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<br /> t3. All futurc advunccs fi�u�i[.cncS�r ta t;rant��r ar alhcr futurr�►bligati�u►.ti af(;r�ntcu tu l..c:nck r u�uk r xny��r.NUi�wry `
<br /> nate,contract, �tuaranty,c�r utiur��ick�uc�►f dc:hi exccuted by(irant��r in fa���i•of L.e�uicr cxecutcd a4er this _
<br /> Srcurity Instrument whether ur n�u this Sccurity in�trument i�s�xcificalty refer�nccd.li'murc than une pecson ,
<br /> ug;u this Security Instrumcnt,cxb G�;uiwr agrcrs that this Sccurity inctrumcnt wiU sccurc xll Cutur.:advana:s and _
<br /> future obligatians that are g►��en to ar incurrcd t�y any oru: or muro Grantnr,ur an����e or mun Grantor�aid
<br /> othc�s.All fuwra adva�ccs�n:i oih::4uturc csbligaticx►s�re sc�cu�cd hy this Sa:curity Iastrumc�t c�•en thcwgh all cu
<br /> part may not yet be advancea.All tulure udt anc.^s and uihcr fuiure aldigatic�tts are sccured as if'rntade an Ihc�d�te
<br /> uf ti►is Se�urity Is�t�as.Nathiag in this Secu�ty In.;trununt xhall constitute a conu�utment to make additiawal
<br /> or future lou�,c ar advanoes in any�cunc�unt.Aiiy siu:h eommitment must be agmed to in a separate writins.
<br /> C. All obligations Giaator ow�es to i.ender,which may lacer arisc,to the extcnt not prohihited by law,induding.but
<br /> noi limited to,liabilitics for overdrs►tts rclnting to any dcpasit account agrccm:.nt betwecn Grantor and Lender.
<br /> D. All additianal swnc advanced and eacpens�.s uuurred by I.ender for insuring,preserving or otherwise protecting
<br /> the Property and iu value and an)olher sun�.e advanced and expenses incuaed by Lender w�der the tems oi
<br /> th�s Security Instrument.
<br /> 'Ihic S�turity Instnunent wiU aot secure an}•oiher debt if L,ender fails to give auy required notioe of the right of rescissioa•
<br /> S. PAYMEIV75.Grantor agrees tbai all payments under the Secured Debt will be paid wha�duo and in accordanc�
<br /> YriW the tem�s of the Secured Debt and this Security Instrument.
<br /> 6. WARRANTY OE TITLE.Grantor warrunts that Grantar is ot will be lawfully seized of the estate coaveyed by thu
<br /> Security Instrument and has the right to irrevocab[y grant,convey.and seU the Property to Tnutee,in trust.with
<br /> power of sale.Grantor also warrants that the Property u unencumbered except for encumhrances of record.
<br /> 7. PRIOR SECt7R1TY IN'IERES7�.W�tt�regard to any other mortgage,deed of ttust,security agreement or other liea
<br /> d�ocument that created a prior security interest or encumbrance on the ProQerty.Grantor agrees
<br /> A. To make all payments when due and to perform or complY with all covenanu•
<br /> 8. To promptly deGver to l.ender any notices that Grantor receives from the hoWer.
<br /> C. Not to allow any modification or extension ot,nor to request any future advances under any note or agreemeat
<br /> ser;u,:c�by ihe Gen dceument w�itUout Lender's prior written consent. ents,ground
<br /> 8. CI.AIM,.�.aE'sAINST'R11.E Grantor will pay all taxes,asse.ssmcnts,liens,encumbranc�. �ease PaYm
<br /> mnts,utiGties,and oiher charges relating to the Propecty when due.Leuder may require Grantor to prov�de ta Lender
<br /> copies of all notioes that such amounts aze due and t3�e receipts evidencing Grautor's payment.Grantor will defend
<br /> title to the Froperty agaiast any claims that wwil�i iaxpair the lien of this Secure�}t instrument.Grantor aigrees to aasign
<br /> to Lender,�requested by Lender.any rights,claiu�s or defenses Grantor may have against patties wi�o s�plY labor
<br /> or materiaU•er�maintain or improve tLe Praperty.
<br /> 9 DUE 01�i Su�OR ENC[]:NBRA1�E-Lender may,at iu option,declaze the entire bulaa�ot the Secwed Debt i�
<br /> be immed:a;sty due a�Qapable upon tT�creadoa of,or contract far the creatirw of,any tien,encunsbtance.tra�fej
<br /> .�,r���;property.'i�Gis right is atbject to the restrictioas impused by fecf�'r�l 1aw(12 C.F.R 591),as appiicable.
<br /> 'IIt�s cu�ea:snt sball run w-ith the Proper3y and shall remain in effect uutil the Secured Debt is paid in full and thi4
<br /> Seeuritv Tcr�:ment is released.
<br /> ............�..., .•�rrn w�nnuc �t�n INCPF.(:TION.Grantor will kecp tbe Property in good
<br />. " ' . II� Yl[VPL11iYt a.v��viasva�� e��.a......�'�......«.— �.__ . _.
<br /> coAdition and make all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor sfiall not commit or allow any waste.
<br /> impairment,or deterioration of the Praperty.Grantor will.keep the Property free of nouious weeds and grasses•
<br /> Gtantor agrzes that the nature of the oecupancy and use wi11 not substantially change without I.ender s prior written
<br /> oosuent Grantor wip not permit any change in any license,restrictive oovenant or easement without.Lender's prior
<br /> written coos�nt.Grantor will notif}�Lender of all demands,proceedings,claims,and actions agaicui Grsator,and of
<br /> any loss or damage to the Property.
<br /> Lender or Lender's agents may.at I.ender's option,enter the Property at xay reasonable time for the pwpose of
<br /> inspecting the Property.Lender shall gi�e Graatar notice at the time vEar before an inspection specifying a
<br /> reasonable purpoee for the inspection. Any inspe��tion of the Property shslL'I�e entirely for Lender's bene5t and
<br /> Grantor will ia no way refy on Leader s iaspecdou.
<br /> 1L A1J17�OiiITY TO PERFOjtM. If�rantor fails to perform any duty or any of the oav�:uaats contained in this
<br /> Security Instcument,Lender may.without notioe,p�rform or cause them to be perfonned�rantor a�Qoinu Lender
<br /> as attoraey in fxt to sign Grantor's name or pay aug amount neces5ary for pedonnanc�.Lender's rigtst ta perfarm for
<br /> Grantor shall not create an obligatioa to perFor►a,and I.ender s failure to pert'orm will not preclu�e�.ender from
<br /> eaercisin�nsry of Lender's other rights,eu�der the law or this Security Instrument.If any wnctnictioa an the Property is
<br /> discontinw.:d or nat carried on in a reasonable manner,Leac�:.r may take all steps necessary to protect Lenders
<br /> security iaterest in the Property,including oompletion of the corsuuction.
<br /> 3Z ASSIGN'iHENT OF LEASFS AND RENI'S.Grantor irrevocabl}�grants,oo�veys and seils to Tnutee,in tn�st for the
<br /> bene5t of Lender,as additional security all the right,title and intetest m anuf to any and a11 existing or fuwre leues,
<br /> subleases,and any other written or verbal agreements for the ase and oa�pancy af any portion of the Property,
<br /> including uny e�ctensions,renewals.aiodifications or substitutionc of such agreements(all referred to as"Leases")aur�
<br /> rents.issues and profits{a{1 refesred to s►s"R.ents").Grantor will prompUy provide Lender with true and corrett
<br /> copies of all existing and futwe Leas�s.Grantor may collect,receive,enjoy and use the Renu so long as Grantor is nM
<br /> in default under the ternu of zhic Security Insirumen.G
<br /> - Grantar acknowtedges t9�aY thu assignment is perfcxted upo�the recording of this Deed of Trust and that L.ender is
<br /> entitled to notify any of Grantor's tenanu to make payment of�Zents due o��o b..:omc du�to Lende*.However.
<br /> l,ender agrees that only oa def�ult will Lender notify Grantor arsc!Gtantor's tenants and make demand that a11 future
<br /> _ Reau be paid directIy to I.ender.On receiving notice of default,Graator will endorse and deliver ta Lender any
<br /> paymen+t of Rents in Cirantor's poasession and will reoeive any Rents in trust for L.ender and will not commingle the
<br /> Rents with any other fusulv. Any amounts collected will be applied as provided in this Security Instrament.Grantor
<br /> warrants that no default exisu un3er the I.eases or any applicable landlord/tenant law.Graator also agrces to manitaia
<br /> and reynire any tenant to comply with ihe termc of the Leases and applicable law.
<br /> ]3� LEASEHOLDS;CONDOMINILJI1iS;PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMEN'i5.Grantor�grces to comply with tl►e
<br /> provisions of any lease if this Securiry Instrument is an a leasehold.If the Property includes a un�t in a condominium
<br /> _ or a pianned unet development.Grantor will perform all of Granior's duties under the covenat►ts.by-laws.or
<br /> _ regulatio�s of the cottdcmu►ium or pl�nned unit development.
<br /> 11. DEFAULT.Grantor will be in dcfanit if any party obligated on the Secured Debt fails to make payment when due.
<br /> Grantor will be in default if a breach oocurs under t6e temu of this Security Instrument or any other dceumeat
<br /> �yesa4J
<br /> O�YY��r�rrs Srww�.,rc.i�.Go�a.�w I1�aooaY��x1)Fina�E-0T�E Nrw
<br />