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<br /> . ... _ �,�.�e - —�wd:n��h._ •_AtYL ,. - . .. • .}:.rt,,.y�it
<br /> ':M V r+.1��',`M i .p�4 •,r._ � _��rj,k �Cr�N'r�..INt _ _ f-- . ..--�-- ..���_._.__.._ _gz— �����
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<br /> 92 �oso�o
<br /> :,� ',"r .• � ,, Hund��dth� �Qd0.1�) tNt= tl1�I�o� N 4Z' 4a' 31" M • d i�t�nc�
<br /> ' ' , of On� Hunar�d Ritty-dix �nd T�nty-On� Hundr�dt.M�� ( 16d.Z� )
<br /> +� o �. fNt; th�nc� N �0' �6' �6" M A distanc� of On� Hundr�d
<br /> '� ' � � • TN�nty-R1v� �nd EiOhty-81x Nu�dr�dt� (18d.Ae) tNt; th�nc�
<br /> ,..�` ,.,� .
<br /> � �. � ? N OQ' 61' 6a" M • diat.ana� o! Four Mundr�d Nin�ty-Pour �nd __ _ _
<br /> �;;�. --- ` 81 xty-On� Hund��dth� (�104.d 1 y tNt: �nc� N 20' 3?' �3" M = �
<br /> •� '' " a di�t�nc� of Nin�Ly-Fiv� ��d Rour Hur�dr�dths (�6.04) l��t;
<br /> � •r� ' th�nc� N 4d' S1 r �3" M • diat.an� of On� Hundr�d 81x�y-Faur
<br /> ' •�^��•��•. and Ni n�ty-On� Hand��Oths (1d4.�1) tNt; th�nc� N 18' 22'
<br /> "°� .°` d "��'"�� 07" W a d i st.�nc� ot On� Hundr�d 81xty �nd Ri ftiy-Tao
<br /> �"' ' ^ �' Hund��dths (1 d0.62) fNt; t.h�nw N 00' 40' 40" M • d 1 st.�nc�
<br /> �a •.
<br /> _ `� � ' �� 01' Fiv� Hund��d F1lLy-N1rw �aa�.0) fNt to A po1nL on tdt� !
<br /> -- ' no�th 1 iM of +�aid 8outh��tc 61u��t�r; Lh�na 8 8�' 37' 6�"
<br /> R-"���`' � '� � E a 1 onp �nd upon th� north 11 n� ot ��i d 6outhw��t Qu�rt�r�
<br /> � �... . .
<br /> �,, ' . ..� � . a di�t+�nc� oT e�v�n Nu�d��d Fifty-8�v�n and F1tty-7h�N
<br />- g� Hund��dtihs (7a7.b3) fNL to tih� a�nt►�r of �aid 8�ctlon 7;
<br /> - � . th�no� aontlnuinp 8 88' 37' 69" E alono ar�d upon t.h� north
<br /> � -�`� �- = lina of a�id M�sti Hslf ot th� SouLh�a�t Q��rtsr a di�tanc� -� ------
<br /> . of On� Thousand TFtr�� Hundr�d S�v�nt.Nh and S�v�nty-N1n�
<br /> . Hundr�dtih� (1�317.79) fNL to th� point o! b�pinninp. �
<br /> ,i !�:�; jract No. 3
<br /> •� ""` A tract oi' land compri�in� a parti of Lh� W�st Helt ot tho ,
<br /> .._,..
<br /> ` � 8outhoast Quartar (Wt/2 SE1/4) end a pert of th� 8outhw�at
<br /> -�--� -:.- , Qu�rt�r (8W1/4) of 8�ction 8�v�n (7). Tavnah i P T�� (10) �:''��--- ���
<br /> ' ,. „a - North� Rana� T�n (10) W�st of tiho dth P.M. � Ha11 CounLy.
<br /> ,. Nobra�k�, and aw�� pa�rticularly d��c�ib�d u fo11oM�:
<br /> � �" � Boqinnin� at a po�nt on t.h� north 11n� of aaid 8outhw�st
<br /> �..:.�;.._. � -_ „_".� 43i3l�l�Ge� iswit4?r !le1� gA1n� �1f1g �V�r1 Nundr�d F1fty-8�v�n
<br /> snd F1fty-Th��� Hundr�dths (7d7.63) fNt w�st of th� a�nt�� --
<br /> - of aai d Soct 1 on 8�v�n (7); th�nc� N A�' 37' 68" M a1 onq and ''"�'� ��, �
<br /> � �� upon ths north 11 n� of s�1 d 8outhM��ti Qu�rt.�r (SM1/4) a . � �'�:
<br /> �T��� , . di st�nc� of 81 x Hundr�d Forty-Four �he! TMO T�ntha (d44.20)
<br /> . ��;, �� f�ot; th�nce 8 01' 20' 32" E s di�ta�c� ot Or�� Hundr�d ------
<br /> � Fifty-7wo and Forty-Th�N Hund��dths (1a2.43) fNt; th�nco �j='-
<br /> . . .. �=_..:_;'.;._;:,;,��,
<br /> � ' _. 8 42 id 08 E s disLanc� of On� Hundr�d T�nty-On� �nd � � ._
<br /> � ° 8�v�nty-Nin� Hundr�dth� (121.78) tNti; th�nc� 8 61 ' 02' 07" :'.��
<br /> E a dlstenca of Thra� Hu�dr�d Fifty-Four end Nin�Ly-N1n� '
<br /> k• . � Hundr�dths (364.98) tNt; Lh�nc� 8 20' 11' 62" E • diatu�c� -
<br /> "�t � . of Two Hundr�d Tw�nty-Four.snd�8�v�nty-Fou� Hundr�dths � '� �`__
<br /> (224.74) �o�t; th�nc� 8 07 16 67 E a distanco of Four .� ,•.-
<br /> �•� Hundred Eighty-Fivo end TN�nty-Nin� Hundrodths (486.29) � '��'��+�
<br /> , .�.,_:_ . � « j_�;LL'_
<br /> . - � • faet; thonc� 8 12 13 16 E a dlstenc� of' Th�oo Hundrad
<br /> Twe 1 va and E i�hty-8 i x Hundrodth� (312.8d) f��t; th�nc� 8 -.-'�'�±�"`:�
<br /> 22' 23' 13" E e di8tana� of Two Hundr�d Si xty-Two and 41 `�'``�`
<br /> ,„.:,. . � � '�:,;.o.
<br /> . Forty-Nine HundradLhs (202.48) f��t; th�nco 8 82' 63' 12" E �=•����, __
<br /> - ' � . �.;_; `�• .�.: `; e distanca of Eighty-Nina and Ei�hty-Thro� Hund�odths .:��Y:�_
<br /> `;`• (89.83) feot; thonCV 8 43' 21 ' 32" E a dlstnnC� Of FOUP �`"`�'"'�
<br /> � Hundrod Ei9hty-Two end 7wo Hund��dths (482.02) fe�t; th�nco ,p• � "� z- .
<br />" �� ,���:� S 01' 02' 41" E a diatenc� of Fiv� Hundr�d Forty-Nin� and � °���-
<br /> .. Twenty-Thr� Hundr�dtha (649.23) tNt to tha point on tho � .
<br /> . south lino of aaid 8outhw�st Quartor (8M11/4); thenco 3 89' �
<br /> � � 69' 68". E alonp end upon th� fouth lin� of onid 8outhw�at ;
<br /> �. 2
<br /> �
<br /> .. --- - --..-.
<br /> '
<br /> V �
<br /> , • �
<br /> ' I
<br /> � ,
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