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<br /> AtOW, THEREFORE. it ia a�reed:
<br /> 1, T.,� -���n ef � +rur Adv-►nc� R�a1+ts. From and after
<br /> the date of th� e�xecutioil of this Deed of Truet Madificatian
<br /> Agreemez�t� the indsbtadnep• ■ecured by �he Deed o£ Tru3t
<br /> deacribed hereinabove ohall �ecure advancec made concurrently
<br /> herewith auid �Euture advxncee in acc�rdanae wi�h the following
<br /> prorrision which ehall harasft�r be deemed to �a a part of such
<br /> Deed of Truat:
<br /> gurLre a�p�g. Upon requaot of �orzower. Lender may,
<br /> at its option, make additionxl and future advances and
<br /> readvances to Borrower. Suah advauices and readvanaea,
<br /> with intereet thernon, sh�ll be •acured by Ghia Deed of
<br /> Truet. At no time ahall the principal amaunt of t��
<br /> indebtiedneao oecured vy thi� Dn�d of True�, not 3nclud-
<br /> ing ewae advanced to protact the •ecurity af this Deed
<br /> of Truat, axceed the origint�l principal amount etated
<br /> herei�, or S �n_�nn_n❑ , whichever io greatex.
<br /> 2, Cent±nL±aq .F r. �xaept x� �pecifically madified by
<br /> this Deed of Truat Modiiic�tion A�reaaent, all othex terms and
<br /> proviaions of the Deed of Trust hereinabcve identifiea3 shall
<br /> remaia in full force and effect.
<br /> 3, r�f.�r_�n oth�Y sec�tv. All real ectate moztgages,
<br /> deeds of tsuet, aesignmeate an� o�curity �gresments heretofoze or
<br /> � concurrently herewith to be granted �hall ramain in full force
<br /> and effec� to the exteat aot incan�i�t�nt with thia Deed of Trust
<br /> Modification Agreement and aha11 continue a� �ecurity for
<br /> Borrowera rea�aining inc�ebtEdrie�o previou�ly exiating until such
<br /> gum alull be naid. as well aa ariY futur� iAdabtedaeas owirbg frota
<br /> - - � -
<br /> Barrawer to the Lender fo: futur� a�vaacea �nd zenewale iri -- �----�-���-�
<br /> reapect to all auma owiag from 8orrov+�r to L�ader. '
<br /> � 4. 8aa±t�on��1_ �c+�ntati�n� Borrowar tuztber covenanta to
<br /> and with Lender that Sorrow�r •hall, aad will, at any time, now
<br /> or later, upan requeat, maks, tlo, axscuCS atid de3iv� all auch
<br /> fuxthGr aad other acta, desda arid thing� as �hall be reae¢anably
<br /> required to effectuate the iateation of thi• D�ad af Tr���
<br /> � Modific�tion Agreemeut iad to iaaur� and coatirm to the Lrnder
<br /> all and �ingular the prop�rty, aacuriei�� aad rigkt• described,
<br /> . and inteaded to be conveyad, aa •acurity �a �a to re.nder the �
<br /> esme, and all portic�n�, whsthir aow owa�d or latsr acquired,
<br /> • �ubject to theae termi, provisioru and condition� according ta
<br /> the true intent snd purpoeer expra��ad.
<br /> :: 5. �s. The failure of the I,�ad�r, at arly time, to
<br /> require the gerformance by the Sarxorv�r ot �y of thsae terms,
<br /> � covenante and agreemeate shr.11, ia no way, a�l��t ita rights to
<br /> - eaforce the s�me; nor the v�aiver by th� Lendtr ot +suy bresch of
<br /> any term, covenant or sgreement ba takan os h�ld to b� a waiver
<br /> of any succeeding breach of any iuch tara, covanstst or agreemento
<br /> � .
<br /> or ae a waiver of the term, coveaaat and Agr��ta�nt it��l�.
<br /> _ = 2
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