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<br /> �7.Trwtuf'r�uP the 1'rr�peN�ur�l3cnciklKl lntrrrst Ia ElunY�MC�. li'uli u�uny M�t uf thc k'r.►�x�y ur wiv �ncrr�u in it —
<br /> i�M�Id u�lr��.�fcrn�l fur if�(k�klirial intcrcu in li���ruucr ir u�ld��e tran�t'crrccl anci&�rruK•cr u iNU���:+tural�ru�nl w'ithcwt _
<br /> IA�xJrr'� pri��r written cunse�u, Le�x1e►' �it+Y, u� it. upliun. r��uih inuiwdi�te paynknt in full uf aH �unu K,'cured hv this
<br /> S��►urity h►.a►�unx•�N. i luwc�e�•.this urUnn.h�lf ixu lx exercis�eJ by l.�rxkr it'��:��au i�prohibiteJ by f��lcnl law u���f ttu��f:�te __
<br /> uf'tlti�Sc+:urity ItWnt�.uttt.
<br /> !f lender cx�rci�cs th�s optii,n. Lcrwlcr s!►:wll gi�•c li:�rru�cr�uuicc e�f ak��elr�ali�ro. The ixHi.�+hall prati•ide a pericx!c,f�xu —
<br /> Icss tl�an :�0 da>s f'rum thc datc �hc cxuirc is �leliecrod ur mailal within which Bnrma�c� atiuu {�ry ull �ursu stcumcl hy this
<br /> Sccuriry Instniment. it'Burrower faii�ta pay th�c wuu priue w[I�e exPiratic�a�,f thi�period.Lc[xlcr m:►y in�c�le any r�nuJie.r• _
<br /> per��utted by this Sccurity Lnctrun�ent w�ithcwt further ncuice nr ciemmd on Borrow•er. �
<br /> y8. Borrower'� A�dt t� Reiusl�le. if Bormw'er mcxts cc�triR conclitior.s, &�rroa•er .hall have �hc right to havc
<br /> cnforrcn�ent af' this Security InstNment dicconiinued at any time prior ta the earlier of: (al 5 �yti lor auch�uher perie�d �c
<br /> a�+plicabte law nwy spccify far reinstatement) t+efuce sate uf the Proper.p purwant to :uiy pc�w�cr af �ale cantaincd in this
<br /> Secur,ty Instrumer►�:or(b)entry of a judgmnu e�fareing this Securiry in.ctr�►ment.Thow cntulitions are thsl Borrower: (�l pays
<br /> Lender all usmc which then w•auld be due under this Security lnurument and the Nc�te a:: if rx�ueeeleration had oecuned: (b)
<br /> cures any default of any oet►,.r cavenants ar agreenxnt�; (c) pays all expensas incurred in enfarcing �his Security Instrun�ent.
<br /> including. but not limited tu.n,asonahle attorneys' fees: and (dl takes surr actian as L.ender nwy r�n�bly reqwre to acsuce
<br /> that the lien of this Security iau�ument. Lcnder's rights in the Property�I Barrow•er's obligation ta pay the�um�secured by
<br /> this Security Instn�ment shall continue u►xhanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. thi� Se��unty instrument and the _
<br /> obligatiaRS secural hereby shall mmain fully effective as if no acceler.►1ic�ti had occurred. 1�lowever, this rirht to r�instute stwll
<br /> not upply in the case of acceleration utu�er paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Ciw�e of Lostn Se�'vicer• 'The Note or a partial inierest in thc Note (together with this Security
<br /> Iostrumeriy mny bc sold onc or more times without Friur notice to Borrow'er.A sale may result in a ct�nge in the entity(known
<br /> ac dia "Loan Servicer")thai rnllects monthly payments due under the l�tote and this Security Inctrument. There also may be one
<br /> or mote changes of the Loan Servicer unrelatat to a sale of the Note.if there is a change of the L,oan Servicer.Burrower will be
<br /> given written notioe of the change in accoc'dance with paragra�h 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state die name and
<br /> address of the new I.o�n Scrvicer and the address to which p�yments should be r►�ade. The notice will also ooneain any other
<br /> infornwtion required by�pplicsble law.
<br /> 20. H�aidous Sttbststuces. Borrowei sha�� noi cause or peraut the presence, use, disposal. storage, or celease of any
<br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allaw anyone etse to do, anything affecting the
<br /> Froperty that is in violuion of any Environmental law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply t�the presence, use, ar _
<br /> stora,�e on the Property of small quantities of Ha�zrdous Substanoes tt�at arc 6ene:al�Y �eco8nized to be apprc�pri�te to nor�nal
<br /> �esuie�tial uses�nd to maintennnce of the Property.
<br /> 13orrower sh�l! prompUy gi�c: Lender written notice of any investiR��o��, claim, demar�d, lawsuit or other xtion by any
<br /> governmentnl or cegulztory agency or private party involving the Property and any Ha�rdous Substance or Environmenta!l.aw
<br /> of which Borrau�;r has sctual knowledge. lf Sorrower lcamc.or is novfied by any govemmenta!or regulatory auttwrity,that
<br /> any removal or other remodiatiaa of any Haz�rdous Substance affecting i8e Pcoperty is necessary.Borroa•u shall DromptlY w�e
<br /> a11 necessary remedisl xtian�in aocordance with Environmental iaw.
<br /> As usad in th�s puugraph 20, 'Hazardous Substances' are those substances Y.."fined as toxic or ha�ardous wbstaixes by
<br /> Envirotttnentul Law and tlte fbllowiq substances: gasoline, kerosene. otlter flamn�ble or taxic petroleum products. toxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicides.vofatile s�alvrnts,mlterials cantaining asbesios ot forrtnldebyde.aAd r�dioartive materials. As used in
<br /> �s �.�grap� 20. 'Environm�ual Law" Rx�+t�c federal laws aad la�s of the jurisdictior_whert the Property is located r�hat
<br /> relaGe m hnith.S�i�y or er►viramttentai praio�.-iiuu. . _ ..__ _
<br /> 1VON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower�nd l.ender further covenant ani agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Acedastion;R�n�tes. I.ender shsdl give aotice to Borrow•er prior to xceleratioa tallowiag Borrower's brcach
<br /> oi s�ny covenrnt or agrecment In tLLs Ser+�rity Iastrument �but not Prbr W s�ccderation uader p4ragrapb 17 aokss
<br /> �pplicable law Qrovides ot6erw�ise).1Le uotice si�ll specify: (a)tl�e detault, (b) tE�e action r�9uired to cure the default;
<br /> (c)st date,not�ess tlwa 30 days fruai the date the notice ic givm bs Borrow•er,by wl�the de(ault must be cvred;aad
<br /> (� that faiTure io cwe the�3etam1l o0 or beforc the date specifia�Zn t6e notice may res�ctt in acalerstion ot tbe su�
<br /> secured by this Sa.�utity I�tru�oent aod sale d the Pro�rty.T�e notioc sLall turtber infwm Borrower o[tLe right �
<br /> rdnstate s�ter acodaxtian sind tbe rigDt to bring a oourt actwa to Assert the non-rxisteace of a defadt or aay other
<br /> defen9e ot Bo�rcwer to aooagaatioo and sale. I[tl�e dd'swlt ts oot cured o0 os bet'ore tbe date specifiod ia tLe ootia,
<br /> I.eader, At its option,m�y req��ire ua�aediate paymeat ia foll ot all sums saured by tbis Security I�umeat witLout
<br /> fwtlxr dGnut+�aed may iavoke the powtr of sale and any dLa��emedias permitted by appticable iaw.I.eader smil be
<br /> eatiHed W culiec2 all�[penxs iacurred fa pursuiug tlte r+emedies ppwtided in this p�ra�r�Ph 21,iadudia�,but oot limitt�
<br /> to,�+asoaaf�ie atturneqs'fas and costs ot titk evldeuce.
<br /> U tLepo wer ot sale is iavofced. Trustee shall recw�d a notice ot ddadt fa each co�wtY in w��5 P�of tl�e
<br /> pe�erty is{ocated aad shsttl mail oopies of wd�noti��e in tbe ms�nner p�+escribed by a�plkat�le law to Bam�ver and to
<br />- the other be8 by applscsbie law.After tLe time re�}uit+ed by appiicaWe taw,7'n�tee shall gi��e pubiic notice
<br />- of s�le W the�,�arso��ad in Qhe tnanner patiseclbed by applicabQe taw.Tructa, witl�out dem�ttd oo Borrowthe nouae a[
<br />- ��P�Y at puWk aurtion ta the I�est bidder at tlx time aad piace and uader tbe term�dc�Tigasted
<br /> ' sWe in o4e or moe+e paroals�ad ia Aay order Tructce detertnirxs. Tnutee maY WstPoo�sale ot all or sny p4rod oi t!e
<br /> �Y bY Public annouac�ai pt the time aod piace oi suy previously schedukd ssile. I.ender or its designee may _
<br /> � purct�se the i'roperty�t aa�sale. _
<br /> �a 3ozs s�o
<br /> Pp�6 c16
<br /> • . .t � f •
<br />