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<br /> 'Y'WS 1�4 FAMU.Y RIDBR is m�dc this 2�Ti3 d�yr of �� . �996 �st�d is
<br /> iuoorpor�xl iato an�f shyl ba dxmad ta aastad aad�3e�e�tbe Mort�aga Dou!of'iirusc a Socwrity Deed(cho
<br /> 'SocutiRy Iastruaaatt`)of tti:�astrmo d�e�iv�by thc utxfetsignod(thc"Ba�ewu")w secure Borrower's Notc W
<br /> �����
<br /> Of tOC Si1Gb d�IC iG�OOVflit�$!A FtDptl[y dt9Cf�11Cd l�thC SOCIYIty I1LSt[UGftilt Ai1fl fOCiSCd al:
<br /> ia2i sox.r,aNn nRZVa 206 WAIMdRIGHT
<br /> cw� ist.�m, n�a�axA seeoi GRAND ISLAND, NEBRASKA 68801
<br /> [��r eaant,] .
<br /> 1-4 FAR�I.Y C01J�NAt�i'S. Ia additioa tn the oova�nts�nd�gi+oea�eats a�ade ia the Sa�rity Iastmmr�e.
<br /> Boaowu wd Ireedet f�utluz oav�wnt aad agtee aa fdb�rs:
<br /> A.ADD17'YONAI.PR�TY SUBJECT TO THE SfiCUftiTY�'1'RUMEl�7'.Ia :ddi800 to tbe
<br /> Anpaty des�ribed in d�e Sean'i�y�mt.lbe folbwntg ikmt a�e adcied ta tna Pr+opety de�ption,�ad s6aU
<br /> also oowtiwao t6e Pro�ty oovered by tbe Soavity Iastrew�6uikliqg ao�erial�.a�ppii�ea aod 800d�of evrrY
<br /> eaou�e�vOwoever ao�r ae�located in,oo.or used,or irta�d�ed to be used ias 000aatioa�viph tf�o P1reQacty.
<br /> iacludio�E.but aot tiavi�ed tr�tbooe for d�e p�rpo�es of s+cpptyier�ar di�tcibutin�ldradog.cadio�.eSec�iaitY.Q�a.
<br /> �v�er,air aed liigAt.fire perveotioa iwd e�twguishiq��PP��•�Y snd aoxrs ooatid app�c�tus.qomb�iag.
<br /> brh NbQr w�pr 6e�lers�rvaler clorets.�iotcs.r�ge:,taDMes.n�awror�.di�h�r�6ers.dnpotati.watOdtt.d�yvs.
<br /> awmio�s.�o�m windows,stam doo�s,scn+a�s,b�iodt.sh�r3e�.cun�i�x aid cu�t�ia aod�.atact�od m�roa.c+ibineet.
<br /> � and amchod floor aovrriw�s ao�v ar he�+eati�r amche�d to 1b� �ty. all af w�6icli. ioc�od�ir�
<br /> ee�it��od addi�tioas�6es�elo.�baH be deemed t�be md i+em�in a prt of fi�e L3�a�ty oon►ered by die Sac�y
<br /> ia�on�nr.J411 d tie fa�r,�eiig lo�eth��rith d,e Anpaty daa�ecII�tbe Searicy 1a�t(a t�iea�e6oid
<br /> aWe if d�c S+ac�pity ia:aumeat ic on a 1ri�old) m nfarod u� im� l�F+�mily Rid��d 16e Soevah►
<br /> Imoruroart ss tbe"Prope=ty' ' ,
<br /> E.USS QF P'RQ�Y:C011�t.iANCE Wif'H LAW. BoaoMer sha�-orx �aek. a�toe q a maioe a
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<br /> �e io tbe me of�lbe i�:w.+peAy or�it�noa��c�a�o�.mfess I.iotkr�i�ioed id w�i�sg lo$ie cbto�e. -
<br /> BOH01Yi1 lhill COW�y rVllb � �i1YS. 0[C}�Oa. l�jY}�IOm � �QI3�l� Of �Y � �Y
<br /> �b��Y• �
<br /> � C.SUEO�RDIIVA7Ts L�1i.S. E�t a�permit�ed by feda�l I�M�Baro�+a�11 not alio�w any liea Infe:ior
<br /> to tbe S�aaQity Ia�t oo be pafeGed�tbe Pl+ope�ty�rilhoat I.eader't ptior�vr�qeo pamvwoo.
<br /> I?.1tEN'P LOSS II�S[JitANCB. Bae:a�tlnit mmta�m�na000�reat lo�io�dditioo 1u 1ti oo�ar.
<br /> ' 6�ds for w�hicb�ooe u reqairod by Unifam Covea�ot S. '
<br /> B."SOB�OW�it'S itIGHT TO RBWSTA7E'DEI.EPED. [Jniform Cov�eatot 18 i�de�etd. �
<br /> � F K�ROWBit'S OCCUPANC"1t: Udep I�eoder md Baao+�et ot�►in �t�ee io Mritioa. die 6At '
<br /> seata�in Unifam Co+�ea�t 6 000ea� Has�ow�er's oa�pa�cy of t4e P�ty �deidaL AD rom�oi�
<br /> oavemote aiod�o�an�s��art6 in Un�'arm Covontr�t 6 sml!�main m�
<br /> YW.TI=TATE t-�FAYILY WDEII•Fwb YaNFndii�Yaa WIler�IMtru■Nt fer�i1T0if�i
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