i�� n:,-d nr Prop?r[� l�sunnce. 9ormuer shzll keep 1he imprm�Q�ns no�wOex�i.s,i�ivgooir hereafter ermme on thc
<br /> Vropa _ � :v I opain,ct Iosp by fire, h�za�ds includcd within the rertn "ex�cnded mveruge" and any olhcr herurtls, including
<br /> �loods - fboAlc�. for nn7,h Lcndcr requiros i�surance. This insorance stmll be maintained in thc amountt and for Ihe�riods
<br /> ;hm L i!.� r ��ires. 'Che inmra�¢cnrcicr proviLing the insurance shvll be chosen by Borvowcr subject lo Lender's npprc�'al �
<br /> ��liicii nl a I nm Gc un caenahly xdthheld if Bonower fails ro mvvtafn �-ou'erage descriLed abova I.ende� may, a� Lendcr'x
<br /> op[:�i �t. n �,c m p�otni Levdei s righ�s in the Properry in aimrdance wi�h parag�aph].
<br /> ±II iavr� m policics ur�d �enewuls shall be aeceptable �o l,ender and shall includx a slandnrA monsupe clause. lenticr
<br /> �. _. , � �I r piu �a hMd �he oelicia and rencwa;s. If Le�der mquirec,6orrower shnll prcmptly gice m Lender nIi reccipi>o(
<br /> � �..
<br /> �.f.f; i 4um=snd ren��val oo�icev, tn ihe evmt of bss Bo�rower shnll give pmmpt notitt to tl�e ns�uance tt�rricr and Lende�.
<br />� Li:nder iney muke proo(af loss i[not madz prumptly by Bo�rowe�.
<br /> � ` .-. L�ndcr ur�l Borrowu olhxnvise agrae in wrifing, insumnce procee6s shall be epplied !o resmration or repair o(Ihc
<br /> Pn�pe p P vpetl, Ifth:resmracon oi repair is eeonomicaily Ceaslhle and Lender's seeuril� is nol Iccwncd. If�he resromtion nv
<br /> , -c,nomic�l Ip (eu�ible or Lender's scc:iq� ��ovld be Icssened, ihe insurnece promcds shvll be applittl lo :hc s .
<br /> . ... L i.i�, Securiry (nsimment. whcther or not then uue, with any excess paid tn 6onowtt. IC Bormwe� nbandons�Bic
<br /> •ope t� .r Jc_. not aa�we� v� ihin 30 days a no[ice fmm Levder�hat Ihe insurnnce cav�icr hus of�erecl m se�tle a claim. Ihen
<br />� .e.�der � collecY ihe irt om�ce pmeeeds. Lende� ma�� use the proeeecls to repair or res¢ore �he Propert�� or to pay sems
<br /> �_� . : ihi.Secuntc Instn,menL whelhe�ar not Ihea duc Thc 3Mla}�pe;iod will begln when�hc v�ticc ia givev.
<br /> �l ' .�.� � enucr v.id 6onower otlierwise agme in wn�ing, nny appiicaion of pmceeAs m pnncipal sholl no[ e,c�cnL or
<br /> �oap�: ie �ue dam of Ihe mon[hl�' payment rcfcrN m in pamgraph? I and 2 or change [he amwm o[ the paymcats. If
<br /> ��ndcr � ;nph 21 �he Pmpeny is ecqui�ed by Lender. Dorm�vcr s rignt m any insurance policies and promeds msul�inE Gom
<br /> �,ninvg �o thc Prr�peny prior m the acquisition shall puss lo Lender :o the extent o(the sums secureA by�his Security Inswmcni
<br />� _...ic 1;i p -a .c the acquici�ion.
<br /> ( Occu;iancr, Presena�iou, S".aintenance xnd Ym[eetion of the Pmperty; Bortawer's Iuan Applicatlon; Lenscholds.
<br />;t Bnrn� cr rill o:cupy esfahlish.end use�he Pmperty av Borrowci s principal �esidence wilhln sixly days ofter�he�ecv[ion o(
<br /> G :hi� S �rri�y Iti�m.mem and shall continue m occupy [he Propercy a. Borro��'er's principal residenm fur at Ieac� one year aRer
<br /> �hc A:t .0 xcu'pancy, unless Lendec othcrwlse agrees 'n w�[in¢. which masent snall not be unreasonobly withhdd, o� unless
<br /> enem ( dreunutan e exiet wLich are beyond B�irrouer'� con[r�!. Jorrowcr shall noi destmy, dnmage or impair the
<br /> Prvipe_,y, allo�.� the Property to Acteno�a�e, or commit wa=1e on !hc Pmpeny. Borcower shaV be in de(ault if a�ry forCeiuve
<br /> acoei Fr.� :ilm• whcih:�civil or eriminal, is teg�n F�e[ in Lender's eooel faitl�judgmevt eould result in forfeiWre of�he
<br /> j� prope t -uLCrwne mmenu0y imp�air Ihe lien ereared by ihis Securiry�In9mm°nt or Lende�'s secudty in�emsl. 5ortnae�m�y
<br />? .,_.r -�. 1 a det2ult ssod ins�z[e,ns pmcided in pvn�aph Ib.Sy causing the ac:lon or pmceeding�o be dismisseJ wilh a mling
<br /> ,�_.. _ W ' enod fai�h Aeterminxtion. precludec Codeiarc �f �he Bormwcr's in�cres� in [he Pmputy or otlier mnLrlel
<br />� �p�! i.. ¢ � (� .. I c c c t ' h} tl'c S cunt� Inslrumcnt v� t c - � :� �ro 'n rest Borro � r :h�l. I:o bc In ddault if
<br /> . ., . r Jiv n��n I ni�app'cat i n pa�,eas, Fu.e mm�riallY t,I.c or i mc inform�( u�staiemu u �o Lender(or:uilcd
<br />� +- I i I 'ih y �t `�1 inCormatmr)m con ecti o� «-Oi thc 1 �drnwd oy thc Nme, ndi Jli¢ hm �w�Ilnil�ed
<br /> i i , c� -eutetions w�m rI.y Bor�uwer s omu{.a�c} of the Pmperty ss a pnne�pal residevice If this Secunry Insln�mcN is o� '�
<br />� I ascl � Rirn �rr shill c nipl � -.ah aIl the pmvisions <f the lease. If Borrmver acyuires fee litle ro the Vroperry. �ha
<br />� I �w!old �.d I c f z� Uc cFull not me�ge unlecs Leuder agr es to Ihc merger in wr ung.
<br /> 7 Pr rt eti m of I ender t Righ[s in lhe Prupert) If Bortower Cntis�o pe�form the covenanls unl agrcemems wNal W in
<br /> �hi: Sec v y 7 _m me n c U_�c ss a Ieeal pme°Pdmg th it mav signif�antlr afleet Lendei s �igh�s in �he Property l�uch �.
<br /> p a,e d i� ',i bu.�krupm,, pmbate, io�mndemvotion or fm@i[ore or ro enfome Iaws o� regulmiors), ihen Lender may du end
<br /> pav f.� li��ve; is nrsessvry [o pm2c� Ihe value of [he Propeny and Lendcr. d�Ms in thc Pmpsny- Lender's acliorts mav
<br /> inJuJ p �' any xoms zcwr^� h� a lien ���hich Ims pnority over this Securiry instmment, appevring in mun, �aylne
<br /> � bl� u r C lecs a �nter ng on �he Pmpeny m rttake repuin'. Aliho��gh Lender may take action undc�N�s parvgmph
<br /> 7�.Lc�J d e� not hu.e m do co.
<br /> V-.y emoums drsbursed by Ler S- under thia pem€raph ] shxll become additional deSl of Bortower securM ty [his
<br /> Seuv'i� :i u ent. �il �: Burenvcr. '� L•nder agae m o;l+.e� �emic of paymeni, �i�ese amoun�s shall bea� ime�esl from �he
<br /> date of dlsbursement ut the Nom rsic__J shall be paYable, wi�i in�ere�st, upm noUce &om tcvder to �or.ower requesVng
<br /> paymcni.
<br /> 6. REorIP,�Re hurzauce. If Ler,de� i -.fred mueg ye c=urance as a c�ndition of mak'ng Pie loan sumN by this Securip-
<br />� I -rm c I 90 c. 1�I pv- the � rcr . rcyulred m mamt�in Ihe mo th�ge '�suran e n effect. [C tnr any reason �he
<br /> i �t i� i � �o� r equ d I� Le Ie Iap,es e cwsc t>6c n ef(c Gormwe sh II N� he p�emiums reym�l m
<br /> '��;i i c : b_t .- II � c� - Ncat t h� mnngose ��vran a previoush 'n effecl n� a c st .uhs�enl ally cqurvalen� :o Ihc
<br /> dd � 1 e f tl c art Se m.ur�nee previcusly n efC et 1 om � 'It r te i rtga6c ' .urer apprmcd b� Lender I!
<br />� : h:t � � � - g�Pc- .i r ince c� �erapc ie'�oi � i I.hl 6'� .1 oil peY f l eni r e�mh mun�h � s�m iyi �I �n
<br /> �u-t It.i .C ihc �pi I v.ottgu¢c insunnee premium b e pa�d b� 6o o w6�n �!ie vu aanc cwcra¢ Ivpsed m ceasd m
<br />� ba 1.� C*ct. I.�ndcr w'�I 2 iept, use anJ � w:�.Oiese n.ry ent rc �lo.ct reserve in Iieu oC mor�r�ge i:: an •. L�se m.ierve
<br /> Fo�m 3010 9i90
<br /> j
<br />�
<br /> t�
<br /> � ,,
<br /> J ,,
<br />