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<br />_ i w co�.v� HALL .aa�.a..• NEBRASKA e.,r.�� � w w�a► �c�. s�s wn.m
<br />_" � SIXTY THOUSAND ANO 00/100--^-------------------------------------- n0**�
<br /> , Is NeA 0�. ���R+��14�1 aod courq oo�o W�Hom��'�dreal i�Map 1�Lo�s Aaodatlon d tinod Ll�ad.
<br /> .�`,:.:• fMa�d LLa4 N�tra��ad ils a�oo�on aad w�tw. W�toIIowloi ew1�dtuWd ia HALL
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<br /> Y =` � �� Tai�ther wlth all ths aDP��nnto belonaina.and all coveaanw In �Il the tltle daed��with aid real Mta � --
<br /> __ .. . ;, and all tho rante�iesua and nra�lts arldn�th�rom �tter detaalt in P���a1 wY��or oondWoa berdn con- '-
<br />_ • *�: din�dp�nd wa�nb tht tttls thaeW ynrlect uul clear e�ceP� for this maetila��
<br /> � ,` S ... 4•.- D�in�!6�tims t61t moit�e is �anta levled aLV�� Pr�� iueludlna all t�[er�nd as�eumwL Uvl�d
<br /> .::_:�.::,:�r .�,� FletR To py dl ta�and�peCtal
<br /> �yoa thl� mort��e�os ths debL �ecinYd bY t6ti mnrtW�lla
<br /> ';�i33�„�a:..:.9r;:•.:, 8econd To beD � ��0� �0n in�ured �to�t las by 8r0.Wt��d torn4do In�ome comP�Y.to b� aP
<br /> - -- — 60.000.00 -� �
<br /> �„ ,::.�,,= pxo�ed bY t6e wtd Roms Federal Savin�� Iaan Ar�ocl�tloII ot tiru�d Isl�nd fi►4he �um 8! �
<br /> Ar oc �
<br /> _ .�< .. '. tbe benotlt ot ths�aid ArrodaUon.and it�accwors os udYns: wd W d�P�t add poUcies Wtth wtd At�odaflon�and duD not
<br />--,;.� �, , . comaiit or a�r aqy wnte on Wd nr�mlw, and sL�II Ant aad ke�P a1d rwl ed�ta lwild� and imProv�mwta in �ood
<br /> .. ��� ------ 6� Lwa Aaod�tloa ot Gr�nd I�1and. fb awxwwrs °_
<br /> �—. � . Third. To PW �' pars to be D�td to the Home F�derd S�vinp
<br /> — ��� ' g --- ---- -------- -- ----- ---DOT,LA88,
<br />_ ,:;�;1 a�ar,tL�sum ot
<br /> .....,,,�, , :�,. D+7+b1� Y idlo�: __
<br /> � �,��'� DUE JANUARY 6, 1993 --
<br /> - s ..:�•. . .•��.
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<br /> �i11'j�B�VEA 1��W1Wt t11lf0 Pr����c�r�m.su�tcr�nta tuona e��n� At�e rate�! nlne per cent pnr �nnYID.
<br /> ��` � '` u�d� ana a�me�s are not paid When due, or it the bui1diaBa on said premisea ue not lnaured as abovc Pro-
<br />``�� �`-,,•, vided,or it any a�iatd 1nte�ert b not paid wben due.then e�id whole debt ehall become due immedLte�y�4t the opllon oi ths
<br /> --� 3P':,r; �r- !
<br /> ._„ "s.'!c�; , Wd Aaocl�Lton,and sl►aU tl�m�eaiter de�w intere�t at We rate of nlne per cent per annum.
<br />-;•'� .':ii;;� � The mortB+�Yor 6ereby a�e1Bn-- to �ald mortyagee all renb �nd lncome arleie6 At u►Y and all times trom �ald _.
<br /> --��. �y�;�.�.; peoperty and hereby auWorise eaid mortg�gee or its a�ent,at l4 opt[oa, upon deianit, to tal�e c6arBe oi sotd propeitY and
<br /> �r.:
<br /> coUect all rents and income Werefrom+md apply the wme to the payment oi Interest, prinefpal, insurance premlua�u, tasei. �
<br /> �''-� wearmenb, ripaL's or improvementa ne�cesaary to �eep faid proPeMY iA usnantable condltlon, ar to oWer charBes or PaY- �-
<br /> ,«.� " meab provided iw hereln or in the note hereby Qecnred. T6ls rent asaignment eh�ll continue ia force undl tlie unp�id b�l- �,:
<br /> '. �nce oi sald note i�fa1lV P�& The taldnit at poseea�loa bereunder ahall!n no maaner preve�or retard s�id mostlt�ee in F
<br /> ,''� , tht collectton oi eaid sums bq foreelesure or ot6erwlee. -
<br /> Whether eatd debt becomea due by lapse ot t[mq or Dy reaaon of the fYilelPe of the pnety oi the [iret pAet to ComP1f� ��
<br /> wlth nny condtUon herein, the aald Home Federal Savin�6� Loaa Aesaclatlon of Grand Island, the succeseors and aasiBos. t
<br /> " �hait Lnve the rlaht Lo beQln!ho foreclosure oi t6te taortBa�e ot once oa the whole debt hereby secured, and to inclnde � t
<br /> We�+efn all taiea, wsesanent�, insurance premfum� end costs, paid by tt or them; or aaid Assodation, ita successora ur �
<br /> �� � � - wl�ur, may foreclote only as to t6e �um past due, wlWout in�urY to this mortgnBe, or the dUplacement or 1mPairmert . E
<br /> � of the lien thereoL �
<br /> And the uid itnt party and the makers of ea[d aote,especisUy agree and deelare that the aeparate e�tate of each and
<br /> ' every one oi them, lncludlnQ bolh that now owned �nd that hereafter �c4uired, is pled�ed and bound for the payment ot ;
<br /> ' � ed
<br /> .� � thQ debL hereby aec�red.
<br /> �=_- -_�--�-,- - - s Atter the comunencement oi any �uit ia forecloeure the platntif�therein oha11 be eat[tled to We immediate paaession o4
<br /> _� .
<br /> _ �_ .�._ �_...r�.i ..f �An nnm�n�nt and ! .
<br /> _..-_—. __..__._- -_____ " ' ��" _'
<br />'�*: wtd premfaes nnd the appofnhnent oi a recetver ttiereior. no'swiinsiana,o� wei •�•v •� •••o ��r-•»- -- -- ---- --
<br /> � " putvviW�tmdto�t6e partles llable for the de6t mW+ be aolvent, and the ll�st partY hei�by consenu to the appointment of a
<br /> • ' ' Hecelver upon the praductlon of tLis Indenture,witLout oWer evidence.
<br /> The fore�otnII conditiom and a�ecmenb. aD and dnS�1u'.betnY tu11Y P�ormed�this eonveynnce rLsil be void.othee�
<br /> .� � als�W b �ad semaln in full force wd eifect.
<br /> . g��*he E3TH day oL�11L D.� lY�. ,
<br /> � ,
<br /> " 1° p�D� °t L L. S � HAR T '
<br /> ' � �'i+,y�t•� EBORNH K. SCHLE I HAR T
<br /> � �..... R=�°''��:.L��:c-�_,...
<br /> t�'.�l'71M�C�Ti_
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