Laserfiche WebLink
• .— :�/�;1 ,(•:�'• ' r � �---___-_ <br /> e �—i ` t�l� �� I� • �IM�.-. - - <br /> . _ <br /> Ytiir� •�--_---_----_ `-----—� --- " <br /> — <br />�__��� � soso�� <br /> S. ll�zard or Pt+upaty Irteurai�. BOROWCT 6FIDII IICCp tI1C improvement� na��Ttinp or hercafter crectad op the <br /> P�peny insured a�ainct lass by fire, hu�arda includod within thc term'exteuded covcrage"aad�ny othcr hu�rds, includin� <br /> -- - flood4 ar tlooding, for which l.ender requires insumnce. Thia incurnnce stoall bc maintaincd in ihc a�n�wntw und Por thc periods <br /> tha�l.ender requirea. The insurance corrler pmviding the insunu�cc�shall be chu�cen by &�nowcr�ul�j�x� to I.cnder's uppr�►val <br /> which xt�ell not be unreasonably withhetd. If&�rrower fyil� to rnrintAin c�ve�Age de+crihed utwve, l.ender nwy, at l.ender'r <br /> - opt ion,abtain rnvorage to protect l.ender't righte ln the Praperty in accurdunce with paragrAph 7. <br /> All Insumnce policies arN!rcnewalK whull 6e acceptable to [.cndcr a�xl �hull includc o �tundurJ mnrtg�gc cluutie. Lende� <br /> sha 11 have Ihe right to hold the policies cuid renewala. IP I.ender m.yuires,Bonower shall prompt ly give to Lender ail roccipls of <br /> paial premiums urui renewsil nutices.Iu d�e event uf luss. Bui-ruwer rhnll�ive pwmpt�x►dce tu the incur�ua;e carri�r Ynd I.ender. - <br /> Lender tney make proof of loss if not n�de pmmptly by Borrower. <br /> Unless L.ender and E3orrowe�otherwise agrce in wrlting. insurunce praceeds shall be applied to re.ctoration or repair uf�he <br /> Property dAms+ged,if the restaratian ur repuir is economicully feasiblc and I.ender's security fs not Icssenod.If thc restoradon or <br /> rcpair is not ernnomic�lly feasible or Le�er'�security would be lessence.the insurunra proceedK shall be npplied to the sum� <br /> - saured by thia Securlty Instrument, whether or not ihen due, with any excess paid ta 8orrower. If BoROwer abundans the <br /> ��°- ° - ° °--�° 1'r0perty.or daes rwt answer within 30 days a noUce fram Lender thAt the insurance ccurier has offered to setde a claim, then <br /> �� Lender may collect the insurunce proceeds. I.ender may use the pruceala to repair or restore the Property or to pay sutns <br /> �',� aecarrcd by thia Security Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day perlad will b�gin when�he notice ig given. <br /> Unlas Lender and Borrower otherwiice agree in wr�ting, any AppiicAtion of praceeds to principul shall not extend ar <br /> postpone�he due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 w�d 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> uncler paragraph 2l the Propeny is acquired by[.ender. Borrower's righl to any insurance policies und proceeds resu{ting from <br /> dvtuge to the Property prior to the acquisiti�n shall pass to Lender to tbe extent of�ha cums secure�by this Secu�ity instrument <br /> i ��-`�--""i°�''. -�' imnxdiately prior to the acquisition. <br /> ' -:y;'��"`�'`�� 6.Onvp�ncy,Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan Applicatlon; I.easeholds. <br /> w��_ <br /> �:"rt"`{ �a:,.: Borrowershallaccu ' <br /> �:K py,establish,and use the Property as Borrower s principal residence wlthin sixty duys Afler the execution of <br /> �"'�'J -�'�" thls Securlty Instrument and ahall cantinue to occupy the Property as Horrower's principal residence far at least one year after <br /> _ , �; the dete of occupancy, unless I.encier otherwlse ugrees in wrlting. which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless <br /> '— ' •. � eatenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the <br />__� _'7_—;�- .t.Y.,• ' <br /> -- ,, - ,,:�.. PrOperty,allow the Property to deteriorate, or commit waste on �he Property. Borrower shaU be in default if any forfeiture <br /> _--�i���?� uction or proceoding, whether civil or criminal, is begun Ihat in I.ender's ga►d faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the <br /> . , <br /> � Pr�perry or otharwise materfally impnir the lien creuted by this Security lnslrument or L.ender's secu�ity interest.Borrower may <br /> `'��'° �` cure such a defnult and reinstate,as rovided in ra h 18, b causin the action or roceedin to be dismissed with a rulin <br /> ��t' P W BroP Y B P S � <br /> — y ��,..' Ihat,in l.ender's gaod faith delerminalion, precludes furfeiwre of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other matedal <br /> :i#�w�.�,:�+��°. • Imp�lrment of the lien created by this Security Instrument o� l.ender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in default if <br /> �y�;�;�;;;,�„" :•�'�:, Borrower,during the loan application pracess,gave materially false or inuccurate informution or s�atements ta I.ender(or failed <br /> � ' ��t^� to provide L.ender wlth any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited <br /> ' ., '^+�*'�"' to, resentations concernin Borrower's accu anc of the Pro n a.ti a nnci al residence.If this Securit Instrument is on a <br /> -� .� �" ,�«'t. nP � P Y P� Y P � P Y <br /> � ^;� �y • ,� ., leasehold,Borrower shell comply with all the provisions of the leuse. If Borrower acquires fee titk to the Praperty, the <br />•• �� ,, ' '""•_ � lea�ehold and the fee title shnll not mergc unless Lendcr a�rees to the merger in writing. <br /> :��.;,;,� �� .;�. 7. 1'rotection oP I.ender's Rlghts in the Property. If Barrower fuils to perform the covenants and agrcements contained in <br />_.�� :•. �..� _ this Securiry Instn�ment, or there is a Iegal proceai9ng that may significuntly t►ffect l.ender's rights in the Property(such as a <br />..�.� .y�p:�tr+m1"': , <br /> � '." proe�ding in bankruptcy, p�obate. for condemnation or forFeiture or to enforce luws or regulations), then Lender may do and <br />_-��. Y�'-�,�= • pay fnr �vhatever is necessary to protect the vnlue of the Property und I,ender's rights in the Property. [.ender's actions may <br /> include paying any sums securcd by a lien which has priority over �his Security Instrument, appearing in court, paying <br /> �'t'� :,", : � rea.sonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may tAlce uction under this parograph <br /> -_:� �,+s�s..rrr.�.�'w. •...r,.; <br /> -� .^�•`,�'.•.:.'. <br /> 7,Lender dces not hnve to do so. <br /> - .,...�..: ..._...:.-a�= Any amounts digbursed by Lendcr undcr this paragruph 7 shull become udditiona! debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> : '�Ls <br /> ,�^•_•• •� Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and l.endcr agree to other terms of paymcnt,thcse amoums shall bear intcrest from the <br /> _-�; '�;��'. : �•a dute of disbursement at the Note rute and shull be payublc, with interest, upon notice from Lendcr to Borrower rcquesting <br /> pay ment. <br /> ���� '! "",;,�y ' • ° 8. Mortgnqe Incurance. If Lender required murtguFe insuranre a�a condition of nmking the luan secured by this Security <br />-"�� lnstrument, Borcower shall � the remiums r uired ta mAintuin the mort u e inxurance in effect. If, for an reason, the <br /> :'�a... . �- P Y p e9 8 F Y <br /> ,�� "�f • mortgage Insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ceases to be:in effert, Bc►rrower shul l pay the premiums required to <br />-��- � � ...���� � �`�� obt�in cover�ge suhstuntiully equivalent to the mong�ge insurance previ��usly in rffect, ut u cost xubstAntis�lly equivalent to the <br />�'" � '��"w� � cost to Borrower of'the mortgage insurance previuusly in efl'ect, frrnn;ui niternate monguge insurer uppmved by Lender. If <br /> - —.tst'.r�°:r.'.�.: <br /> _-- • ��.,•, �� subs�anti�lly cquivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not uvailublc. BoRiiwrr shull pay to l.cndcr each month a Kum equal to _ <br />-- � � , one-iwelfth of the yearly rnortguge insurance premium Ix�ing paid by Borrowrr whcn thc in,urunce covcragc lupsed nr ccaned to <br /> �.. be i n effect. I.ender will accept,use und retuin theae paymrnt+a, �lo.s reservc in lieu of morigage insurance. Loss reservc <br /> ' �a. n <br /> •- , • Fwm 3028 8190 <br /> � „ • Page 3 0l 6 <br />:. �_ . , _ . . --- - � —- - �r . . � .,....:.�:�iMA�+�+�?.t+xr���y�tlq�a <br /> � . <br /> {, , , � <br />;,. , • <br /> �.,•. i�.,��:a�_�,� - =-= •• <br /> - -•----�-----.. .--• -- - - .-._--- --._ _ ..._. _ .. . --� � -- -- - -_- <br /> . - ., -- ----- - - -- - -_-- -- � -- . :-- -.:. � � --�---� <br /> s , " ' • .. . <br /> � <br /> ?,. :::� .. . , • <br /> �: ., <br /> • � „ ,:�.a ., . � <br /> ... ," u i�..-y�`�� . ' „ ` . <br /> ��i�� <br /> � . ' •-�,k;' - • ' <br /> �, „ <br /> 6 �' � � . —�— � _ -- <br /> � ,__ - - <br />