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<br />— RE RECORutu92,i1U�Q�r3 92""" 'S��S
<br /> 1. Payment of P�i�clpaf�Intere�t and I.pte Ch�rQe. BoROwer ahs►II pay whcn due the pdncipal of,and intercst on, —_
<br /> . Uu debt avidenced by Ihc Nwc and lute chargeA due undcr the No�c.
<br /> t t;,. 2. Moathly pAyment�ot 71�xea,lncurance nad Ulher l:bprgea. HoROwcr�hull include in cuch monthly payment,
<br /> ;�.,,,.,, together with thc pdncip�l end interest un sct fonh In the Note end uny lutc churgcx, nn installment of any la►laxes and
<br /> ��*�� specisl a�sessmenta Icvied ar w be Icvkd aguimt Ihe Property,(b►leusehuld paymentti or ga►und rems on ihe Pmperty,and
<br /> (c)pnemiums fbr inauranre reWuircd by Puragrnph 4.
<br /> � Each monthly installment for items (ul,Ibl and lcl xhull cyuul one-�wrif�h of the onnu�i amounts, us reawnably
<br /> ..._j`"' esdmnted by Lcndcr, lus an nmaunt suffecient tu muintain an addiiionid h;�lnnce ��f nn1 mnre �hnn one•sixth of the �- - -
<br /> �-� �--
<br /> •-:��: F '��� essNmeted amounts. full annual nmount far each Uern shali be accumuluted by I,ender wi�hin u pe�iad ending one
<br /> '�"''�`'`��I ^, month befot+c an item would become detinquent. L.ender shull hold thc umnunta callc,�tcd in trust to puy itern�(a),(b)and
<br /> —��_�4 .., (c)hefore they become delinquent.
<br /> R:, .�;,_, ...., If at nny time the taal of the payments held by Lender for icems(u). (b) ond(c),tagether�vilh the fuwre monthly
<br /> �� .` payments for such itema payable ro Lender prior to the due dute4 of such items, cxceeds by more Ihan one-sixih the
<br /> �• - ..1_ ,. , esdmate�l amount of payments required to pay such items when due,und if payments on the Note are current,then l.ender �-
<br /> _�ic: .� • ahnll either rcfund the excess over one-sixth of�he estimuted payments or credit thc excess over one•sixlh of Ihe estimated _.
<br /> Rti']���t:�+
<br /> �,�: �; paymenta to subsequent pAyments by Bumawer,at the option of Borrower. lf the total of thc pnymenu; made by aorrower
<br /> �, •'�' � �� for item(a),(b).or(c)is insufficicnt to pay the item when due,then Borrower shull puy to Lender su�y amount nece4sary to
<br /> �� tQ � make u the defcienc on or before the date the item becomes due.
<br /> .�xw>., :;;z�:.,:-;:.:� P Y
<br /> �„� .�,;.,,y, ., As used i�this Security Instrument,"Secretury"meuns Ihe Secretary of Housing und Urbon Development or his or her
<br /> ,;o� desi�ee. In any year in which the Lender must puy n mortgage in�urunce premium to the Secrewry.ench monthly payment
<br /> ,�..:�..., shal also include either. (i) an instAllment of the annual mortgage insurance premium to be puid by Lender to the
<br /> �� '� Secretary, a(ii)u monthly charge instead of a mortguge insurance premium if this Security Insuument is held by the
<br /> �, __� ��_;.. .� Secretury. Each monthly instnllment of'the mortgage insurance premium shall be in un nmount sufticlent to accumulate the
<br /> _��� • full annual mortgagc insurance premium with Lender ane manth prior to �he dute the full unnual rnortgago inaurnnce
<br /> ; premium is due to the Secretary;or if ihis Security Instrument is held by the Secrewry.each monthly charge shnll6e in an
<br /> • ��.'� emount equal to one-twelfth of ane-half percent of the oulstonding principal balwtce due on the Note.
<br /> �_�• ,r,'��:� If Boerower tenders to Lender the full payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrumeru, Borcc�werk uccaunt
<br /> " . •+� shall be credited with the balance remnining far all installmenls for itams (u). (b) And (c) and any rnoAgage insurnace
<br /> --�:�_ ��- ' � � premium installment that I.ender has not 6ecome obligated to pay to the Secretary,and Lender shull prompdy refund nn
<br />' — �_r�� a ° � ° 5; excess funda to Borrower. Immediately prior to A faeclosure sale of the Property or its acquisition by Lender,Borrower� �=`
<br /> a[J�A�x-.�i ._. .._ S
<br /> ;;_,� � . ,�4 aa;ount shall b�crcJitc:J wit1�m�y iH►lance�r�i�aining for al!installmcnts for itcros(a).(b)and(c). �---
<br /> _ __ � ' • 3. Appltcation of Payments. All paymenis under Puragrnphs I and 2 shall be applied by Lender us followR:
<br /> Fj$$T,to the mortgage insurance prem�um to be paid by Lender to the Secretary or to Ihe manthly charge 6y the
<br /> � � .• ,. �• Secret instead of the monthly mortgage insurunce premium;
<br /> •.,, �.to uny taxes,special�.+sessmems,leusehold payments or ground rents,and fire,flood ond other haaard
<br /> ,��,� ,;�•, ;,, insurAncc premiums,asrequired;
<br /> _� , � °�
<br />