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<br /> of Boiruw•u's covea�ats aad �reemeats u�ckr this Socuriry Iastnuuau aand tbe Nott. For this pwpose. bo,�awer -
<br /> irrevocably�s�au aad coavey+ta tl�e Tcustoe. in trusc.witL powa of s�le.the followin�describod�iOPYert'Nebraska:
<br /> ;a HRLL
<br /> whic]�hs9 tl�e a�3draa of 817 EAST 13TH STREET,GWIND I S LANO «�'�•
<br /> Ilebra�]ca 68841 t�coae� (•Pco�erty Address");
<br /> TOOETHER WTI7� all the improvemeats now or ba+eafta eretxed oa the pmperty. �ad. �'1 eacemr�ta.
<br /> oppu�t�a�ooes aad fuctures noa ar baea8er a part of the property. All replacemeats and �dditioQx aTaall alta be
<br /> coverad by this Sec�uity Instruaaeat.All of the foregoing i�referc�ed w in tbis SoauitY r�•�•,,•••t,,•a�t�e•propeity,•
<br /> BORROWFR COVBNANTS that Boirowcr is lawfuUy�izod of tbe ante hereby oonveyed and�S tbe ri;ht w
<br /> grant and oonvey tlx Pmpa'ty aad that ttse ProQecty is uaeacumb�red.nxoept for eacumbraaas of r000rd.Borrowa
<br /> warsnts md aill defead Qeaer�lly the atl:E oo tLe PropertY a8aiast �ll claims aad demaads, subjax w a�y
<br /> aawmb�nuoa of r000nd.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INS78UMF.NT aoas�a uaiform oovea�nt� for n�tiooal usE�od non-uaifocm covwr�ts
<br /> witb limited vari�ioos by juris�n to coostir�se a uaifo�sauriry instiumeat pu��n�1 propertY•
<br /> Bozmwer�nd I.wc3er coveaant and s�groe�follows:
<br /> UNIFORM COVENAPi'I'S. . .. ...__.. .. . . . . _ .
<br /> 1. Y�eat �f Yriocipal, i�terest uid Lste CioarQa Bomower st�all pay w�e¢due tbe priacipal of, ud
<br /> � interest on,the debt evldeaad by tbe Note aad late+clwga due under the Nou.
<br /> 2. Moat�l� Paym�at ot Tasei. Im�searce sud Otl�r Ch�ries. Bormwer shaii include ia acb monthly
<br /> P�Y����r with tbe principal and iatatst as tcx forth ia the Notr.aod aoy lau ebac�es,a snm�ut(a)tua aad
<br /> :peci�t �asmeats leviod or to be ievied �g�inu the Property, N) 1�d P1Y� or � rmts oa dse
<br /> Ptv�rty.aad(c)Pcemium�fx:,••••,'•,•.,•roquic�e�y�r pa�r�4. In any year ia��3eb tbe Leaoder must p�}T a
<br /> mortaa�e inwr�aee premium to tse Secrau3+of Hou:ing sa�d Uzban Developm�nt f���7'`)•���l+Y��
<br /> wl� wc�p�would have baa req�nred if Leacler�ill Leld tbe Sea�rity Insucameat,eaca anaastlilY PaY�
<br /> �aU aiw iactude�(i)a sam for tbe mau�l mortg�ge iawc�moe preaoium w be pud by I�eader ao the Saxetary,
<br /> or(ii)s mootLlY chu8�in�ead of a moit��ge i�uraox pranium if���� �bY��•
<br /> ia a cra�ooat�ie amamt to be det�ermiaed by the SecretuY• Exeept
<br /> ttCLLf itE Gf�1Ed�F.SCtiDW ItG1�i�iod thE fl�f]lild t0 LWd�r�t'C Ci110�1'Fi�.'iOW F1308S.a
<br /> t,,eader mry, at aoy time.callea md ho�d amouats for E�ct+ow Items ia an aggneg�te aa�ouat�ot to exceed the
<br /> maximtsm amaunt th�t mry be t+equitod for Bonoa�a'�ac7+ew accouot uader tLe At,�l�Settlement Pmcedures
<br /> Act of 1974, l2 U.S.C. Saxion 2601 a saq. aad im�tia�reSulstioo:,2t CFR Part 3500, aa tbe7' maY be
<br /> ameaded from time to dme('RESPA'),except that t1�e GuLion or reserve permitu�l by RESPA for unmiicipat�d
<br /> di:b�usemeata or di:bw�semeats before che Bomower's prymcau ue avail�ble in the aocoaat mry not be ba:od on
<br /> amoua�s d�e for tttt mostgqge insuranoe ptemium.
<br /> �� ►.a 2 a� wr.���
<br /> �.1.�•
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