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-,�� _ '_1,--'_.� ' •' �. - ... <br /> �.� �'a:� . - . �-" -- <br /> �l i K-' <br /> - �� .- , . -_ �t <br />' - � ��� � _ .. . ...-. �-�.___ - .. <br /> X.� <br /> .- .��:ix..Ml3 J_� <br /> - --- - -- 92- 100036 <br /> � applicablo iaw m+iy spocify for�eln�txtement) bofonc crlo of 1hc Properiy punuqnt to ru►y Powcr of s�lc conuined in 1�is <br /> Security Inattumau: or(bl entry of�jud�nent enforcin�Ihi�Socu�lty inawmrnt. Thoac conditionw wre thAt Burtower: U) <br /> paya L.ender df wmr which thcn would bo due under thfR 3ecurity Insuument�nd �he IVate � if no acccleralion lud <br /> Qccu�red;(bj curer Rny dcfauU of nny otha covenun�or agrcememr:(c)paYs all oxpenrea incumed in enforcing this Socudty <br /> Imt�umenl. includ(n�{,but not limited to,reaca�ble�ttomey�'fee�: wid ld)tpices such ocdun as Lcnder mAy rcasonably <br />- �+equiro w wcurc IhAt Ihe lien�f thie Secudty Inswmenl.Lenderk rlghla i�the 1'roperty w�d Borrowerk obligation to ps�y ihe <br /> sums �ecur�ed by thir 5ecu�ity Incuumcnt shdl continue unchanged. Upon reinwntemem by Bamwer, thi� Secudty <br /> :=;.� Instrument nnd the obll�n�ions serurcd hereby shrl�rcmain fully effixlive as ii no accelention had occurred. However,this r <br /> — - �ht to rofnsatc shall not apply In tho cacc of tccelcation undcr psuagrnph 19. <br /> 19. Ssk of Note; Cbwo��ot Lo�a 3ervlcec. The Note or a�ial interes� in the Note(toge�her with Ihia Secudty <br /> lnsurument� may be sald one or mae Umea without prior t�otice to orrower. A rala muy result fn a change in the entity <br /> (know��s tho"Lwn Seevicu")Ihat collects monthlY pnymenta due under the NWe and thia Security lnsuument. There�Iso <br /> - _ — rtwy be onc or more changes of�Lo�n Servicer unte�uted�o A sale of the Note. If lherc is u chonge of thc Loan 3ervlcer. <br /> Bomower will be givcn wrincn notice uf the chwnge in accordance wilh paragmph 14 above and applicable law. Tha ndice <br /> — will statc thc name und address of the new Loan Servicer und the oddress to wMch paymenta shauld be made. The natice will <br /> -�� also con�ain any Wher Iniormatlon roquired by applicoble law. <br /> -- Z0. Hnzwrdous Su6s�aces- Borrower Bball not cause or pertnit thc prcsence.use,disposAl,atorage,or release of any <br /> � Hazardaus Substances on or in the Property Borrower shall not do,nor ullaw anyone else to do. anylhins uffecting�he <br /> Pmperty that i�in violat�ion�i q�i i�of Hazordous Subswnces�tiwt are generally recognixed oI be apP Prerfate to norniwl <br /> _ storage on the Property <br /> — residendal uses end ta maintenance oF the Praperty <br /> Harower shall promptly gb. 1.� der wr�� �n ndic. of.�ny invc•�IigAtion,clulm.demend,lawsuit or other action by any <br /> -�`�°��-- governmental or regulatory ugency m' privute party invotving the Pr�,•ety end uny Ha�.ar�dous Substwice or Environmental _ <br /> "�—����—"""—`"'=�"-� I,ew of which Bor�uwer hus actud knowledge. lf Borrower leams, or ia notifieJ by any govemmental or�+egulatory <br /> au�hority,thot any cemovul or aher remedi�►don of ony Haznrdaus Subslance uffecting Ihe I�ropeAY is necessary, Bort�wer <br /> _������ shall prompily tal;e All necessnry remediel ucdona In uccordunce with Envirommentnl Law. <br /> _ .� ,��k�� As used in lhis paragraph 20."Hazardous Substances"are Ihose subsuu�ces de�ned us toxic�r hazardous substances by <br /> _:�;.�,,�� Environmenlal and the following subscances: gasoline,kerosene,other flammable ar�oxic petroleum pruducts. toxic <br /> pesticides and herbicides.volafle solvents. mater�als containing esbestos or formaldehyde.ond rndioactive materiuls. As <br /> -- -- - -__-- - used�n th�s puragroPh 20,"Enviromnenlal Law"mcans fcdcrnl luws tutd lawa of the jutisdktion wherc�the Propeny is locwed <br /> Y'.:b;.��� y that r+elete or environmentul prdeclion. <br /> +0 <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und L.ender[uAher covennnt nnd agrce as followa: <br /> �� <br /> 21. AcceternNon; Remedles. Lender sholl glve aotice to Borrower prior to acceler�tion tdlowing Borrower's <br /> � ` �%%•� broach of any rnvenu�t or a�eement In tbis Security Instrument Ibut aot prior to accelers�tbn under paragraph 1� <br /> ^ ualess applicable law provides otherw(se). 7'he noHce sdall speclfy: ls�l lhe defAUlt:(b)the acllon requlred lo cure the <br /> �''�• defaull=(c)a date,not k�ss tlu�n 39 doys from Ihe date the notice nc givr��to[torro�rer,!s3'w�kls!!se det'anit�be <br /> ' ;ix':.' ;`. :. cured;nnd ld)thpt iwilure to cure Ihe default on or beiore the date specitied in the notice may result in scceleratioa of <br /> ,��u�°�:"� the sums secured by t6ts Secwrity Inslrumen!and sale ot Ihe Property. The nottce shAll furlher inPorm Borrower of <br /> � • � � the right W rei�state aRer Acceleration and the right to bring a court pctbn to asserl the non•existence ot a defpull or <br /> — .R;, ;..�^{� pny otder defeose oi Borrower ta acceleration and sale. 1P the default is not cured on or before the date specified in <br /> the notke,I.ender at its option rnoy require immediAte payment in full oiall sams secured by this Security Insl�ument <br /> ';.�'�y � '�`' withaN�urlher demand and mpy invoke the power of snle and Any othe�remedies permitted by s�pplMable law <br /> _�•�i�a'+��► Leoder ahall be endtled lo collect �11 expenses Incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this parn�raph 21. <br />,_,� �r.�., ;•;�»<. including,but not limited ta reasenable attorneys'fees and custs ot tlNe evldence. <br /> - If the power ot sale is invoked.71�ustee shall record a notice of dePAUlt in each county In whtcb pny part of lhe <br /> . �: �',,,,i�ri:4:- ' .r'" PropeRy Is located and shAll mail coples of such notice in the mAnner prescribed by appltcs�ble law to Borrower end to <br /> -- the otber persans prescribed by opplicAble low After the lime required by applicable law,7Yustee shall glve public <br />-'� . •-.'•.`� 3•"` notice oP sak to lhe persons and In the manner prescribed by applicablc law 'I�uslee.wlthout demand on Borrower� <br />�����,:;; � ,�� - <br /> _��• r. • ��' ahAll sell the PropeMy at publtc auciton to the highest bidder al the time ond place and under the terms designwted in <br /> ,�''�• ' ° " the ndke of sak in one or more parcels and in�ny order'll�ustee determines. 7�rustee may poslpone sale of all or ony <br /> . .�`'�"`' pe Y Y P <br /> -- .�`�,F�. : _ parcel of the Pra rt b ublic announcement pt Ihe time�nd pl�ce oP any previously scheduled snle. Lender or its <br /> � "'�'�'� �- desigaee may purcbase the Propeny at any sale. <br /> � Upon receipt of payment of the price bid. 'Iruslee shall deliver to lhe purchaser't�uslee's deed conveying the <br /> _—•��'�`��'V'"�^. � Property. The recitals in the 7lrustee's dced shall be prlma iacie evidence of the truth of the statemenfs made therein. <br /> n��,�•"�:-• ,��:;.: � 7tustee shall apply the procecds oP tl�e sale in Ihe iollowing order: lal to all costs and expenses of exereisin�tde power <br /> {r„�:,�..;�.. - <br /> �•��_ �:�.a��.0 �. <br /> ��"�. j'M;^ .Q.. —. <br /> -- •..�i,{���K'. <br /> . . �J�`ti�" r <br />:��� . ... - - i <br /> K-.. K Morm 30l8 9190 IpnRr�njn pagps► — <br /> _ � � _ <br /> i�_ �_ .. . . . +. <br /> . � , <br /> j fi _ <br /> _ � - _ _ _� '__. �_ _-__ __ �. 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