
<br /> -j'— .'_ .--�_- - �I Ll`OUl'� IVC�f1l1Ul'l'OI t�R'8l'1110 nnm�wci 1.li.�n��•ni��c�i�'�c�i i.� ii.•�i..o.i ,o�....� .�...... .__:::::tcc _"'. ._•' �'_
<br /> �.r�-.-- '�� �
<br /> ti�r lxncti�uf'I.rndcr unly.1��Iw•����pla•�I 1��Ihr ,in��,,r.uirJ h� Ihr 1r.un1� In.uu�ur�u �1��I,�u,l,� •b.dl Ir ,��hllr.l�,� r
<br /> •• rollccl und rcrriv�ull��I Ihr�rnh�.t Ih.�Ihu�x��l�.,uid�.�r.�.h Irn.m1 ul Ih� Ihu��rih ,I�.�11 p.�� .�I I�,���.,1��,� .�nJ���q�.n�l��� ?
<br /> .� l.cndcr ar Lrndcr',iitirm nu I.rndr�'.����urn Jr�nau�f iu�hc��•u.nu '
<br /> .. ` .� BmTUwer hn�ni►t rtcculril any���wr .�.,��nm.�nl ul Ih; irui, .md h.n w�i ,�ud �ull n,�� ���I,�nn .un .�,i ih.d �.,�ul.l �
<br /> '` — ' �:revcnt LcuJcr from cxrn�.iuN u.����lih undri thi�1'.u,�tiia��h In t .
<br /> ' - �Xtlul'f ��IU�� IN�1 fk fl'1�11U�•���U CI11C1 U�MqI.Id������Ilh�����1 ul tlldllll.11tl Ih� �'u��ti-�h lai�nr ,�� .�H,'1 �n u4' �u'1�.� �'� .
<br /> y , �1f�Ul'II lU IlllfptN'l'f. II��N�•v��r. LcnJc� u� a �wliu,�ll� .q+�H�nur�l �.•��•i���� w.�� du,�� .�i .�n� �m�,� il�,i.� �, -� h�,.�,h \���
<br /> ' , ,�rri��,��������►i�,•itl��h:dl nul�•u�r n� K;u�r.�m .Irtanh��i �m.diJ.ur.�m ��Ih.i ����h���i �,n��J� ��1 1 ;i��l,� I I��. � .�,:u�,��i
<br /> � . � iif renl.uf Ihc I'tu�xrh�tilc�U�rrtmo:Hc��hrn Ih�•�leht,c�iw��l h� thr tiv�uni� Imuu��n•����. ���„1��� ���II
<br /> .
<br /> , ,,.,.. � .���.,�,,,
<br /> � J �
<br /> : � .
<br /> �
<br />