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<br /> [&papo Abotia lblc I.ldc for Raording I1W�1
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<br /> , , , DEED OF TRUST �3p' �'p�
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<br /> o•:,�;�a,�:EE°103 �� ��
<br /> ATi N::Al.tnl:i�J:{CS:N —
<br /> TKiS DEED OF TRUST("Security Instrument")is made on OCTOBE& ?, 1996 .Tix trustor is
<br /> ("Barrower").'IUetnuteeis I�f2aii8ST BANK NEBxAS�A, t��►TIONAL ASSO�I�TION
<br /> �-T�ustoe").TTt�e beneficiary is NOBWEST BANK NEBxASKA. NA�IQNAL ASSOCIiTIOh
<br /> which is organized and e�cistit►g under the laws of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA •�w'b°z°
<br /> addt+essis 3404 WEST 13th GRAND IS7.AND, NEBRASKA 68803
<br /> (•Lerider').Bormwer oA�es l�eadv the principal s�u�q w�
<br /> 3CWENTY NINE THOi�SAND 0138 HUNDRBD THIRTY THRfiE !►��I$1��29,133 .1Q*� >• '
<br /> 'ihis debe is evidenced by Bonower's note dated the same date as this Security I�znene('Note").w�pn�vidw for
<br /> a��1Y p�►Ymenu•with the full debt.if not paid earlier,due and payablc on APxIL 18, 20�5 � .
<br /> 11�is Securiry I�uutneat secures to Leoder:(a)tho repayment of the debt cvldencod by tbe Note.with inta�est.�nd all reaewak.
<br /> rxte�ic+m �ad modificstiouc of tho Note; (b) tbe PaYment of all otber tums. with intrrest. adva��ood unde�pa�graph 7 w
<br /> - � - '�sntect tho secYirify of�thii SdaiHry iAStt9RSeni: �na (c) ine Perium�w�vi w.:.;'.:.:.':.�.::.�..�:."�=•'.,::'="""'"'`._!�!.��+�!— . _ .
<br /> p�upou. Borrowu :revocabiy grants and conveys to Tnutee. in tnut. with po��er of sak, the following dr.xn'bed p�opa'ty
<br /> Cotu�ty,Nd�asic�:
<br /> bcated in EALL -
<br /> wi�id�hastbeaddt+essof ?030 N NORTS RD GRAND ISLAND t�.�'},
<br /> N� 6 8 8�3 � ("Property Address'): ,
<br /> [�P�l �•
<br /> TOGETHER WITH all the impravuuetus now or hereafter encted on the pcoperty,and dl easanaus,apQurte�>and
<br /> fixtures rs� or hetafter a part of the property. All repia�rt¢o�s aad additions sl�all �lso be aavaced by this Soa�rity
<br /> i�uumear..e�ll of tho f�regoing�s r+eferrod to in this Security ta�acur�a�t as the"Pi'apertY•"
<br /> �OR�t0�1YER COVENANI'S that Borrowu is Ia+�rfuUy ses�ad of t�e esate hereby oonveYal nad has the ri8��8��
<br /> ooneey dr Pro�petty md daM the ProQetty is uoa�cucz�d�.e:ae�t far eacu�bnixes of reao�d. Borrowcp warr�ats am will
<br /> defend geaeraliy the ntk t�v the PropertY against all cfiaims aacP d�mads,subject to any a�a�rbruxes of rec4+ar9.
<br /> T�PS SECURITY iNSfRUMEI3T combines uniform covaszr.ts for nstional use�nd mn-unifwm coveuants with limited
<br /> var'satla��!Y Duritdiction m oo�utituta a'uniform sowrity instnimetx.oovering real property.
<br />– :)r:it`Q:';C�3!'�..ItiRIL'!'v.E�sroever and!►tlQtr Co�h�+t a�rui��zoe ac follows:
<br /> �. P�ymat ot Pti�cip�! aod Ipterest, 1'rrpaYmtnt sud Late Ch�tgea. Borrowa shsll P�P�Y P�Y whea due the
<br /> p�of and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and anY pcepayment uid late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ��1.r�,;M::fw–'t'u�r.:,d=t�:�... �bjc:.t to�iic�:.1c lara or to a writun wuva by L�eader, �row�r slsall pay W
<br /> L,es�der on the day monthtY P1Y�u are dut under the Note.until the Note is paid in fiill.a sam(`Funds')fcx:(a)Yearly taus
<br /> �assess�►ts which may attain priority over this Savrity Instnunent at a litn on the Property:(b)YarlY l�ase+'�old p�ynktus
<br /> or gcound r�ents on the I'roperty.�f any:(c)Yearly haTUd or praperty inwrance premiwns•(d)Ye�r1Y tlood isuuranoc prcmiuu�.
<br /> if any: (e)Yeariy mortgsge�nsurar�ce praniums,if aay:and(�znY sumc payable by Borrower w l.u�der. in aocordana with •
<br /> the provisions of poragraph 8. in lieu of the paymmc of mortgage inwrance praniums.These items are c�iied"Escrow Iten�.'
<br /> Lender rr�y, at any time. colloct and hold Funds in an amount not to exoeed the maximum amount a lmder for a faiersilliy
<br /> ' rtlaud mottgage loan may roquire for Borrower's escrow account under the foderal Real Buate Seu:ement Prooalara Act of
<br /> lg7q ss amenckd fmm time to time, 12 U.S.C.5ection 2601 �t s�q. ("RESPA'),unless anothcr law t}�at applies co the Funds
<br /> sets a Iesser amount. If so, I.eixkr may. at�ny time. collect aad MoW Funds in an artiwunt not to excad the laser anwunt.
<br /> �de=may estim�te the tinount of Funds due on the basis of current daw aad roacon�bk atimates af expendicurcs of futwe
<br /> F.scrow Items or otherwisr;in aca�rdanoe wit6 applicablo law.
<br /> NErRASKA-SinqM Fartw1Y-Fa�w�Miwlk«Idir M�a UNI�ORM MiSTRIf�EIiT iornt 302�9/90
<br /> �NI Y 2TO7 MY0 vYY MWiGAGE f01WS-1313r3i3-8100•18001521 7291 vao.�w+ .� r���61�1
<br />