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<br /> TOGGTHGF WITII all tt►c impra�•.nwnis nnu•ar h:rraft�r�rccted ott the pmpecty, and al!ca�v xnt�l pe��xia��c,Aixi �
<br /> fixro�rc nciw on c�ret�Rcr a part of thc propeny. All rrpiar.et�tcnts atxl ad+iitions slwll alsu be coverad by this Seaurity
<br /> Insuument. All of thc fure�oiug is rrferr�i to in this 5xurity tnstru�unt zc thc'Pm�ert�."
<br /> L30R�tOWL'•R COVCNANTS Ucit Hurre�urc is luwfully ceisaf c�f the estate hereby canveyed;uui has the ribht to grant and _
<br /> raivey the Pru�erty wtid that Qie Property is u�xncumhe�ed, except fo: encumbra�xes uf rrconi. Borrower w•�rrants a�xl wilt
<br /> J�!'ukt gei�r�liy the tiN�to ti�c['r3p.rty ugainst:ill clairru an:t ci�mv^.cis, subject to u�ry encumbrances c�f nxord. -
<br /> THIS SECURIT�' INSTRUM&NT rnmbinea u�iif��rm��ve�iants fur nuional ua:aru! iwn•unifurm�wveimrur with linuted
<br /> ���►riatiun�hy juriuiicti��n tu roiutitute a unifonn security iiulrument rnverin�real praperty.
<br /> UNIFORA7 COVENAPlT5.Borcow•cr uixl l.ender ruven�n�end nyree us follaws:
<br /> l. �y��uettt of E'rlaclpa! aad Iaterest: H epaymeat nnd I..Atc ChArRes. Bc�naw�er sh�ll pn�mW�Y P+Y wtkn Jue the —
<br /> principsl af wxi i��tercst on the cleM evide�xec!by the N�Ke u�d��y prepayn�eiu u�x1 late charbes Juc wxkr�he Nute. _
<br /> 2. Fbndr for Taxe��ud 1��►rwace. SubJctit to u�plicublc law o� to a written w•rivcr by Letxle�, Elu�re�wer stull pay to
<br /> l..ctxlcr on thc�y nwtuhly pryntenis urc�luc wxic�Ihc 1f�KC.until thc Nc�te is�u1J in full.u wm l'Fwxi�")fi�r: Ipl y�car{y tmccx
<br /> w�d u�caui�cnts which nuy n�wln pri�uiiy uvcr thls Security Instrun�u as A licn on thc Property:Ib)ywrly Icasclu�IJ Myn�ents
<br /> ur Qruuixl��u�a�the�'ny�eny,if'iu�y:(r)�'e:u'ly hatyrJ���pn►perty iiuur,uxc prcn►iunti:lJl yc�rly A�x�d i�uur.uke praiiuun�s,
<br /> if�u�y: lc1 y�early uxut�a�,c lnwr�ukr prG��iw�u. If w�y: awl 1 il�u�y sw�ts pay:+blc by &�rruw•cr ta l.cixlcr, in uccunLvxc with
<br /> tho pnwlal�uu�uf��reph 8,in(leu uf'the Mynx�u uf��xurt�u�;c iiva�rsu�e prcnilun�... Tiusc itenu a��call�ci"Escrow Itenu."
<br /> l.e�xle� nuy. w�ny tinx, cullect �xl hoW I�u�xls in w� wiwunt not to exca�d thr nuxinwn� unwwnt a le�xkr far� feJer�lly
<br /> relatal nwn�arc luw� nwy rcyairc Pur&�rrower's crcrc►w uccuur�t wxtcr�hc falcrxl Rwl Fsts►te Se�Ucmcnt Proc.xlurcs Act of
<br /> 1974�►s anxrkltd f'ram tinse w tlnx, 12 U.S.C. Sation 26�1 et sey. ("R�SPA"1,unlexs unathcr Inw tfut •rpplirs ta[he Funds
<br /> �ts a tcsser sunouru. if su, l.e�xfer nwy, at any timt, collcrt and hald Funds in nn :�mount �we to exceod the lesser arnount.
<br /> L.ender nwy estimzto the arnount of Fundc due on the basis of curnnt data and reasanabk estinuus of expencliturcs af futwti:
<br /> Eccrow Items or otherwise in acrnrdance with applicable law.
<br /> Thc Fw�ds sf�ll be htld in an inuitution whose dtposits sue insural by a feder�l agtncy. instrumentality. or entity
<br /> (including Lender, if l.ender is such an instltution)ar in any Foderal Home Loan Bank.l.ender shall apply the Funds t�pay the
<br /> Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Bortower for holding and appiy�ing tbe Funds,�nnually analyzing the escrow�ccount.or
<br /> verifying the Escrow[tems. unlas l.er�der pays Borrowe�intercst on the Funds and applicable law pertnits l.cnder to m�{ce such
<br /> a charge.Howaver. l.��r may raquire Borrowu to pay a ooe•time charge for an indtpa�dent real esiate wx reponing service
<br /> usod by Lender in connection with this loan, unless zpplirable law provides otherwise. Unless an �reemeait is rnade or
<br /> applicable lavr requires interest to be paid,l.ender shall not bt rtquirod to p�y Borrower a��y intcrest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower wd L�r�der nuy agcee in writing. howevu,that interat s1u1! be paid on the Funds. Lendcr shall give to Bortower.
<br /> without chuge, an uuwal accounting of the Funds, stwwing crcdits urd debits to the Funds 3nd the purpose for which taeb
<br /> debis to the Funds was nude.The Funds are plodgod as�ciditional security for all sums secured by this Security Instnuncnt.
<br /> If the F�ufds held by Lender excced the amounts pomiittod to be hdd by applicable law, Lender sh�ll aceouat to Bocrov�rer
<br /> for the eaass Forwds in accordance with the roquiremenis of applicable faw. If the amount of the Funds held by L.ender at aaX -
<br /> dme is not su�escet to pay the Escrow Items when due. L,ender m�y so ratify Borrower in writing,and,in such case Borro�r
<br /> sltall pay to Lrn3tr the amount neasssuy to make up the deficiency.Borrower s6all ma{ce up the deficiency in no more tb�
<br /> twdve manthly poymeats.�t E,ender's sok discretion.
<br /> ---- . -- -� UPon PnYme�t in full of all wiris secureA Dy ttis 5ocwtiry Inunut►eat, Lenoer s�ii p�mpt�y refana to�rrvvvu� ,
<br />. Funds held b}i�nder. Tf,under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or srr11 the Property.Lu�der,prior to the aaquisitian or s�ale
<br /> of the Propercp,s�hall apply any Funds heW tey Ixnder at the time of aa�uisition or sale as a credit against tbe suau securod b3-
<br /> this Security Instrumcnt.
<br />� 3.Appiicsittoa ot Pay�aeats.Unless applicable lav►�rovides otherwise.all payments received by L,endu under paragr�phs
<br />� 1 and 2 sh:if be applied:fint, to anY Pregayment charges due under the Note: s000ad.to amoiuus payabte unckr ptra�ra;>h 2;
<br /> third,to interest due;fourth.to principal d�x;u�d last,co any late cha�es due under the Note.
<br /> 4.Char�rs;Lie�.Bonower s1�a11 p�;�•all taxes,assessnxnts. cl�rges, fina and impositions attribe�table to the Proprrav
<br /> which m�y atwin prioriry over this Securiry Instrument. and leu�3�old payn'xnu or ground rents, if any. Saraaveu shall pry
<br /> these obligations in tbe n�atuxr providod in paragraph 2,or if not paid in thu n�anr�r.Borrowu shall pay tbem on tia�e directly
<br /> � to the persoa owod paym�nt.Borrowu shal!promptly fumish w Lender all notices of amonnts to be paid undsr Ltiis paragtaph.
<br /> ' If Borrower m�kes these payment:.directl�+.Barrower shall promptIy f�ruish to Lender rxeipts evidencing the paymenu.
<br /> BorroK•zr shall PromptlY discharge any Gen which has priority oa•�this Socurity In,t�vment unless Borrowu: (a)�gras in
<br /> writin,g eo tE�e payment of the obligation sacund by the lien in a maauer acceptable to l.ender: (b)oontests in good faith the Ei�n
<br /> by, or defu�ds againct enfororanent of tho lien in, legal proceedings which in the Lender'9 opinioa operate to prevent ihe
<br /> enforoeme�st of the tien:or(c)socures frrm the holder of the lien�n�grcement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the liw to
<br /> this SorauitX dz�ctnxment.If Lender dttemrincs tt►at any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain prioriry o�er
<br /> ' this Security II�trument,Lea�der may give Bomower a notice identifyie�the lien.Borrower siwU satisfy We liea or t�lce ooe ac
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
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