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<br /> 7'UCfETHE�t W1TH oll the Improvementa now or hereufter erected an the propeAy.and ull easementa,appur�enancea, _
<br /> �� 7U f
<br /> �nd tixtures now ar hereafter a part of the prnperty. All replacements and additions shail also be covered by this Security
<br /> -�•.�� lnctrument. All of the faregaing fs ref�rred to in this Securiry Instrument as the"Propetty."
<br /> BORROWER COVENANTS thAt Borrowcr is lawfully seised of the eslete hereby conveyed and has the right to grant
<br /> ,; � end convey the Propeny nnd that the Property is unencumhered,except for oncumbrances of record. Borrower wazranta and
<br /> will defend generally 1ho title to the Property against all clnims smd demands,subject tu any encumbrances of recotd.
<br /> ��;�',�,,,��.`,.`M_• THIS SBCURITY INSTRUMBNT combines uniform covenents for nadan�l use end non-uniform covenant� with
<br /> .r• limited variations by judsdicUon tn constitute a uniform security instrument covering real property. � __
<br /> " , UNIFORM COVENAfV7'S. Borrower sind Lender covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> n
<br /> - 1. PAyment ot Princlpal aad Interesti PrepAymenl and Lote Chwrges. aorrower shAll promptly pay when due 1he
<br /> _ � � principal of and intereat on the debt evidenced by�he Note and any prepayment and lute charges duc under the Note.
<br /> • , 2 Flunds Par 7�uces and Insu�aace. Subject to applicable law or to a wrinen waiver by Lender.BoROwer shall pay to
<br /> .�;�,-b,1�,_,;: Lender on the day m�nthly puyments are due under the Notc.until the Note is paid in full, a sum("Fundc")for.(a)yearly
<br /> m
<br /> �"-,;�:�#" � � �� texes and Assessmenta which may attain priority over thia Securiry Inxtrument as a I�en on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold -
<br /> — �-�••�..:r�•�.r payments or ground rents on the Property, if uny: (c) yearly hazord or property insurance premiums; (d) yearly flood
<br /> c,. "'~� insurnnce premiums. if any;(e)yeuly mortgage insurence premiumx, if any: and (fl any sums payable by Borrower ro
<br /> - �;,,�;;� ,:�,i �. ��� Lender.in accordance with Ihe provisions of paragraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurunce premiums. These
<br /> � ty , � �` ,-,
<br /> "�,�� . .,,,,:,;..^``:�,-0�,,, items are called"Escrow Items: Lender may,at any time,collect und hold FLnds in an amount not to exceed the mnaimum
<br /> ,�.� , . amount a lender for a iederally relnted mortgage loan may require for Borrower� escrow account under the federal Real
<br /> �•: .- � 12 U.S.C.$2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> :r,.*�x.x �y Estete Settlement Procedurea Act of 1974 as amended from time to time,
<br /> '.'* '�•'" "' ` '�'� law that applies to the Punds seta a lesser amount. If so,Lender may,at any time,collect and hold�nds in nn amount not to
<br /> - - -- F'`�-'`-' -" - - exceed the lesser amount. l.ender rnuy estimate the umount af FLnds due on the basls of current data and reasonable
<br /> eatimates of expenditurea of future Escrow Items or othervvise in accordance with uppUcuble luw. __
<br /> . ,' ' •. ; The FLnds shall be held in an inslitutian whose deposits are insured by u federal egency, Instn�mentaliry, or entity __
<br /> �` � , .�.r (including Lender,if l..ender is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loun Bnnk. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> � • "'° the Escrow Items. Lender may not churge Barrower for halding and applying the Funds. unnually analyzing the escrow ---
<br /> . ., ^ � account,or verifying the Escrow Itema, unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits
<br /> --- � Len d e r t o m a k e s u c h u c h a r g e. However. Lender may require Borrower to pay u one-time charge for an independent real
<br /> __— ' :°� estute tex reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides ot herwisa Un less an u;_
<br /> � agreemenl is madc or Applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrowcr any interest or _
<br /> '• b� . earnings on the Funds. Borrowar und l.ender may agree in writing,however,that interest shall bc paid on the Funds. Lender �LL
<br /> - , � , ,E:d. ahall give to Borrower,without charge,an wmual uccounting of the Funds,shawing creditti and debits to�he Funds and the _�
<br /> — - ., purpose for which each debit to Ihe Funds was made. The Funds ore pledged As addi�ional �ecurity for ull Rums secured by
<br /> — .;� Ihis Sewriry Instrumem.
<br /> - . '', ii We i�l+nds heid by Lender exceec3 the em��mt�c permitted to be held by applicablc luw. Lender shall account ro _
<br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in s�ccordunce with the requirements of applicuble luw. If the amount of the huncis heid by
<br /> _-�::,`� l.en der n t a n y t i m e i s n o t s u f t i c i e n t to pn y the Escrow Items when due,Lender mc►y so notify Borrower in writing,and,in �.•-
<br /> ' such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the deflciency. Borrower shall mu ke up t he
<br /> ���' « ,.�;. de�ciency in no more than twelve rnonthly payments,ut Lender'.s sole discretion.
<br /> '� ,� ',;�;: �J:� Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security lnstrument,Lender shull promptly refund to Barower uny
<br /> .�j Funds held by Lender. If,under parugraph 21, Lender tihall ucquire or sell the Property,l.ender,prior to the acquisition or �''.:�
<br /> �,.� �.' ;..
<br /> -+Y� ., . , r:.' sale of the f'ropeny,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of ucquisition or sule as a credit ugainst the sums —
<br /> secured by this Security Inshument.
<br /> '`u�� 3. Applicatlon oP Paymen4s. Unless applicable law provides otherwise, ull payments received by Lender under
<br /> -� � paragraphs I and 2 shall be upplfed: first, to uny prepnyment charges due under�he Note:second,to sunounts payable under
<br /> ��� �• . paragraph 2;�hird,to intercst due;fourth,to principul duc:and Inst,to any late churgex due under thc Note. _
<br /> :�': ^y. • 4. Chorges; Liens. Borrower shall puy all tuxc,, assessments, charges, �ines suid impositions uttributeblc to the
<br /> - �`""' • Property which rnay uttain priority over this Security Instrument,and Iea�ehold paymcnts or ground mnts,if any. Borrower
<br /> --r ; �:�,};f:; ",,,,;,-`� �hall p�y these obligutions in the mnnncr provided in purngrnph 2.ar if noi paid in that rnanner,Borrower shnll pay them on �
<br /> _,.� v� time dirxNy to the person owed payment. Borrowcr shnll prompdy furnish to Lcnder all notices of umounts to be paid under ���-
<br /> — �,.� . � this purngrnph. If Borrower makes thexe payments direcdy, Borrower shall promptly fumitih to Lender receipts evidencing _4Y
<br /> -� >?�=' � the payments. �'-==�
<br />.=b.�;t
<br /> , -:� • ,. h • Borrower tihall promptly dischurge uny licn which hns priority over�his Security Instrument unleas Borrower:(u)ugrees
<br /> 1 �".. A •� in writing to thc payment of the obligution secured by the Ifen in a mnnncr ucceptablc�o Lender.(b)rontcs�s in gaad fuith thc �
<br /> - �-•'"°"�� , lien by,or defends uguinst enforcement of the lien in,legul proceedingx which in Ihe Lerxler's opinion operate to prevent the �-
<br /> �`�' enforcement of the licn;or(c)secures from Ihe holder of Ihe lien an agrecment satisfactory to Lender subordinuting Ihe lien _
<br /> � N u " to this Security Inswment. If Lender determines that any pan of Ihe 1'roperty is xubject to a lien which muy attain priority �.-_
<br /> `;�., �-�t�►. over this Security Instrument,L�nder mny give Borrowcr u no�icc idenlifying thc lien. Borrowcr.r•hall sAtisfy the lien ar take �,�._
<br /> ==�z .[�� . one or more oP the actions set fonh ubove wi�hin 10 days of the givin�af notice.
<br />^'t;:, 5. H a z s�r d o r P r o p e r t y I n s uraace. Bortowcr shall keep thc improvements miw cxisling or hercuftcr crected on thc
<br /> property insured ugainst loss by fire,huzards includeJ within the term"extend�d coverage" and uny uther hsuards, including
<br /> °�r �-� floods or floading. for which Lender rcquircs insurunce. 'I'�is insurAnce shnll he muiNained in the amounts und for 1he
<br /> *' i
<br /> . �� _. I
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