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. .. .4.�,�, .. <br /> .� y�. , �� ;L� � ''�' 1' .ji' + �'.�?,j .•�15�=.�-'�;,�,y"'' �t �c. ..•Lw �2': <br />_li!�'� �v `1�d.�.� i'I:�f1' ��"CLf�I� . �l�i„ �r _ .._._.. <br /> ,. <br />�--- - ——---— -,. __.;�. .. . ' . . a - <br /> ..i�7'P.SIT:fl7 . 1 /� __� ' .._• .:^` <br /> ',ui �+--�. <br /> �y•`,�:i,�r".��;�,,;.��._ �.�.�...,- . ` .�- <br /> `� � � `�"�vi.. i.���' ."�x4,,�' -_ <br /> , y it" � • -- _ . <br /> ,I � <br /> . _._... , 92-- 305989 - <br /> • ADJUSTABLE RATE R1DER � <br />° . � U Yar Traaury Index•Wte Gps) <br /> , THISADJUSTABLBRAT@RIDERhmadelhi� ��t d�yoP July �19 92 . <br />- ' . �nd is Incorpo�atal into�nd�hall bo doemed to amend and�upplement the Mon�ye� Decd of Trust,or Secu�ity Deed (lhe •'SocudtY <br /> u <br />" ' �r-•" Innrument")of the�ame daNa tiven by the undenlanod(lhe"Barrowa")ta teCUro Bottower's Adjust�bie Wte Noto(the•'Nde'y to MOMg <br /> °. ..�x":.:�`�;•�"' �C�R!L SAVI�108�LOAN A8SOCIATION OF GRANO ISLAND.NESRABKA(the •'I.ende►•')oi the wne date usd covaint�he <br />_ ` ','., property daaibed in the Secwity Inctrummt md bptad�t: <br />-- b�� . . <br /> `"���"��'`�� 2104 Barbara Ave., Grand Island, NE 68903 � -�- <br /> ....�-..--;., <br /> (Property Addrea) <br /> - ..�„�_.e'.:`.��'.r.�' „�. <br /> �,�"+.,", '> TW wte co�Ul� yrovWoa��Ilowl� ta c��a I� wy I�knst nit ud oy wwlYir <br /> -tF'b�cL���a:✓�- � p�y�la.TMis�olt dw Ilrlu IMe awor�l�y I�IenN rN�ea�ciup N u�o�e IIM IiM <br /> �"�";yj�;«-�,.� �!w IM�w�M IM�ul�o nte 1�ul psy. <br /> �.,:.s. _.:r�'�.� <br /> — .--eY==._,. -..�y�� ADDITtONAL COVBNANTS. ta addition a the covenanu aad a��aanena aa�de in�be SecudtY lrutcua►eat�Borrower and I�nd�r --- <br /> ��y� ��..Y-'.�+ �UtihltCOVl11�III WId�at�OIIOWii <br /> �'�'_•:_.''yT:r...r <br /> �;,r i;;'� }�• �„� A. INTER�bT RATE AND MONTHLY PAYII�EI�T CHAN(iE8 <br /> �r,,. ,x 71ie Note provida ior an ini�l in�erat rate oP ts•� �,Sectfon 4 of the Note providea for�.hanQes fa tia iatercat nu u�d tbe <br /> �.'��;.::;,:r. . � <br /> ��•� - monthly paymenb,as follows; <br /> ��• , <br /> _—�� !..F,:}.a�.. <br /> — , ` u � 1. IN7�REST RAT£AND MONTHLY PA YMENT CHAN06S - - <br /> ' •,"��.� .� U) CbsN�e I�la <br /> -- �� `�'•''� '� �' TheinlerestratclwillpaymaychunQeonthefirstdeyof AugUSt ��993 ,�do��IMtdysrery <br /> = t1+• �- <br /> — �" ��� tW@ 1 Ve monQu thereaFter.Each dateon whlch my interest rate could chanae 1�calkd A"ChanQe D�te." - <br /> � . , { . (Y) 7'Me I�des <br /> ��I ; u..�.�. .�'�- <br /> , Be�nnina with Ihe first ChnnYC 1)aie,roy ioierc�t ra�c will be based on an Indez.The"Indeu"is the weekly sveraQe yicW on United Suta <br /> =- �•�::�" Trwsury saurltia adjuated lo a constant maturlty of I ywr,as made available by the Federal Reserve Board.'fhe maat�ecent�ndGC ti{ure <br /> '�� , ��:i��ti�.. available w of thedate�S days bcfore each Chunge[htc is called the"Current Index." <br />-__` . . ,_� If the Index is no IonQa avallable,�ho Nole HoMer wfU choose a new fndex whkh b b�ued upon comparAble infora►adon. 7Ua Nete =_�. <br /> �, , � " Holderwill�ivem¢noticeotthis chofce. <br /> : � �:,.�-,- .}�,,., cc► c�u.uoporcw�.�p <br /> �- -.t &fore exch Chan4e D�te,the Note Hdder wiA caicuiate my new inieresl raie by rd�iin� thrQB �4 Qne-ha].f �� <br /> '� � " ,• •• pofnts( '�-S A �h)�o the Current Inda and rounding to the nearat 1/8th of 1�1i,:ubject to the Iimita ctated in Sectlon 4(D)bdow. — <br />-�T� ° � This rounded amount wlll be my new intarat rate unql the next Change Date. <br />_�; ' �. ..��, The Note Holder wfll then dctermine the amount of the monthly payment Ilwt would be sufiicknt to repay in full the princ�al l un <br />„�,'� • acpected to owe on thal Chanae Da�e in subs�anHally equal paymenu by the mowdty date at my aew intcrect rnta The rault of thb c�leul�don <br /> ;;� , • wUl be the new amaunt of my monthly payment. _ <br /> . � <br /> , A . • �L.�� Iy� IJm1�onlntera111�teC6�eQa _: <br /> ' • �� " T� Interesl ratc I am requfred Io pay a1 thc first Change DAte will not be greaur than 10.0 qi2 r�ess ihan — <br /> , � •a�-.�, 6•� 70.Thercafier,my interest rute will never be increased or decreased on any slnpleChange Date by morc than •�� �� <br /> -��,�s+e�• . • from the rate of inura[1 heve been paying for�he preceding twelve mon�hs.The minimum imerest rate on this loan wfll never be <br /> E±`,,-' <br /> ���' ���_�,_0 9��nd the maxfmum interest rate wlll never be Qrea�er than 1 3.0 9�, - <br /> -� ' ��µL .. —. <br /> � � IEl Eftective D�le of CbAases �°. <br /> :'�. �". �i � --- <br /> :,,:� aF:•� � : , My new interest rate wfll become efkctive on ach Change Date.l will pay the amount of my new•monlhly payment beQinnina on the(r3t -"" <br /> —• . , '�- monthly payment date aRer�hc Chan�e Date unUl the amount oi my monthly paymem chanaes a�in. �"'' <br /> ~r�' �••�- � IF1 NoticeofChr�a <br /> -h, ';s: . <br /> .. The Note Holder wfll mdl or deliver to me a notice bcfore each Chan�e Date.The notice wUl�dvise me of: ' <br />'�� (i) Ihe new interest rote on my loan as of the Change Date: <br /> n _�- <br /> „�+�"'"• . (ip Ihe amount of my monthly paymem following the Chnnge Date: � <br /> - � - (iii) any additional motters which the Note Holder fs required to disclosr,and r""_ <br />�_' ,•;;�y' (iv) the addrcssof the associatfon you could mntact«Qardin�eny quations ebout the edjustment notice. � <br /> .'k�� . �: <br /> �„ , • _ B. CHARGES;LIEN5 -- <br /> � ' Uniform Covenant 4 of the Seeuri�y Instrument is amended to read as follows: <br /> � 1. CY�rRer;Litro.Borrowa shall pay all taxes,asussments,and other charges,fines,and imposl�ions nuributabk to the Propeny whi�ti may �. <br /> ottnin o prlority over this Security Instrument,and Itasehold p�yments of ground rents,if any,in the manner provided under parugraph 2 hereof ' - <br /> � or,if not{�Id in such man ner,by Borrower making payment,when due,directly to the payee thereof.Honower shall promptly furnish Lender . <br /> � � all notices of amoun�s due under�his paragraph,and in the e�enl Borrox�cr chall makc payment diraUy,Burrower shall promptly furnlsh to ` <br />_ � .f Lender receipts evidencing such payments. Borrower sliall promptly dis�harge eny lien which has priority over this Securily Inslrument; k <br /> however, Borrower chall not bc required to discharge any wch Hrn w Iong ns&�rrower: (a)shall agree in writing to the paymmt ot the H <br /> �, obligotion ucured by sueh Ikn in�he manner acceptoble to I.ender;lb►�hall in good 1'aith conte�t such Ilen by,or defend against enforcement of ti <br /> sueh Ilen in,legal proceedings w�hich in d�r opinion of Lcndrr onrate�a preven�the enforcemem of the lien or forfei�ure of the Pro�+erry or uny <br /> • � �- ^ part�hereof;or(r)shall tctiure from 1hc holder af wch Gen an agreement in a furm satisfactory Io l.ender subordlnating such Ilen to lhis <br />� a • Secudty Instrumrn�. � <br /> If Lender determines ihat :�II ur um pan ��f ihr Pru�xny i�.ubjr��to a licn u•hich may ni�ain a pricxity o��er this Security Instroment, , <br /> ' _e.l_ �.t� .e...��..M.. t. <br /> � , .. <br />—_....-_ _ . . .. . _ . .. . . � "'"_"' ' ' ' <br /> �- ---t----� --- -----�— l.maer snm�g�ve norrow•cr a nuucc wcmii7�nK w�ii iiai, iiu • •• ..• ��.,. .��.,��... ..�......,..�.,....,......... � <br /> �- - , • nvwci m�ru.MUi�y au�i�i�ci Li i:.f v . . <br /> . � .. � within ten days of the glving of t hc noticc. € <br /> l <br /> • C. NOTICF. � <br /> � Unifarm Covenem 14 of thcSccurit}•Inarumcnt is�menJec3�o read us followc: � <br /> 1: 14. NoUn.�xcept Cor any nutice reyuirn!under applieable law tu Ix Qiven in�nuther manner,l01 any nu►ice w BurroNCr pmvided lur m�his <br /> , .. Securlly Instrument shall lx given by delivering il or by moEling fl by first tlass mail to Burrower ol lhe{'ruperty Addre�s ur al such ot her address <br /> , as Barcower may designote by nutf�r to Lender a,provkleai herem,anJ IM)any notice to Lender shall lk given by fint cluti mail to LenJer's <br /> �� .� � oddras sl�tcd hercin or to such other nddrns as l emicr muy Jnigna�e by noti�Y to&�rrower as provided herein.Any no�ice provided for in thie <br /> � " Secudty Instrument shull bedeemed to have becn Qireo�o iiorrower or Lender when given in the manner desi4ealed hetein. <br /> „�t <br /> . ' " ; <br /> I � <br /> , <br />