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<br /> S. Hs�rd or Property Insurt�ncc. Borrower ahall keep the impravements now eaiating or hereafter erectal on the
<br /> ;: Property insurul uguinst inss hy �rc, h+u.orJ� inrludcd within ihc tcrm "extended covcrugc" and any other halards, including
<br /> flocxlx ar fla�ding, for which I.ciulcr rcyuirc+ in.urancc. Thi.intiuruncc s�hall bc muintaincd in the wnounts nnd for the perioda
<br /> .�.;� that l.ender rci�uircti. Thc in+uranrc�urricr pr��viding the in�urunce.hull Ix choscn hy Borrower.rubject ta L.cnJer's appraval
<br /> which shull not lx unreaMmably wilhbclJ. II Hurruwer fuil,tu inaintuin coveruge Jescribed above,l.ender muy, at Lemler's
<br /> optiun,ubwin c�rvcrugc�a pro�cct l.cndcr's right�in�hc Pro�ny in ucc��rdance wuh puraginph 7.
<br /> •�� All inwrunce pnlicies und renewuls tihull hc succptublc to l.encler and �hull includc a stundard mortgage cluuse. Lcnder
<br /> . t ive to Lender all recei tR of
<br /> rcn
<br /> ewuls. IF l.ender re uirea,&�rrower shall pramp ly s p
<br /> � n d thc licie.r'nnd 9
<br /> shnU havc thc righ� a h I p�
<br /> -~--��`a:��i; puid premiums and renewul notices. !n thc event of loss. Borrower ahaH give prumpt notice tu the insuruncc rsuricr:uui l.ender. �---
<br /> x. � ---
<br /> :�':.�.:.�!° Lender muy make prooP of loss if not made pramptly by Borrower.
<br /> ° �� Unless Lcnder und Barrower othenvise agrcc in writing,in�urance prcxeeds shall be applied w restoration or repair nf Ihe
<br /> � , Property dnnwged, if�he restorAiion ur repair is economically feu.�ible and I.ender's security is not Ies+eneJ. If the restorutian or
<br /> �` rcpair is not economically fcaxible ar l.cndcr's uxurfty wauld be lessened. the insurancc praceeds shull be uppliexl ta the sums r
<br /> �"`'� secured b this Securit Instrument, whethcr or n�N Ihen due, with uny excess paid ta &►rrower. If Borrower ubanJons the
<br /> ��._:� :_,'�„� Y Y _
<br /> �ii�:�•_�;,�;; �• Property,or doc.s not unswer within 3U duys u nntice from Lencier that�I�e i��surunce cairier has offcred to settle a claim. then __
<br /> a'�t � "'' ,�;, • Lender may collect the insurance pmcceds. I.ender m:�y use the proceecis to rcpair ur restare the Property ur to pny sums
<br /> '.��—'"���� eecured by this Securlty Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-duy period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> '"�`"'"``�''"�� Unless L.ender and Borrower othenvir,ee ugrce in writing, nny application of prcxeads to principal shall not extend or _.
<br /> ��,.twi��t.
<br /> ,,, �•�" 'l"' postpoae the due datc of the monthly payments referred to in psuagraph�s I und 2 or change the tunaunt af the puyments. if
<br /> �°���� under paragreph 21 the Propeny ia acquired by Lender, Bonawer's right to any insurnnce policics and proceeds resulting from �,
<br /> ''�"-'•--�=�°�°-�. '' damage t�the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass ta[.ender to the ex�ent of the suma secured by this Scxurity Instrument
<br /> -_— ' ' .. :; immediately prior to the acquisilion. �_
<br /> �?`�: ��` �`��" 6.Occupancy, Preservotion,Mwintenance and Prdectlon of the Praperty: Borrawer's Loan Appllcation;I.e�seholds. �.
<br /> ..:�:7J:.:,::�.. ..-i�en' �.—
<br /> " = � �1'. Bormwer sholl occupy,establish,and u5c the Property us Barrower's principul rc,iJe:nce within sixty day,ufter thc cxe�:utiou uf �„
<br /> _�� �,.
<br /> ,� '; }.,,�,;`�,�� this Secu�ity Instrument und shall continue to�xcupy the Property us Bc►rcower's principal residence for at leust one yenr aRer __
<br /> R"�-;'` . •�� ` the date of'occupuncy,unless Lender otherwise ugrces in wri�ing,which cunsent shall not be unreasonably withheld, or unless
<br /> -- , "` �. • `''`��a;� extenuating circumstnnces exist which sue beyond Borrower's cantrol. Borrower shail not destroy. dwnage or impair the —..
<br /> u'�� �.�,..;,.., ". � . � Propcny, ullow the Praperty �o detcriorate, or commit wuste on�he Property. Borrowcr shall be in default if s►ny forfeiwre
<br /> .— , , •;• , nction or proceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in I.ender's good faith judgment could reault in forfeiture of the �j�
<br /> "„�; Property or otherwise mAterially impuir the lien crented by this Security Instn�ment or Lender's securiry interest. Horrower may __
<br /> 4, �,, �� �,i, cure such a default and reinswte,us proviJecl in purugraph 18,by cnusing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with u niling --
<br /> —��•.t.-��.�:�_�_� that, in Lender's�aad fuith determination, precludes forfcsiwre of thc Borrower's interest in the Pmpeny or other material
<br /> _� � . '•''��� impuirment of the lien creuted by this Security Instrument or L.ender's tiecurity interest. Horrower shall aiso t+e in de Fau it i i -
<br /> �� r:�
<br /> —,_ �,�_ ;;., Borrower, during the loan applicutian procc.s,guve nwterially f�lse or inuccurate infornwtion ar ti�utements to I.ender�or i'nilod
<br /> :�; .^%;��, - to provide I.ender with any matcriul infortnutiiml in connectian with the loan evidenced by�he Note,including,but not lirnited —
<br /> _ �} >` •,�; to, repre�;entntions concerning&�rrower's occupancy of the Properly us a principul residence. If this Securiry Instrument is on a
<br /> �es�,.�: • � leasehold, Botrower shall comply with ull the provisions of the leu+e. If Borrower acquires fee litle to the Propeny, the
<br /> - � �,;;; leasehnld and the fee title rhull not mergc unlcss lweixier agrces to thc mcrgcr in writing.
<br /> - -;�•�•�-.-�. � �� '• : 7.Protection of Lender'4 Rf{{hts in thc Property.If Borrowcr fuils to pertorm thc covenunts �nd ngrecmenls contnined in --
<br /> � • this Security Instrurnent, or there i�u Iegal prcxceding thnt may signiticandy uffect L.ender's rights in the Property I�uch us a
<br /> �::�� " , '�%�°.,� prcxeoding in bankruptcy, proi+�te, ti�r condemnution or Cnrfei�ure or tn cnforce luw.or regulation�),then Lender muy do and _
<br /> _�� ,,.,,.. . pay for whatever iti nerezwry to protect Ih� vulue of the Pmperty and LenJcr's rightti in�he Pruperty. l.ender's nctions muy yry
<br /> ,� • include paying any sums ,cwred by u lien which hati priorit�� uver this Security Instrument, appe•rring in cuurt, paying
<br /> - ��� reusonuble uttome x'fee,and cntcring on the Propeny to mukc rep•rir..Although L.cnder may take�ction under this patugraph �V
<br />:�.. � Y — .
<br /> ' "•"' 7, l.e n d e r d ce s n o t h a v e t o J o s o.
<br />��.� � ,',* �"�+�`" ` Any amounts disbursed by Lendcr undcr thi� p�rugr•rph 7 tihull b��:ome udditiunul debt nf&�rrower xcur��i by this � �
<br /> �-s ��'�:;.: ' _:.,_
<br /> --_ � • Security Instrument. Unless Borrawcr anJ l.endcr ugrc�lu uthcr Icnnti nt'paynunt. �he�c umuum� sh�ll bear intcrest from the ---.
<br /> '" � �'" � date of'disburscment at the Note �tc su�d +hall be paynble,with intercst, upun notice f'mm Lender to Borrower reyues�ing �
<br /> :.�: . —
<br />�� .. � paymcnt. P
<br /> - • �� S.MortRage Insurance. If Lc►Kier requin�l nwngage intiuranrr u+•r condi�iun�il'makin� thr luan secured hy this Security �
<br /> � � Instrument, Borrowcr tihall puy thc premium� rcyuirc�i tu maintuin thr immguge in.urancc in eff'ect. If. for any reu+i�n, the
<br /> �� „:,•• mongage insurance coveruge reyuired hy L.enJer lapse�nr ceaties a► he in cl'fect. H��rrowrr.hall pay thr premiums reyuired to �-
<br /> ' � ,'.•:,s obtain coveruge suhs�untiully cyuivalent ta the mi►rtgugc m+urance prrvi��u+ly in�ffec�, a� •r r��sl +uh,tuntiully eyuivulcnt to the =-_
<br /> `°'' �� ' cost to Borrowcr�if Ihe mungage inxuranre previously in ef(cct, frum an altrrnalc mon�agr in�urer approv�Ki by Lcndcr. ff '�
<br /> _ , "•..� ' substantiully equivalent mi�rtgage in�urance c��v�ra�e is nut avai lahlc. BurraH•rr�hall pay 1�� l.cnJcr earh munth a sum equul to
<br /> ,� ,.• �� • �i�l hv Burr��u•rr w hrn t hr in+ur:ukc ca�•rro e la sc d ur rcusc J t o �.
<br />-! � .,::. one-twclfth�►t'the yearly mortb,��.� in,uranre pr�in�um hun�pa . !� P �t
<br />_} . ,� . be in ci'1'ect.lxnder will accept.u,c and retain thc+c p�)n►c�n+a� a lu,ti re�cn•c in licu ut' m��ng:i�r inwranrr. Lotis rc�erve ,
<br /> Form 3028 9180
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