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<br /> 1'qC7FT11ER V�17'fi all thc in�►r���•�n�eius�ww or her�fter oroctai on th:Fuuperty,wx!ull ers�n�:.nts,wp;wn�runc�es.and
<br />° fixtum naa• �: h:r.af�:.r a � uf tFk p.�.;�r:�. Ali r��.�cuk��t, w�.1 wlJiticHU �1w11 xiw► � .twtrcd by this �-urity
<br />; I�utrunknt. All uf thc fi�ngoiog i�rcfe►�nd t�,in c�i�4.•urity In,�rw�xnt�v thr`F'n�+cn�•."
<br /> k3U1tkOWtilt C`UYL•NANTS t!►;�t E�rr�t.wcr i►law fully aeiscc!uf�hr c�tatc hcreby wi��ryaJ wk)h:�x U�r riglu tu�r,uu W�;f
<br /> cun�•ey �he Pr.�+eny u,xl �Iwc �h� Pn�ny i�: un��xu���r►�J. ex�tipt f�r c�kumbr.uucs.�F nxurJ. Burr.►wCr w:irry� Wx! will
<br /> �fcixf gc�xrally the dcic;a thc Pr�►perty;t�aitiut ull cl�in�.+�rl Jtnwxls, wbj�tit tu:u�y cikwnA�,uktis af rx.u�1. °
<br />- 1'N!S S�CURI�'t' {NSTRL�f�1GNT aNi�t+{nt.unifu�n cuvenant�t'or nrtio��! u�c:uwl nun-unitutm�u�csLUUS with liu�tkx!
<br />- v:ri�tic�itti hy ju�i�dirti��n tu cti,n�titutr�uaif�rm sorurit��inurun�eiu cr�suia�tu)pru�;rt�•.
<br /> UNIFnR111 CQV�IVANrS.6orro�a•cr pnd l.cixl.^.r�ti�r•�turu wxl+qtrrr zc fi�llu�s:
<br /> t. Hryweut of Priuclpal oud 1ate�at: prep�ya�e w�d txte Ld�r�. ��rmwcr �lwll pnu�,�►tly �y whrn duc tlsc
<br /> pri�wipal of and intercu on the�it�t e�•idcne�d by the Nute urxi�ny pr�paynxiu wxl lati:charres ilue uixler the Nate.
<br /> 2. Fuud�fwr Taxes`,nd Iasuraace. SubJcct to ap�lir:►blc law or ta u writteii wai�•er by l.c,wler. Borrowe�rhall pay to
<br /> Lc�xier an the day monthly paynxtUs ure�lue under lhe N�xe.until the Notc is pai;i in full,a wm("fund�')for:(a)yearly taxes
<br /> :u�J asseccnxnts which rn�y attain priority nver this Securiry butcum�att as L lien on the Property:(b)y'early IeasehaW payrtknts
<br /> or gr�urxi rents an the Pm�erty,if any;tcl ycarly hax:ud or pmpeny iruurance prcmiums:ldl Ycarly flood insur��cc pre�iuunu.
<br /> if any: (e)ycarly nx�ng�ge insuran�c pmmiunu, if any: and (�any wms pdyablc by Borrou•er to Le�ider, in xcorcfance with
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the�ymeiu of nwrtgage insuranc�e pr�emiunu.These items are called -Escrow Itenu."
<br /> [.cndcr may. ut any time, collxt :uxi hoki Functs in an tinauu not to cxcood the maxinwm an�unt a lendcr for a f�erally
<br /> relatod nwngage Iwn nmy requi�e for Borrower's escrow account uoder the fodersl Real Estate Settknxnt Procodures Act of
<br /> 1974 aa xmended fra»time to time. 12 U.S.C.Sertioa 2601 et seq. ('RFSPA'), ualess:uwtlier taw that applies to the Fwids
<br /> sets a lesscr a�nount. lf so, Le�der may, at ar,y time, collect�nd ho�d Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser�mount.
<br /> L.ender nwy escimate thc �nwunt of�unds due on the basis of curre�u data And reatot�ble cstimates of ezpenciitures of future
<br /> Fscrow Items or othenvise in accordance with applicabte Is►w.
<br /> The Funds shall be held in un institution whose deposits are insured by u federal agency, inctrumentality, or entity
<br /> (including[.encler, if I.ender is such an instiwtion)or in any Feder�!Hwne Lo:u�I�:vik, I.eixkr sl�a11 apply the Funds to p�y the
<br /> Escrow Ite�tu. Lender may not charge Borrower far h�tding and applying the Fends.�nrwally at�lyzing the escrow aocount.or
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lcrrk:r���s Botrower interest o�r,he Funds and applicablc!aw pertnits L,c�er to make such
<br /> a charge. However,Lender may requin;•13�,v-ruwer to pay a one-ti�charge for an independent real e,uato tax reportiqg u�,ia
<br /> use.d by I.ender in coruiectian with thi� loan, unies:; applicablc law provides otherwise. Unless an agneement is made or
<br /> applicable I�w requires icurrest to be paid,Lender sJ�all not be requinad to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> 8orrower and Lend¢r may agrce in writing, however. that interest st�ll be paid on the Funds. Lender sl�all give to Borrowu,
<br /> witlwt�t charge, an wu�ual accauuing ot the Funds, showing crediu u�d debits w the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> debit to thc Furtids was m3de.77�e Funds�re Pledged as addidor�l socurity for all sums socur�a!by this Security Instrument.
<br /> if the Funds hcld by i.eader exoeed the amounts permitted to be held by:ippli�ble law.I,ender si�all aceount to Bomower
<br /> fr,v the exeess Funds in��,�„�ncc with the requirem�:u of applicabk law, if ttr�;uuount of the Funcls held&y Ler�der at any
<br /> citne is not sufficieni to p�r:be Escr�w Itrntc when due.Lender may so notify FWrcuwer in writing.and.in su�case Bocrower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount netessaa�to malce up the deficiency. Borrower shall malce up the deficieacy in no morc tf�a
<br /> twdve mwulilv p�yments.at Lender'x suL:discretion.
<br /> UPoa pa)ment ip full of�11 su�rs va:vred by this Security Irsuument. Ixnder sha11 pron�tly refund m Bormwer any -
<br /> -��is�oy i.tncier.It.under paragr,ipE�21,l,e�der shalt acquire or se4!the Property.L.esuler.priar to the sicquisition ur saie —. .
<br /> of the Property, sh�ll apply�ny Funds held by I.ender at the time of acquisidon or sale as a cxedit against the sums secura�l by
<br /> this Sxuriry Ir►suument.
<br /> 3.App[i�r.iti�n of Paymrt�ts.Unless applic�ble I�w provides a�rwise.all payrt�erus ceceived by Lznder under pars�gr-,�g�fis
<br /> t and 2 shall be applied: first. to�ny prepayment charges due under th�Note: seound,to amounts payablc under puagrrph 2;
<br /> �hird.w inierest due:fourtl�,to principal riue:and la.�t,w any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4.C6ar�es;Lieas. i&xcowor shall pay all ta�.3ssessrnents. charges, fintsand impasitions attributsG�co the Property
<br /> uErich may auain priority over this Secwriry Irutrument. �nd I�ase}wW payments or ground neots, if aay.Borrower sl�all MY
<br /> these obiigati�oas in the a�ruur provideci i;n paragraph 2.or if not pa�ci in t}�at n�a�u�er.Bormwer sl'm1J pay them on time dire�sly
<br /> to the Pencra c►wed payrnent. Borrower s°�a11 promptly fumish to Lendtr all nutioes of amounts r�a pe p�id ander this Paragr,ph.
<br /> If Borrow�r c:�alces ttKSe paymenu directly.Bonower sltiall promptly fumish eo Ixc�der reo�ipts evidencing tue pr�ynxnts.
<br /> Horrowu stwll pmmptiy discharge any lien which hac prioriry ovu this Securin:Instnuneru nnless Borrow�r;(�)agrees in
<br /> wridng to the payrtxnt of the obligation secured by the lien in a rr�nc�er acceptabie to Lenda:(b)contrsts in good faith the tien
<br /> by, or defends agsinu enforeenxnt of the lien in, legal proceeding�,whith in the L.ender's opinion operate to prtveuc cfoe
<br /> enforament of ihe lien;or(c)secures from the holde�•of the lien aa;zgroement satisfxtary to I.ender subondinating the lirn t�
<br /> this Securiry Inuniment. [f I�ender det�mtines thu any part of the Praperty is sutTjact to a lien which may ait.:ia priority over
<br /> this Secutity Inurument, L�der snay give Borrower a rwtice identifying the lien,Sorrower s}�11 satisfy the Ii�>r.or take oae or
<br /> more of i!x actionc set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> FurM 30� �tt80
<br /> hp�2 W 6
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