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<br /> ahu�doned property. gorrawrr sha11 aLso �; i� default if Borrower, during tbe loan �pplicaUon process. gavc
<br /> matssially fal,sc or ia�CCU;at� infoa�nui�-a;a statemwW to l.ender (or failod to provide I.c:xler wlth any maccrid
<br /> iaform�tion) ia ooaoe�+an witb tt�; Ic�ra evidasced by ttu Nou, includinr� but not liuutod to. irpresa�tations
<br /> coaoemiag Borrawer'a occupsncy of tb: Property � a pria�cipal caideace. if thls Secwity Iastrumcat is oa a
<br /> Ie�ehWd.Borrow�es sD�ll comply wicii ttw�pmvisions of the lea:e.If Bormw�cs�cquira fa title to the Proporty,the
<br /> lesubold�ad fa titte shal!nat be mergod u�cst I.eudu�gtoes to tlu merga in writing.
<br /> i.CoMita�do�.The procxds of�qY award or clalm for dwa,yw.dimt or consequential,in oonaixdoa with
<br /> any oo��atian or otD�r talciag of say part of the Properry. or for conveyu�oe in place of ooudemaatioa. ar�e
<br /> ha�by assignal�ad shaU be pnid to I�r t�the e�teat of the full amaunt of the indebtedaess that nu�ains uaPiid
<br /> uader tha Note�od th3s Serurg�Insw�xnt. Leader shaU apply sucb procoods w the reduction of the iadebtedaess
<br /> uoder tbe Note sod thia Socuriry Iastrameat� firtt,w any detinqueat amoaats applied in the order providal in
<br /> pu�tgiaph 3,aad thea w P�Y���P���• �1Y aPP�oa of the pmea�ds w the princi�l shall not w�tmd or
<br /> past�one tLe due date of the moatbly p�ymeats,wh:�9re refrsrod to ia p�ragraph 2.or cbaage the uuaunt of su�ch
<br /> . PiY�=• �Y��P�s oter an amoust roqv3ro�o�i�y�ll outannding iadebtcdneu uada�tbe Note aad this.
<br /> Secxtrity Iattrument slull be paid to th�rntitp legally eatiu�l thaeto.
<br /> 7. C�a to Barowee nad Proted�o� of Lwda�'s Rl�td� in Ux Prop�aty. Borrow�er shall pay all
<br /> govetnmeat�l or muaicip�l ch�rges,fiaes oad imp�ositiaas that ue not iacludod in puagraph 2. Borrowrs sball pay -,
<br /> tnese obu�uioo:on t;me airaxly ta tne mtity whicn is ovr�a the paymau. If faiture to p�y woula advaseay affeca
<br /> l�eadu's interest in the Propecty. upoe Leadcr's re9+xu��orc�uwer s�11 prom�ptly fiunish to I�eader reoeipts
<br /> ���5�P�Y�s-
<br /> If Bonnwet fails w m�lca tbese payiacats or tLe paYn�au caN�bY P�Pb 2.or fai3s to perform�ay other
<br /> " oov�emots md�groemeats ooatained ia this Secu�ity Iawumeat,or tLa+e is a leg�l prnoeedi�th�t maY�B��Y
<br /> affea l.eader's rl�hts ia ttye ProPerty(such as a pmceediag in b�nirruptcy.for oondemaation or W�aforce laws or
<br /> ' reguZ�tions),tbea I�eader may da attt3 pay afiatever is nea�sary to procea tHe va�ue of s�e Pro�erty aod Le�der's
<br /> ri�hts ia tbe Prope:ty.includia�Is�y'tnwi of tsus,hua:rl iattrraox aad ott�cr items meaiiomod ia par�grapl�2.
<br /> -; Any smouats disb�used by l.mder uader cLis par�gr�ph sh�ll becovye aa addidonal debt of Botcnaer�ad be
<br /> ,ua,red by this sea,rtty Ia:trvmeec. 'ihese amouats shau uear incerac txo�rlye aate of alsburummt, �t che xote
<br /> ' r�te.srsd�t the optwa of I.ead�er,s�ll De immediatdy due m�paYabk.
<br /> Botirowa sh�ll P�'p�Y���Y�whicb t�prArIty ova'this Security Instiumeot�aleas Bot[owtir:
<br /> ; (a) �in writin,g to tl�e pav�eat of tbe oLlig�tioa�ecut+en by tae iiea m a••,,�^°•'�aioia w i�r; io� -�---
<br /> oontats ia good faith tbe lien try, or defead+ against eaforcxmwt of tl�e liea ia, legal Prooeedings wltich ia tLa
<br /> � l,eader's opinion oQerau w preveae the ea£aaeemeat of the liea: er (c) savres from the iwlder of the liea an
<br /> ' �g�,�t suisf�ctory,to I,ead,er •��*�^�the liea to this Sewrity ia4uumeat.lf I.eader determines th�t aaY Wr�
<br /> . of t� Pmp�xty is sabjax w z(iso whic8 may auain priority ova tLi: Socurity Ia�tncmeat, Ie.ader m�y gi�r
<br /> . Bornw►�er a notjx ideatif}-ia�ti�e liea. iiort�ower shall�tisfy the liea or talc�e oae or ua�ce of the actions set fot�x
<br /> above writhia 10 d�a o�r�e 8�vi�of notice.
<br /> � . 8.Fea.I.eacBe¢�may oolbct fas and c,l�rtes authorized by the S�f_
<br /> 9 Gio�md�[us Aeedaatio�of Debt.
<br /> W Dela�M. I�eader mry, exc�pt as limited DS'�ulatf�as issued bY the Sa�etaty. ia tbe case of prya�
<br /> def�ulls.t'o4uire i,++++,H1,�rw p,ry�'sa fu11 of all su�a secuz+ed by thi:Secvrity Ytssuumeat if:
<br /> . i�)���a bY��8�P1Y ia i�ill my mootlilY PaYm�t mryirod bY��Y�
<br /> ' pria w ot aa tbe due dut a��a raxt moothlY P�Y�+«
<br /> '_ (ii)Bo�mwer defa�tn by f"„for a period of thirty days.w perform�p''atha obli�io�as oontai�od
<br /> � in this Saauity Inauumeot.
<br /> i (b)S�ie Witboit(.'redit Appro+al.Leader eLall.if permiuod by appiicabk Saev('mclu�liqg Soctioa 34I(d;1 �
<br /> ' of tbe Garn-St. Germaia Dq�itory Iattiauioos Act of 1982, i2 U.S.C. lTiliJ-3(d)) �ad vvith the prio:
<br /> rpQroval of t�e 5ecretaty,mNire immediue PaYmrat in full of�F1 svms saured by this Secucity Instrumeai
<br /> f if:
<br /> ��� /ap�t d i r�yy;
<br /> ��•V•
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