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<br /> i epplicablc lew may�pccify for rcinstatemeny before sale of the Property pursuant to ony power of�ale contninod in this
<br /> _; i Security Insaument:or(b)entry of a judgment rnForef�g this Sa:uri�y In9lrument. 'Ihocc condittons are dwt Bomnwer: (a) —
<br /> p�ys Lender all sums which then would ba due under this Secudty Instmment and the Note as if no acceleration had
<br /> � ' accurned;(b)cures any default oP any dher covenents ar agreements;!c)oays all expenses incutred in enforcing this Security
<br /> "' lnsuument,including,but not limited to, masonable attomeys'fees;and(d)tekes such action us l.ender may reasonAbly
<br /> _ requine to assure that the lien of this Security Instrument,Lenderk rfghts in thc Propetty and Borrowerk obligadon to pay tho
<br /> sums secured by thie Securiry Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by Borrower, this Security
<br /> •- _ Inatrument und ihe obligutians secured hereby shn!!remain fully effecdve as if no accelemtion had occumed. However,thie r-
<br /> T ri�ht w r�einAtate shall not epply in the cese of accelerntion under paragraph l7.
<br /> a 19. 3Ale ot NMe;Clwa�e of Lopa Servicer. The Note or a partial interest in 1he Note(together with this Security
<br /> ��;,_�_��Sa.,. inswment)may be sold one or more dmes without pdor notice to Borrower. A sale may resuit in a change la the entity
<br /> - �..y,�..,.�.��I (kn°wn as the 'Loan Servicer")that collecta monthly payments due under the Nots end�his Security Inslrument. There also
<br /> i mAy be one or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note. If there�is a change of the Loan Servfcer,
<br /> _ I Borrower wfll be given written nodce of the chenge in accordance with paragraph 14 above and upplicable law. The notice
<br /> �- _-�-�- °�� - wlll state tho name and addresa of the new Loan Serviccr and thc address to which puyments should be made. The noticc wi!! �
<br /> � �'=��"� al�o conwin ony other informadon requi�ed by applicable law.
<br /> � ��� I 1A. Hozardous Substaaces. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit the presence,use,disposal.storage,or release of any
<br /> � -�;�. ��'�°�• '� Hazardous Substances on or in the Pmperry. Borrower shnll not do,nor al low anyone e lsc to d a.anyth ing a f fec dng t he
<br /> �•~�� � . � � � I Property that is in vlolation of any Envlronmental Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to 1he presence,use.or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quanUties of Hezardous 5ubstences that are generally recogoized to be appropriate to normal
<br /> — _ �-�:..::- j reAidentlal uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> - � �'`�$' Borrower shall prompdy give Lender written notice of any invesUgation,claim,demand,luwsuit or other action by any
<br /> --= 3,d�`;:y;?�' ��''= governmental or regulatory agency or pdvate party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental -�_ _
<br /> �,��:�N , � � Lew of which Borrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower learns. or is notified by any $overnmental or regulatory
<br /> ;,'�;,4� l authority.that any temoval or other t+emediation of any Hsizerdous Substance affectbg�he Piropeny is necessary,Bornower
<br /> ,zar
<br /> �'�` �''" • '' shall promptly take all necessary remedial actiona in accordance with�nvironmental Law.
<br /> -- . '�� As used in Ihis paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substances' are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous aubstances by
<br /> - ;;.:;�1��. „ .._. ..,,� Environmenlal Law and ihe following substances: gasoline,kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic �r,�
<br /> � a'�s �; _. --
<br /> �:.:�_ ,���,i��. :�.,s pesticfdes and herbicidcs,volatile solvcnts,materials containing�sbestos or formaldehyde,and radioACtive materials. As m•�-
<br /> -_ - . • ,. used in this pars►graph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal IawR and laws of the jurisdiction where tha Propeny is lacated
<br /> _ •• � � , that relate to heallh.safety or environmental protection. _____
<br /> .-• 4. NON-UMFQRM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> = '"'�: � 'R" 21. AccelerANon; Remedies. l.ender slwll give noUce lo Borrower prior to acceleration following Borrower's
<br /> -�"•'' • breac6 oi any rnvenant or agreement in Ihf�3ecurity Inslrument lbut not prior to acceleration under parAgrapb 17 —
<br /> ���,_�.�•? ' ualess agplk�6le law Qrovides atherwlse). The noNce shall apecify: (al the default:(bl the action required to cure the
<br /> ,,. �,_•_�
<br /> , _ -
<br />'_�'' � ' ," .. :}.,:;• defAUll;(c)p date,not les.g than 30 dAys irom the date the notice is given to Borrower,by wbich the defAUlt must be
<br /> . '. ,.�;;.,,: cured;ond(d)that fAilure to cure the default on or bePore the date specified in tke notice may resull in acceleration ot
<br /> � �' :!�;:• the sums secured by th(s Security Instrument a�sd sale oP the Properry. The ndice shall furtber infbrm Burrower of
<br /> • ���,. .
<br /> ��,, . •• , tqe right to reinatate af�er acceleration and the right to bring a court acNon to�sert the non-existence oP a default or
<br /> �_ , any ather defensc ot Borrower to acceleratton and sale. IP the dePaull is not cured on or bePore t6e dote specified in
<br /> � � the notice,I,ender At its option may require immediate payment in full of all sums secu�ed by this Security Instrument
<br /> �� • . . ��:.,t ' sdthout Purther demand and mAy invoke the power of sale and uny oiher remedies permitted by applicable law
<br /> r• � ��*^� �~- ��r. l.ender shaN be enlltled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this parAgrAph 21,
<br /> • . ' �; '��� including,bat not limited to,reasonable attorneys'iees and costs ottitle evidence. �__
<br /> �„ . ��'�� ; IP the power of eale(s invoked.'I�ustee shall record a notice oP default in each county in whkh any part oP the �� .
<br /> ', ':.Ft���'.�., '- " i property is located�nd shall mail copies of such notice in the manner prescribed by applteable law to Borrower and to
<br /> � ' t h e o t h e r p e r s o n s p r e s c r l b e d b y a p p l i c a b l e l a w A i�e r t h e t i m e re q u i re d b y a p p l i c a b l e l a w.'I F u s t e e s h a l l g i v e p u b l i c _
<br /> �:': �' � notice of sak b!he persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law. 7Fuslee,without demond on Borrower. �=�=�
<br /> �,�!. ''� � s6oll aell the Pro p ert y at public auction to the hi�hest bidder at the time and ploce und under the terms desi gnated in =• _
<br /> �° ^1�;. ' the notice of sale in one ar more parcels and in any order 7lrustee determines. 7Yuslee may postpone sale of all or any �,_�
<br /> •"� • � parcel ot the Property by public announcement�t the time and place of any previously scheduled sale. l.ender or its
<br /> ' . �•�`• '� � desiQnee may parcBase the Property pt any sale. e1'
<br /> ;�.;<;,, � Upon receipt of payment of the price bid.7lrustee shall deliver to the purcl�aser 7lrustee's deed convcying the �.:
<br /> � �;,. • . Property. The recitals in the'll�ustee's deed shall be prima facie e�•idence of the Irulh of the statements made therein.
<br /> �: . " � 'lrustee sh�ll apply!he pruceeds uP ll�e sale in the iolluwing urder: Ia110 all casts end expenses of exercising fhe pnwer
<br /> '" aihiY�`. . I
<br /> , �V.n' I -
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