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<br /> _ -_ ,,.' Bormwe� aod L,ender fiuther covenant and a8ree as follows:
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<br /> ���� Regulations issued�hercunder and in effect on thc date he�+eof shall govem the rights, duties and liabilities of Borrower
<br />— —_ y,� �nder, Any provisions of�he security insuument or other insdumen�s executed in connection with suid ladebtedness
<br /> �,s.�i;� � which a�e inconcistent with said Title or Regulations, includiog, but not Ifmita! tu. the pruvisiun Wr payment of any
<br /> aum in connection with p�peyment of the securcd indebtedness smd the provision that the Lender may accelercitte p�yment
<br />���� of the secuad indebudness purs�wnt to Covenunt 17 of the secucity inatrument, we hercby amended or ne�ted to�he
<br />���■ eztent necessary to coniom� such insuuments to spid Title or Regulatiaus.
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