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<br /> 17.Traacter of the Properly or a Beneflcipl Interest In Borrower.lf ull�►r any pun of�hc Pmpeny or any Interest in it
<br /> ^'-��� is sold or transfctrcd(or if a beneticial interest in&xrowcr is i+cild ur trunsferral and &�rrowe�fx not n nutural pensan►withaut
<br /> "'� Lender's prior written cansent, l,cnder muy, ut itw option, require immediwe payment in full �f all xuma n�xured by Ihla
<br /> ,;� Security Irwtrument. However.thi�optian sfWll not be exercisai by Lender if exercise ir prohibi�ed by i'alerollYw Ar of th�d�te
<br /> of this Socuriry Instrument.
<br /> - ----�`. If Lender eaerclses this optian, L.ender shull give Borrower notice of Accelerution.The nutice xhall pravide a perfod�f not
<br /> ,;';i� less than 30 dnys fram the datc the natice is Jclivercd or mailed within which &�rr�►wer must puy atl sums �ured by�hia
<br /> = Secu�ity Insln�ment. li Bortower fmils ta pay these sums priar to�he expirution��f this perial. Leiuier muy invnke any remedicsti
<br /> ` , • ° pertnitted by this Security Instrument withaut funher natice ar demand on Borrowcr.
<br /> •� - 18, Borruwer's Itight ta Rebutate. If Burrawer meets certain conJiti��ns, R��rrower hhull hevr the right to have
<br /> _� „, ,' enforcement of thia Securiry lnstrument discontinued ut uny time pdor to the curlfer of: (�) 3 dnys (o�auch other pericxl as �
<br /> npplicable law may specify for reinstatement) befare sale ��f the Propeny pursuant to uny powcr of snle contuined in this
<br /> Securlty Inatn��nent:or(b)entry oP a judgment enfi�rcing this Security Instniment. Those canditions are that Barcuwer:(u)pays
<br /> i� i-.�� ` L,ender all sums which then would he due under this Securlty Instrument and the N�te as if no acceleration hud accurred;(b)
<br /> ����� � cures any defaull of uny other cavennnts or agreementx; Ic1 pAys all expenses incuRC�l in enfurcing this Security Instrurnent,
<br /> �� �,+ � including, but not limited to, reasonable uttorneys' fecs;and(d)tukes such action us Lender muy reusonably requirc to assure _
<br /> ::';::� .
<br /> —�_�,;�;� thal the lien of this Security Instrumcnt, Lcnder's rights in the Propeny und Borrower's obliAalion to puy the sumc s�xured by �,_
<br /> - -rn-� this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstutement by BoROwcr, this Security Instrument und the
<br /> __ �°!z, �A� obligations secured hercby shall rcmain fully effective us if no accelerution hoJ uccuned. However, thix right to reinstate shall _
<br /> � not apply in the case of acceleintion under pAt�ugroph 17.
<br /> --�7�r 19. Sale of Note; ChanBe ot Iwwn Servicer. The Note or u purtiul interest in thc Nae (together with this Secerily _
<br /> �����•' � InstrumenU may be sold one or more times without prinr notice to Burrower. A sale muy result in a chunge in the entity(known
<br /> w��r•,;•: .
<br /> as the"Laan Servicer)that collects monthly payments due under the Note a�d this Secunty Instrument.There ulso may be one
<br /> � � or more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a sule of'the Note.If there is a cbange of the l.oun Servicer,Borrower will 6e
<br /> `�:�,-��u''"'.�F;, �iven written nodce of the change in accordanre with puru�rupl� 14 above and applicable law.The natice wilt state the numcand �_---
<br /> ``:,,-. y�� � " � Address of the new Laan Servicer und the address to which payments should be mude. The notice will also conwin any aher �
<br /> �.:;,:.,�
<br /> �•? r information required by applicable law. _
<br /> � t . . . ;+.N
<br />-- '•f: 20. Hazardous Subslances. Borrower shall a��t cuusc or permit the presence, u+c. diaposul. �toragc, or release u any
<br /> �"'' � `� n ��� Hazurdaus Substatues an or in the Property. Borrawer shall not da. nor allow unyonc else ta do, unything uffecting the _
<br /> --�; � ,: . � Propeny that is in violntion of any Environmentul I.s�w. The preceding two untences shall nat�pply to the pre.sence, use, or �__
<br /> .�,. ' storage on the 1'roperty of small q��antities of Huzurdous Subctsinces that nre generally recogniuJ to be uppropriute to nomwl
<br />- `• �4 .;';,;.•,
<br /> !'>�. residential uses su�d to maintenance of the Pn�perty.
<br /> _, �� �' ,� . .. � Borrawer shull promptly give [.ender wrltten notice uf uny investigation,cluim. demunJ, lawsuit or uther action by any
<br /> ����•,q. • �` • governmentul or regulatory Agency or private pany involving the Prciperty and any Hazurdous Substunce or Environmentnl l.uw �
<br /> — � _',� ; = of which Borcower has uctual knowlodge. If Borrowcr Icarnr�, or is notified by uny governmcntul ar regulutory nuthority,that �,.
<br /> �� t�ny removal or other rcmediation oP any Huuudous Substarnc offecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shull prampdy take
<br /> �,,F,;; -,�;y__ all necessary remedial nctions in accordnnce with Bnvironmental law. --
<br /> -.. _. "_; �` --- - - As used in�his paragrnph 20. °Hazaniou. Sub.tuin:n," n�e t1�u.c nub.ian�:eti Jziin� as toxic or hazz„rrdous sub3tancrs by
<br /> � Env��.mmentnl l.aw nnd the following tiubstanres: gu�oline, ker��sene, other tlammnble or tnxic petroleum prociucts, toxic
<br /> �� �z � pesticidcs and herbicides, volutilc solvents, muteriul.ci�mainin�u+besa��or formulQehyde, and radiuuctive mAlcrials. AS uticd in
<br /> � !4,'�, .. this pa�grAph 20, "Enviranmentul Law" mcun� fcdrral laws and luws af the juriuiiction where the Property ib lacated Ihat _
<br /> relate to heulth.�ufet ur environmentul pmtec�ion.
<br /> su y
<br />_� �. ' • • 'a NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Burrow�r und Lcndcr funhcr cuvrnunt unJ ugrcc us follows: —�
<br />- }� Zl.Accclerwtion;Remedies. l,ender shall Aive nutice to Bormwer prior to accelerutlon following�orrower's breach
<br /> ��.� of any covenant ur ugreement in this SecuritS• Instrument lbut nM prlor to acccleration under paragraph 17 unless
<br />• �;;,,,;,�,,, . ;�, appUcable luw pravtd� othenvi.r•c).7'he nuNce shull SpeciPy: (ul the defuult; Ib) the action required to cure tt�e default; =Y
<br /> (c)a date. not leti.4 then 3Q duys from the dutc the noticc is Riven lo Borrowcr,by whlch thc default must be cured;und
<br />'A,, �, (d) that Pailurr to curc thc dcfaull on or before thc date specfficd in thc noticc may result in ucceleraUon of the sums ���
<br /> -, ° ,,,,,,��., ." . secured by Ihis Securlty Instrument und wlc oP thc Property.The notice,hall furlher inPorm Borrower oP the rl�ht lo
<br /> - ' , reinstate afler acceleruUon and thc riuht to brin� u court uclion to ustiert the non-existence oP e default or any ather �_
<br />_ " ,�,..,_ dePense of Borru�ver to uccelerution und +ale. If the default I� not cured on or F►ePore the date specified in the natice,
<br /> �-- �,..._,;, Ixnder.at Its option,may reyuire immcdiutc payment in f'ull oP ull sums s�YUred b�•this Security Instrument without �.t-
<br /> • • y�,,.�,�,. � further demend and may Invokc thc po���er of sulc and any other remedics permittcd bv applicable Iaw. I.ender shrall be �''
<br /> �� ��� entitled to coflect s�ll expenses incurred in pursuin�Ihe remedies prnvided in this paraRreph 21.includln�,but not lirnited '-.W
<br /> '— '`� �t� to,reasons�ble attarneys'feev and custs oP Ntle evidence. —
<br /> �� �r:���+•= � If thepo wer oi sulc is invokcd. Trustce shall recurd a nodce oP dciuuN in cuch county in which any part of t6e _
<br /> - - °r'���` . Pn�perty is located and shull mail rupi��c uP zurh nntice in the manner pn�+cribed b�• upplicable lae�to Borro�+•er und to —
<br /> �''��� the other perwmv prescrilxd by upplicnMc In��•.After the timc reyuir�d b�upplkuble luµ�. Trust�r.hall Rive publfc nuticr ---
<br />— ,. �,;.,;,�� . ��"� oP sule to the perwns and in the munner pnwcribcd b�� upplicuble lu�r. TrutitcY. ��•lthout dunund on BarrnK•er.shall sell
<br /> L • the Property nt public uucti��n to the hiuhest bidder ut tBe time und ploce und undrr the terms desiunated in the nMim of �.
<br /> ::'�� N-' sale in unr ur marc parcclx und in um�ordcr Trustcc detcrminE�.Trust�r mu� pust�mc �ule of vll or uny purccl uf the ��-
<br /> ^� �R I►ro rt b ublic unnouncemcnt ut thc timc i�nd plucc of um prc�•iuwl} tichcdulcd +ulc. I.cndcr or its d�wign�r muy
<br /> ,;.,, . . pe Y Y p �:- .:
<br /> - � . <. - 1. ' purchuse tNe Property ut uny wlc. �
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